Air Jordan 5 "Grape" Aftermath Thread (No Buying/Selling or Trading)

I know Im a little late on the release date.

Anyone still need grape 5's? I just ordered a pair off a website. and it seems like they are in stock on most sizes.

So I pulled the trigger.. I tracked my package and it said to arrive in 3 days via ground shipping.

Ill let you guys know how it  ( legit or not? )
 that website is fake "We have strong manufacture plant, which are able to provide various models, sizes & colors of sneakers according to you request".
The guys who preordered them should feel like idiots. I told them it wont go for more than 250 shipped. I am seeing a lot of 220 shipped closing on eBay too. If i cant grab em on a restock then I will buy them on ebay.
You're right about idiots alright. Idiots for both sides, buyers and sellers. Sellers did all that work to get them and not even make a $100 profit after incurring sales tax and shipping costs! Buyers were stupid to overpay for something that was widely available had they had the motivation and worked smart about it.

Your post made me recall another post in the now closed previous Grape V forum. Someone posted that a clown paid a bum to post up in front of an L.A. location outdoor Foot Locker for days leading up to distribution day for reserve tickets at that store. That was overwork and overpay on that person.
Despite seeing many bland, corny, or lame attire being worn with these Grape V sneaks based on online photos, I'm sure glad I haven't seen anyone wearing a t-skirt with these sneaks. Y'all know what I'm talking about, tall tees being worn by people who are not tall at all. That was so 2003-04. Peeps in the South don't even wear those anymore.
no.... now they just wear skirts..
Since this is about Grape V and Hornets, its official, the Bobcats will be applying for a name change to become the Hornets. But it will take 18 months for the process. Hold tight then.
Phew!! I finally caught up. From the 1st thread to this thread. It took me a week and a half, but it's good to hear many folks did not strike out.

My pair also came in last Weds.
finally caught up? These posts are not poetic works of art. If I am behind I skim through for pics and get to the last page.
There is no need to read 99% of these posts
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finally caught up? These posts are not poetic works of art. If I am behind I skim through for pics and get to the last page.
There is no need to read 99% of these posts

I mostly skimmed through it. Just reading certain highlights. But with other things in my life,( and other more important threads) I Just put if off until I had free time.

But you're right. It was 99% garbage.
What do you guys think about this trade? My DS 2013 AJ5 Grape for DS 2006 Grape with yellowing.
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