Air Jordan IV “Black/Cement” - May 4th 2019

23mj88 23mj88 letting his nutz hang right now :lol:

Outchea like...

Talk yo **** famb :lol: :smokin
So it looks like they lowered the rand and that’s cool but the toebox is supposed to be a gradual slope not this boxy angle they can’t seem to get away from. I don’t get it cuz it looks like they nailed it on the newest laney 5.


Agreed. Toe box on the WC4 is way better.
Guess I’m mellowing with old age. Are they perfect no, but we’ve come a long way on this shoe. About 15 years ago all hope was lost. Seriously, how many people are you going to walk by that will call out the shoe for not having the white rand? A nice thing about shoes like this for someone my age is just getting the head nod from another old timer that remembers.
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Toe box isn’t perfect but for some reason it isn’t an eyesore like it usually is. IMO the overall proportions of the shoe are good enough that the squared off toe box doesn’t stand out as much. Maybe it’s the raised wings at the back idk. Since the shoe isn’t curved like a banana it allows the toe box to exist (in all its’ imperfect glory) without being the focal point. All my opinion and observation. If you can’t tell I’m sold on these. Those pics are not gonna be the ones to convince me that these aren’t good. Someone post a “bad” pair because those one 23mj88 23mj88 posted are not it.
Nike just needs to retire if this is their new standard. They stopped giving ANY ****s at this point. "Just slap this trash together and get it out there, these ***holes will take it with a smile." Thats all I see when I look at that heel. ZERO appreciation/gratitude/respect for their customer base.

No more thought put into it than a cheap chinese halloween mask with the elastic string stapled to it. Or those Sonic the hedgehog popsicles from an ice cream truck with the eyeball drooped down like sloth from goonies. F this
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Guess I’m mellowing with old age. Are they perfect no, but we’ve come a long way on this shoe. About 15 years ago all hope was lost. Seriously how many people are you going to walk by that will call out the shoe for not having the white rand? A nice thing about shoes like this for someone my age is just getting the head nod from another old timer that remembers.

My old *** will wear these or other nostalgic shoes because of ME and for ME. If you walking around looking for input from others you doing it all wrong.
Because 2 year old Timmy in a sweatshop was tired after working 15 hours straight :frown:
They seriously need to collect all their chips and just cash out. Just call it good and end it before they cause a drunken scene in the casino and stain all the good that came before the downward spiral.

No better man to be at the helm of all this right now than Gentry himself. Its biblically perfect.

We are witnessing Jordan Brand's apocalypse
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So if you saw UA's with the perfect height, toebox, and white lines, would you cop?

i wish I dont have to do any alterations to them out the box but again the iron out toebox solution will make them look even more appealing

Point me towards a tutorial...
So if you saw UA's with the perfect height, toebox, and white lines, would you cop?

Ive been having a hard time understanding why one of faketories doesnt take a leap of faith and make actual OG renditions of their fakes, If i was in charge of one of them it would be the first thing I'd do. I'd probably go as far as making everything what it used to be down to the open cell polyurethane, just go the full distance with it and charge like 300 with no regard to whatever the hell Jordan Brand decides to put out. Beat them at their own game. Give the people what they really want and tell JB to kick rocks if they want to keep f-ing around with these variant looking tribute retros. They obviously have the resources. Its a huge waste to me that they instead try to copy that year's authentic retro. Seems much more insurmountable and 100 percent more trouble trying to predict what's coming instead of simply remaking what has already happened.

But looking at the dumb mistakes they make in reproduction and silly interpretations it becomes clear that the old brainpower is in short supply over there and something like this would never occur to them.

If they werent sketchy and were made with some sort of care I'm sorry to say at this point Id probably cop. The lines are getting real blurred between authentics and fakes as it stands right now anyway. Nike's response to it isnt to increase the standard of quality and build to set the shoes apart from fakes but instead they decide to makes these cheap ace QR codes on the box :stoneface:
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