AJ IV Thunder May 13, 2023

What is your favorite out of these three?

  • Lightening (2006, 2021)

    Votes: 30 29.7%
  • Thunder (2006, 2012, 2023)

    Votes: 43 42.6%
  • Tour Yellow (2006)

    Votes: 28 27.7%

  • Total voters



So the early looks have white stitching around the toebox. It really stands out and imo looks pretty bad. I just don't understand why they give us what we want but then make it slightly undesirable with decisions like this. I mean, why was this a good idea ? I just don't understand the reasoning behind choosing white thread. Just give us an updated version of the 2012's for god sake.

Edit : looks like we may get what we should have from the beginning. Thanks K Kierris


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So the early looks have white stitching around the toebox. It really stands out and imo looks pretty bad. I just don't understand why they give us what we want but then make it slightly undesirable with decisions like this. I mean, why was this a good idea ? I just don't understand the reasoning behind choosing white thread. Just give us an updated version of the 2012's for god sake.
They're reps.
That I’d believe but it seems or looks like a few reputable sources are showing the same pics with the white stitching. I’m hoping they’re wrong because it looks terrible and just seems like a really weird design choice, even for Jordan brand/Nike.

There we go ! Appreciate the info man. Funny how they mention that they may change it back due to the early backlash. That really was a horrible choice.
The whole "Jordan Brand is changing the stitching due to backlash" is coming from zsneakerheadz, who is also the one who posted the original image. None of this is coming from an official source, so it looks to me like zsneakerheadz got caught posting obvious fakes and then invented that whole story to try and cover his ***.
The whole "Jordan Brand is changing the stitching due to backlash" is coming from zsneakerheadz, who is also the one who posted the original image. None of this is coming from an official source, so it looks to me like zsneakerheadz got caught posting obvious fakes and then invented that whole story to try and cover his ***.
deezrsackolishus deezrsackolishus tried to tell y'all about Z but y'all wouldn't listen. I remember Z told me he was gonna PM me on here to disprove fam's claims that he was posting fakes and zsneakerheadz zsneakerheadz hasn't posted here since lol
I noticed Khaled's were black the other night
The whole "Jordan Brand is changing the stitching due to backlash" is coming from zsneakerheadz, who is also the one who posted the original image. None of this is coming from an official source, so it looks to me like zsneakerheadz got caught posting obvious fakes and then invented that whole story to try and cover his ***.
That’s interesting and sounds plausible. Whether or not it’s true, who knows but either way that white stitching looks pretty bad imo. They really need to stick to the black stitching on these and not ruin a classic Jordan 4 colorway.
Fake talk touched a nerve :lol:


I’d show the guy a little more respect if he just came out and said that he posted pics of fakes up…Running with this stitching getting changed because of “backlash” is a little absurd…Nike isn’t changing production on anything because the sneaker head community was against it…Bit of a stretch on that one…We won’t know what ends up dropping until official pics come out anyways…Best to approach all these early leak pics with that in mind, doesn’t matter who posts them up…
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Yeah, it’s definitely not “backlash” from anybody. These joints are likely done in production anyway and are just waiting to be shipped from Asia, if that process hasn’t even begun already. Sometimes people reach just so they could be like “you heard it here first, pal” if it turns out to be remotely true.
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