i'm not worried about "placement of topic" and all that stuff... i just copped them for the low and wanted to get it out to as many people as ican as fast as i can, ya know? this IS the nike retro thread... and these ARE nike retros, right?... but do yall cats really think they are gonna be worth somemoney later on ?... cuz i double copped me some...
and to the guy that was goin thru all the percentages and stuff... come on, bro... i'm ESTIMATING how much they cost... i aint look at the receipt ornothin... i was too excited when the cashier told me $75 and some change that i went into a haze.... lmao...
and they arent tagged or anything... so i believe that its at all the footaction (not sure. just guessing)... i cant hook anybody up cuz i'm off to collegetonight... but check out footaction and see what they say...