Air Jordan xxxiv first info

I saw a bunch of sizes few minutes ago.. didnt really try to purchase though as I figured they may be in store.. I really want them to try them on and prob do a review but I'm not copping until Chi's drop. Good to see they're still around though.
What's sad is alot of places I called had no idea the 34 was even a thing. What's worst, I got to the store at 11am, they told me I bought the 1st pair. They didn't have the blue voids.
Oh damn. So only Nike stores getting the whites today? Will they get a wide release on October 10?
Footlocker sold out of all sizes.
No they didn't lol. Overseas sites still got fsrs. These will be back up in a "restock". This is the problem with resellers buying all the stock. They have to scare us all into buying with gimmicks. Oversaturation too. Their prices do not help.
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I called the house of hoops about an hour from my house this morning, and asked if they got the 34s in today, and the manager told me yes. So I drive to pick them up ,and when I get there he says “sorry we didn’t get them , only the ones that come out 10/10 “
I called the house of hoops about an hour from my house this morning, and asked if they got the 34s in today, and the manager told me yes. So I drive to pick them up ,and when I get there he says “sorry we didn’t get them , only the ones that come out 10/10 “

I'd be pissed. The manager too :smh:
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