An Open Letter To: Citizens of the United States

Feb 6, 2011

There's more but I can't embed it all. 
Is this real? Anon isn't ready to take on the government. They're great... but not that great.
Is this real? Anon isn't ready to take on the government. They're great... but not that great.
They complain about the supposed damage of free trade and than go on to cite the Founders. That is a major contradiction because America is, in theory, supposed to be classically liberally country that allows its citizens to trade with the world, without being taxed to do so (which is exactly what quotas, tariffs and other import restrictions are). This letter must be from either some group of xenophobes, economic illiterates or opponents of beneficiaries of protectionism, who are free riding off of the electorate's new found interest in limited government and constitutionality.
They complain about the supposed damage of free trade and than go on to cite the Founders. That is a major contradiction because America is, in theory, supposed to be classically liberally country that allows its citizens to trade with the world, without being taxed to do so (which is exactly what quotas, tariffs and other import restrictions are). This letter must be from either some group of xenophobes, economic illiterates or opponents of beneficiaries of protectionism, who are free riding off of the electorate's new found interest in limited government and constitutionality.
Originally Posted by buggz05

I've been calling this for the last 2 months.

Wouldnt doubt it. I know you stay up on stuff. I'm following this.. I'd love to see where it goes.
Originally Posted by bruce negro

Is this real? Anon isn't ready to take on the government. They're great... but not that great.
Governments get hacked EVERY DAY. EVERY MINUTE.
Originally Posted by buggz05

I've been calling this for the last 2 months.

Wouldnt doubt it. I know you stay up on stuff. I'm following this.. I'd love to see where it goes.
Originally Posted by bruce negro

Is this real? Anon isn't ready to take on the government. They're great... but not that great.
Governments get hacked EVERY DAY. EVERY MINUTE.
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