Air Jordan 4 x Levi's

See here's my issue and why I'm roasting you a little bit, why didn't you say what's up when our intentions were to link up at the release? I would've put you in front of them dudes you winded up making a scene over. All jokes aside if you keep acting like that at releases somebody will take you ****. I don't want that to happen, just be easy at releases. I'm not saying don't stand up for yourself, but that snitching in the store **** doesn't fly in NYC

Im not an intrusive person. I see you chopping it up with your people, I’m not gonna butt in. If you were dolo or witj one or two heads I wouldve said what up. Im also a habitual line skipper but I felt bad for the little old lady. I didnt mention the other old heads that got dubbed by everyone. Just her
I understand the skipping situation but remember these ****** dgaf. Snitch at your own risk lol
I winded up letting grandma and the two others she was with go in front of me. In my opinion you shouldn't be ratting ppl out to a store, bad things will happen to you if you do that to the wrong crowd but you're a grown man you can do as you please.
Six foot four. Me in the avatar, so from my perspective “Portly” and “short” felt about right. In fairness my judgement could be clouded because all I can remember is you weaseling your way in and out of line to get in front of people who were acting like normal adults. Who knows.
Yea your judgement is clouded
Decided not to go for the jacket b/c I didn't want to deal with nonsense and I figured it would be money better spent on an extra pair of 1s next month. Congrats to all those who cooked.
This back & forth funny as hell lmaoo but idk why it matter if the boy wanna snitch let him snitch he’ll just find out the “hard way”. But thst was ****** up how they skipped the old lady i swear ****** in nyc are grimey & a bunch of 40 year old fat bums.
This back & forth funny as hell lmaoo but idk why it matter if the boy wanna snitch let him snitch he’ll just find out the “hard way”. But thst was ****ed up how they skipped the old lady i swear *****s in nyc are grimey & a bunch of 40 year old fat bums.
so was the oldhead there for her grandkids or something?

Today’s thread is brought to you by the letter L. L is for limited, loss, and Levi’s.
This back & forth funny as hell lmaoo but idk why it matter if the boy wanna snitch let him snitch he’ll just find out the “hard way”. But thst was ****ed up how they skipped the old lady i swear *****s in nyc are grimey & a bunch of 40 year old fat bums.
Don’t forget the 25-30 y/o fat bums. They’re out there too.
yea this isnt a joke. like any other business. if you cant fulfill an order, refund the money. dont just block on all platforms. karma is a serious b****.

I'm not joking either...that dude pic is clearly someone else other than the account owner
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