All my gym heads, how much are you spending on groceries a week? vol Budgeting

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

as far as veggies...what do you guys usually eat? and are frozen veggies no good? i feel like ive heard frozen veggies lose much of their nutrition
Raw veggies are the best for you.


I usually just steam some broccoli when I want veggies. Also the water that those cooked veggie produce, I always drink afterward.
thanks. that's interesting about drinking the water afterward.
I never waste any juice my food produces. If I bake chicken, I often time use that broth as a base for soups and/or beans. The same for veggies. I either drink it or use it as a base.
Originally Posted by 23legacy45

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by Meangene4

Mez 0ne wrote:
Whole 2x per month. I get organic stuff whenever possible but some items you don't need to go that route:

Organic Fruits (anything with thin skin) such as grapes, apples, pears, blueberries etc. A lot of the overseas fruits have high amounts of pesticides so thin layered fruits are hit the worst, I also frequent the farmers market. Any fruit/veggie with thick layering of skin doesn't need to be organic.

Organic peanut butter, organic blue berry spread, cold cuts such as honey ham, honey turkey, and swiss cheese, organic oatmeal, organic cereals, TUNA (only in bags, cans are terrible for you), chicken breast, fresh coffee beans, organic spinach, organic milk (sometimes rice milk), etc

A little less than 200$ month, usually $150.

Saves a lot of money since I leave a lot of food at my job since there is a fridge, beats paying for $10 lunches in midtown.
Whats wrong with the cans?

Just the Mercury levels and such, not a good thing
Maaaaaan, I was looking forward to a nice tuna sandwich on a bagel

????   Mercury comes from the fish, not from the cans.    
dudes are crazy wit 20-40 a week im spendin 80-100. Shopping list: chicken, eggs, bread, milk, OJ, greek yogurt, granola bars, oatmeal. other stuff too i cant think of
Money87 wrote:
dudes are crazy wit 20-40 a week im spendin 80-100. Shopping list: chicken, eggs, bread, milk, OJ, greek yogurt, granola bars, oatmeal. other stuff too i cant think of
We are crazy because we know how to spend less and get the same things? Why are we crazy?
The amount of food is not measured by how much you spend. 50$ can go a long way if you know how to shop. Look at "coupon lady"
Can some of ya'll list a typical routine of what type of meals you eat daily? And whatever shakes/supplements you take as well?
Example of what I guess I usually eat.

7:30 - 3 Boiled Eggs or whatever I decide to eat in the AM. I eat eggs no more than every other day.
10 - Piece of Fruit
12:30 - Oatmeal (Hour before I workout)
Workout - 2
3 - Lunch/Post Game Meal - Whatever I brought. Tuna Sandwich, TUrkey Sandwich, Beans. Depends on what I bring to work with me
6 - Snack. PB Sandwich or fruit
7 - Dinner (This will vary)
830am - drink some water and run...2.5-3 miles
930am - oatmeal, honey, banana
1200am - turkey sandwich or tuna sandwich
230pm - fruit or celery
5pm - snack. nuts/fruit/half pb sandwich
730pm - dinner. grilled chicken, fish, etc...varies. add in some brocoli or green beans or something.
water throughout the day
Some of you guys spend too much, we're in a recession.
I can go to costco and spend $60 and have enough food for a week and a half.

But I don't eat 8-10 meals a day like you guys.  I eat probably 4-5 medium sized meals a day.  Sometimes less.
8:00 am- oatmeal, with milk and honey+cinnamon and a glass of water.
10:00am- banana
12:00pm- 3 egg whites, 1 egg whole with spinach,glass of water.
2:00pm- creatine with a pear/banana
Lift 2:40 till 3:40-4
4:00pm-protein shake
Run 1mile warm up, then a hiit session
6:00pm- 2 whole wheat bread with peanutbutter and tuna/chicken
8:00pm- a little boal of oatmeal with milk

Lift 6 days a week, run hiit 5days and regularly run 7days a week, it's been working for me. 20 Pounds lost, a lot of definition. Now i just need something for these damn stretch marks.
Originally Posted by shogun

Some of you guys spend too much, we're in a recession.
I can go to costco and spend $60 and have enough food for a week and a half.

But I don't eat 8-10 meals a day like you guys.  I eat probably 4-5 medium sized meals a day.  Sometimes less.
Man a bag of chicken breasts lasts me a month+. I don't eat that EVERY DAY like some. So I won't run out in 2 weeks. I have options in my fridge.

I really can't comprehend how you all are spending that much $ and I am not seeing that you are eating that much more than me either. So where is all of that food going?
Damn you guy spending 40-60 a week it's like impossible. Fish and meat cost me around that. I get fresh tuna and salmon not that can stuff. The can/bag ones tastes pretty bad I don't know how people eat it. Usually grill or bake my fish. Also get halal chicken breast/whole baby chickens so usually cost a little more than what super markets charge. Other than that rest of the stuff is fairly cheap. Fruits I get from local markets run about $15 a week depending on what I get. Summer I spend more on fruits because they have lychee(it's seasonal and not available year round) and I usually get a 20-30 pound box that run 75-100 bucks. It lasts pretty long and is cheaper buying in bulk versus 4+ dollar a pound the charge. This thread has definitely made me realize I am spending way too much on food.
it also depends where you're shopping. can't really compare how much y'all spend cause y'all shop at different places.
Typical/ideal day

>Breakfast- 4 eggs and two pieces of wheat bread, glass of OJ and multivitamin
>Granola bar before the gym
>Protein shake afer the gym (i use IDS Smart Gainer)
> Lunch-turkey sandwich
>dinner- varies but usually large amount of chicken and pasta glass of milk
>before bed cottage cheese

OD water thoughout the day. And greek yogurt when i can fit it in
Spend $50 on 1 big bag of chicken breasts, 1 bag of tilapia, 2 big bags of mixed veggies, and still have enough room to cop 1 LB. ON protein powder that all last me 2-3 weeks.
Breakfast - Pasta/Spagetti either whole grain or whole something or organic ususally organic though, with some rice/beans and rice and chicken with water...takes some time to get used to.

Lunch - Garbanzobeans/chickpeas with onions tyme and chicken/lamb with water

go on a 4 hr fast before workout then 15 minutes before my workout I take 1/2 scoop of protein powder with water then go workout

post workout take 1 scoop protein with milk and 1 1/2 - 2 scoops of dextrose

hour later have a meal usually a organic russet baked potatoe some rice and some chicken

eat a bowl of cereal

before bed eat some broccoli with 4 eggs (1 whole, 3 whites)

I use a reverse diet which seems to work for me just fine where my meals taper off. Keep in mind this is for days I workout, for days I don't workout I sometimes skip breakfast or eat a bowl of cereal instead because of time constraints to get to class and less carbs during a day I don't workout along with no supplements.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

go on a 4 hr fast before workout


I have read that going on a slight fast before your workout helps you burn fat as the main energy source during your workout.  I like doing it because eating whole foods before a workout drains my energy I feel.  I take the 1/2 scoop of protein more to quell my stomach and also for muscle purposes.
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