Which "Persona" colorway is the best?

  • Johnny Kilroy (Silver/Black/Red)

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Motorboat Jones (Red/Black)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fontay Montana (White/Orange/Blue)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bentley Ellis (White/Maroon/Yellow)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slim Jenkins (Black/Blue)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Calvin Bailey (Royal Blue/Yellow)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yeap. Dressing the entire family with matching gear = overdone and tacky.
We all have opinions nothing wrong with that if thats what you believe. I don't see a problem with it but I don't go around watching what other people do or wear though.
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GR release is consider heat now?
This is exactly what's wrong with people. It's heat because I deem it's heat to me. I could careless what you or dude who agreed with thinks heat is. I worry about what I think not what someone tells me or wants me to think.
This is exactly what's wrong with people. It's heat because I deem it's heat to me. I could careless what you or dude who agreed with thinks heat is. I worry about what I think not what someone tells me or wants me to think.
who conditioned you to think this way?
Not really a big fan of 9's. Gonna pocket the money and look for something I really want. The do look real nice though. I just don't dig the whole boot look of the 9's. Might cop the cool greys though but I doubt it.
Not really a big fan of 9's. Gonna pocket the money and look for something I really want. The do look real nice though. I just don't dig the whole boot look of the 9's. Might cop the cool greys though but I doubt it.
They do have a bootish look to them. The Kilroy's are really nice IMO. I can't wait to have the Montana's in my hand next.
thats the only "problem" is you really wont be able to use it on limited releases. you have to go through ebates then search the site and make a purchase through that link.

see that kinda sucks because these days beside the kilroys every jb drop was a sell out. how i wish i had seen ur post on thursday i coulda gotten some money back of some bron elites i bought from jj :smh:
Maybe it's just me, but it really bugged me that the "killroy kicks butt" was on the side of the tongue instead of centered.
sometimes i wonder why someone is on the block list until they spew out more ignorance & i remember.... dudes in here in here making complete ***** of themselves with some of these statements.... prbly gonna add tuco too

nice PU CRH1979 dont let these fresh faced ******** deter you they will fade when no one bites at their trolling
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Isn't this NikeTalk? I would assumed you had enough sense to know I was referring to gym shoes when I used the term "high end". This is not a Ferragamo site. For a gym shoe Jordans are high end buddy. Name other high end GYM shoes? You must like dressing down then huh? I have plenty of friends with money who wear nike products. I guess everyone likes "dressing down".

It's 2012. Sig number Jordan was high end for gym shoes in the 80s but they're not consider high end anymore for today standard. In term of gym shoes. Lebron and other Nike elite basketball shoes is considered more high end shoes than some played out Jordan with outdated cushion and tech.

And yes wearing sneaker etc is consider dressing down. Dressing up mean you wear a $1000 suit, $300 designer italian shoes etc. I suppose you would the difference by now?

We all have opinions nothing wrong with that if thats what you believe. I don't see a problem with it but I don't go around watching what other people do or wear though.

YOu contradicting yourself. Didn't you said everyone are followers in one way or another? So if you say you don't go look what people wear etc then how would you know the trend?

This is exactly what's wrong with people. It's heat because I deem it's heat to me. I could careless what you or dude who agreed with thinks heat is. I worry about what I think not what someone tells me or wants me to think.

It's heat because you deem it's heat? LOL Heat mean very rare and exclusive stuff not GR stuff that everyone and their momma got on dude. GR is never consider heat. You also said "I worry about what I think not someone tell me or want me to think "

LOL contradiction. Here's what you wrote earlier to Budlong Taco

"Yea we all buy shoes because we allegedly like them but why do you like them? What conditioned you to like them? You had to be conditioned to like Jordans or Nike just like everyone else. You weren't born into this world knowing the difference between anything until someone told you there was a difference"

"I'm dead serious are you? Shoes fall into the social construct by default just like everything else. You grew being conditioned to buy what you buy just like everyone else. You're no different from anyone else or you wouldn't waste 175 on something as trivial as shoes. We both know breaking necks comes with the territory. If you buy high end shoes you will break necks by default. I never said YOU specifically by shoes to break necks. I said if that's what dude wants to do then more power to him. We all are being followers anyway. Your reasoning for buying the shoes is no better than his. Basically dude likes the attention while you just like trying to be like someone else.
Contradiction much? :rofl: So you said you don't listen to what other people say or tell you what to think but you would tell taco that we're all followers anyway? Contradiction dude

You're really making yourself look foolish here.
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It's 2012. Sig number Jordan was high end for gym shoes in the 80s but they're not consider high end anymore for today standard. In term of gym shoes. Lebron and other Nike elite basketball shoes is considered more high end shoes than some played out Jordan with outdated cushion and tech.
And yes wearing sneaker etc is consider dressing down. Dressing up mean you wear a $1000 suit, $300 designer italian shoes etc. I suppose you would the difference by now?
Idc what year it is buddy. You're confusing shoe performance or design with price. Jordan's are on the high end of gym shoe prices period. LeBron's line is the highest end of gym shoes prices. Durability, materials and performance are a different issue. How many gym shoes retail above Jordan's besides Lebron's and Foams? Which gym shoe can drop at 175 a pop, be a general release, release 20 versions in one month (exaggeration) and still sellout? Not even LeBron can do that.

If your talking about dressing down in a casual sense then yes you're. Your first comment sounded like you were saying only poor or middle class people buy Jordans or Nikes which is a lie. Yes Jordans are informal wear but they aren't cheap gym shoes. The material maybe cheap but the price isn't as far as gym shoes go. Are there shoes that cost more? Sure.
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84  

YOu contradicting yourself. Didn't you said everyone are followers in one way or another? So if you say you don't go look what people wear etc then how would you know the trend?
I don't have to look at people to know new Jordan's are coming out lmao. That's what twitter and sneaker blogs are for right? I don't go around staring at people and what they wear but apparently you do. If you like people watching cool. On some level yes we are all followers for nothing is new under the son. Unless you create something out of thin air, you adopted someone else's idea or ways of doing things. Now how did I contradict myself?
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84  

It's heat because you deem it's heat? LOL Heat mean very rare and exclusive stuff not GR stuff that everyone and their momma got on dude. GR is never consider heat. You also said "I worry about what I think not someone tell me or want me to think "

LOL contradiction. Here's what you wrote earlier in you post to Budlong Taco

"Yea we all buy shoes because we allegedly like them but why do you like them? What conditioned you to like them? You had to be conditioned to like Jordans or Nike just like everyone else. You weren't born into this world knowing the difference between anything until someone told you there was a difference"

"I'm dead serious are you? Shoes fall into the social construct by default just like everything else. You grew being conditioned to buy what you buy just like everyone else. You're no different from anyone else or you wouldn't waste 175 on something as trivial as shoes. We both know breaking necks comes with the territory. If you buy high end shoes you will break necks by default. I never said YOU specifically by shoes to break necks. I said if that's what dude wants to do then more power to him. We all are being followers anyway.  Your reasoning for buying the shoes is no better than his. Basically dude likes the attention while you just like trying to be like someone else.

Contradiction much? LOL So you say you don't listen to what people say or tell you what to think but you tell taco we're all followers anyway? Which is it dude?

You're really making yourself look foolish here.
Dude you can't define what's heat to someone else. With all do respect, you sound really dumb even saying something like. I could think a pair of Pro Wings are heat but you might not. You can't decide for me what's heat lmao. If I think a GR is heat than it is to ME. Some of you dudes are full ******ed. I don't listen to what people say or else I would have every shoe under the sun that comes out. I decide for me what I think is heat and I buy accordingly.

Yes we are all being followers on some level that's reality not a contradiction. No you're making yourself look foolish because you can barely grasp basic logic. Unless you made a new way of doing things or a new anything you are following. Following can be good and bad. Buying high priced shoes is not a necessity so it can be deemed as bad and wasteful. I like Jordans but I don't buy every Jordan that's released. I buy the Jordans that I deem heat. On top of that you're taking everything I said out of context. You should run for office with those skills.
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Mcstroking wrote
"If your talking about dressing down in a casual sense then yes you're. Your first comment sounded like you were saying only poor or middle class people buy Jordans or Nikes which is a lie. Yes Jordans are informal wear but they aren't cheap gym shoes. The material maybe cheap but the price isn't as far as gym shoes go. Are there shoes that cost more? Sure."

What i said is true. I said Jordan is not exclusive to any class. As a matter of fact it is more popular among middle class to lower income and people from the hood. Therefore it is not a high end product. You see more people wear Jordan than people wear Prada or Gucci. The average Jordan cost 160 retail The average Prada cost 300 retail lol.

And as far as Jordan selling out on release. That's has nothing to do with the discussion of high end gym shoes. Don't let hype confuse with price and functionality. You're talking about hype. Which is different from what my point was.
The average nike basketball shoes cost $130 the average Jordan cost $160. Lebron cost $200+ Kobe is $180. If you're going to be talking about price for gym shoes then it's not much of a different. Lebron and Nike Elite actually cost more than GR Jordan. Jordan sell out because like you said to Taco. We're all follower right? LOL

I don't have to look at people to know new Jordan's are coming out lmao. That's what twitter and sneaker blogs are for right? I don't go around staring at people and what they wear but apparently you do. If you like people watching cool. On some level yes we are all followers for nothing is new under the son. Unless you create something out of thin air, you adopted someone else's idea or ways of doing things. Now how did I contradict myself?

I said you contradicted yourself because you said you don't listen to what people say or tell you to do but here you are telling Taco that we're all follower in one way or another. So basically you do listen to what people tell you to think or do LOL. Therefore you contradicted yourself.

Dude you can't define what's heat to someone else. With all do respect, you sound really dumb even saying something like. I could think a pair of Pro Wings are heat but you might not. You can't decide for me what's heat lmao. If I think a GR is heat than it is to ME. Some of you dudes are full ******ed. I don't listen to what people say or else I would have every shoe under the sun that comes out. I decide for me what I think is heat and I buy accordingly.

What the hell? Do you even know why they use the word heat for shoes ? Heat mean really rare OG, exclusive or PE. You use the wrong term dude lol. If a GR shoes is appealing to you that don't mean it's heat. You're probably new to the shoes hobby.

LOL and when i said you look at what people wear. It does not only mean you go see what they wear in person. It could be looking at picture from sneakerblog, internet, media etc like you said. So in the end you do listen to what other think is cool or not.
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