Did you buy the Blacktoe XIII aka He Got Games

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I don't know... maybe the fact that LOTS of us have scored through restocks in the past six months... year, even longer. They sold WAY more of these than they did the Chicago 1's, and even those restocked on NDC (as did the BRed XIII and BRed XI... twice). Pretty much every shoe since the Last Shots have restocked on NDC, FNL, Eastbay or Foot Action (as well as HOH in-store). Doesn't mean you'll be one of the people who hits on the restock, but your chances are probably better than on release day with everyone gunning for them. I walked into a HOH on a Sunday morning with no line and picked up the BRed XIII a month after they released. Wouldn't be surprised if the same thing happened on this release.

I think "people just say that bs" because... uhh, it's true. I'd much rather roll the dice on a restock than pay $250-$300 for a GR that will either restock or be down to about $15-$25 over retail on the secondary market come the summer.

For as much time as people spend on this forum, they don't seem to realize how all of this works. Then again, your average sneakerhead is often a grade A idiot.

Hmmm...I never said there are not restocks. Nor did I say that people do not get Js on restocks.
I simply said " what makes people think they will be able to get these on a restock?" And you said it yourself, "I'd much rather roll the dice on a restock ", meaning, getting the 13s or any other shoe on a restock, is a dice roll, which is my point exactly.
Now, Im 42 years old and willing to bet I have more time collecting shoes than you have time on earth. So Im going to believe I have a better grasp on "how all this works" than you. Whether Im an "average sneakerhead" or not, between you and me, you sound like the grade A idiot. Maybe you need to put in some more time on this forum??
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@ trappedintime..

exactly. i said that bc dude suggested that resellers would return these for a refund if they couldn't sell them at their ridiculous mark ups. and so my response was that that is false. if anything they'll just lower the price as it would make no sense to return them for retail when they can easily still get $200-$250 for them.

also, i wouldn't necessarily call it ignorance on the part of resellers, although i don't agree with them. the more i think about it i think u have to place the most blame on those who are willing to drop $350 on a shoe that just released the day before for $180. if ppl weren't willing to pay those ridiculous resell prices, that kills the resellers in their tracks right there.

i think we are agreeing, but saying the pretty much the same thing in a different way. the truth is, u can't blame the resellers if there are ppl willing to pay, especially in this economy.

nike won't change. the resellers won't change. all the power lies in the hands of the consumer, but the consumer seems to wanna continue to get raped, while blaming nike and the resellers. that makes no sense. :wink:

Yeah, we're quite in agreement on this. I suppose it's not ignorance putting such a high starting price on these, but I think there are a lot of people who buy 2-4 extra pairs thinking they can almost double the price and come out with multiple free pairs or just OD levels of profit, when the reality is that anyone who has knowledge won't pay those prices.

In the long run I think the release day fears will start to go away, but I've been of the opinion that this is the last year we'll see this level of attention from resellers just due to consumer demand in general. Jordan Brand from 2010-2013 will have cleared out 90% of OG 1-14 CWs, and released a bunch of shoes that have never retro'd or only retro'd only once or never before (i.e. Chicago and Royal 1's, Bordeaux VII, Playoff XIII). There will always be people who didn't get in earlier, but it's inevitable when people now have 50-100 pairs that their purchase levels will be going down between 2014-2015.
Anybody here who has experienced backorder status from footlocker? Were they able to ship the item after the date of the b/o?
I had received the same e-mail,I just got off the phone with there customer service and they said all back orders will be fulfilled within a week or so,no orders will be cancelled.
Hmmm...I never said there are not restocks. Nor did I say that people do not get Js on restocks.
I simply said " what makes people think they will be able to get these on a restock?" And you said it yourself, "I'd much rather roll the dice on a restock ", meaning, getting the 13s or any other shoe on a restock, is a dice roll, which is my point exactly.
Now, Im 42 years old and willing to bet I have more time collecting shoes than you have time on earth. So Im going to believe I have a better grasp on "how all this works" than you. Whether Im an "average sneakerhead" or not, between you and me, you sound like the grade A idiot. Maybe you need to put in some more time on this forum??

I've been on this forum on and off for nearly a decade. I've been buying Jordans for 21 years now. I quoted you but wasn't specifically referencing your comments. There's a host of them above about restocks. Anyone who thinks these won't restock in a few places over the next few months doesn't pay attention. Hell, the BRed XIII restocked at least 6 times, not including the in-store HOH restocks. No one is claiming there's a 100% chance of hitting on a restock, but those who really want them usually find a way to get them for retail or close to retail within a few months given all the restocks that happen on a GR. If we're talking a limited release, that's a whole other story, but too many people around here spend week after week in release threads and still can't seem to pick up on the patterns and history regarding pricing, restocks, etc. The ignorance is astounding at times.
Amen!!!! I feel like people just need something to b/$&@ about. You beg jordan to release retros more b/$&@. You beg jordan to release more pairs of the b/$&@. If you like the shoes then cop, if you don't then leave them alone, it's not that difficult. I laugh when I hear people complaining about JB in the campout line. YOU'RE STILL IN LINE. Stop complaining and love your shoes. End
We complain while in line because we're annoyed that we have to go to those great lengths just to get the shoes nowadays.  What's wrong with that?  Is it not ok for me to wish I could just walk in FNL or FL at a random time on a release day and cop a pair with no hassle?  The OG pair of black/white 13's I owned were purchased for me by my parents for christmas when I was in high school.  Could they do that now?  No.  They'd have to camp out for hours or they'd have to hope they could get a pair online in the first few minutes of them releasing.  Sorry, but that's annoying.  I love my shoes and I WILL enjoy them but I don't have to like what I had to go through to get them.  I'm just sayin.
@ trappedintime..

nike won't change. the resellers won't change. all the power lies in the hands of the consumer, but the consumer seems to wanna continue to get raped, while blaming nike and the resellers. that makes no sense. :wink:

This discussion should probably transfer to another thread (I made one). Nike has to change sooner or later because the chaos with new jordan releases is getting out of hand. How many more kids need to get shot before Nike addresses the issue?
Not arguing for resellers, but those people who cop 4 and 5 pairs ARE flipping them on day one for 300-350 and making huge profits. That's the sad reality. As charm said the power is in the consumers hands and if people continue to pay things will not change.
Not arguing for resellers, but those people who cop 4 and 5 pairs ARE flipping them on day one for 300-350 and making huge profits. That's the sad reality. As charm said the power is in the consumers hands and if people continue to pay things will not change.
that's the hard part.  Being a consumer and being able to resist the urge to have a pair of fresh J's in your hands.  I said I was going to pass on these XIII's but I gave in.  Yeah, I'm weak lol.  I'm even saying I will pass on the XI's holiday release, we'll see how that turns out.  Don't know if I can hold strong on that or not. 
Not arguing for resellers, but those people who cop 4 and 5 pairs ARE flipping them on day one for 300-350 and making huge profits. That's the sad reality. As charm said the power is in the consumers hands and if people continue to pay things will not change.

This discussion should probably transfer to another thread (I made one). Nike has to change sooner or later because the chaos with new jordan releases is getting out of hand. How many more kids need to get shot before Nike addresses the issue?

Right here points out a lot about a large element of Jordan enthusiasts that I think correlates: the thugs who are willing to shoot each other in line (and end up catching an innocent kid in the process) are the same type of person who will pay those RD prices via Craigslist and the like. They are the most ignorant of them all, believing there is no other option. These people don't usually frequent forums like NT, don't know anything about pricing, and are too ignorant to even know what a shoe goes for 3, 6 or 12 months out. They're just out of control with their greed and entitlement, fear of paying those $350 type prices (believing there is no alternative), which coupled with having no problem solving skills other than violence leads to these ugly situations. Whether Nike feels it is their responsibility to prevent these kind of situations or not is another discussion entirely.

jdizzle - pm me or post the link to the other thread.
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The breakdown on a $300 sale on ebay

Retail@ $170
Tax - $17
Ebay Fees: $30
paypal fees:$12
Shipping: $25 (cus ya cant wait a minute for the shoes)
Total; $254

Hardly ballin is it? I mean youd have to be flippin 5 pairs just to cover the price on 1 pair - the more you sell the more chance someone will cause you grief.

Im just sayin, most of the profit made on reselling is made by ebay/paypal
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not to argue for the resellers because to be completely honest I have never done it before until these. They ended up not having my size so after waiting for a pair im not going to just leave them.... after I waited for them so why not get paid for the time I ended up wasting? I havent sold them yet but I will
not to argue for the resellers because to be completely honest I have never done it before until these. They ended up not having my size so after waiting for a pair im not going to just leave them.... after I waited for them so why not get paid for the time I ended up wasting? I havent sold them yet but I will

Why not make a listing on here asking for a trade, add it to your sig, and see what happens? Everyone has a choice whether they try to charge these ridiculous prices through eBay and net $60 over 1-2 weeks of auction and shipping time, or find what they want/make a mutually beneficial trade on NT. That's what being part of a community is all about. The help comes back around if you do the right thing. I know that from experience here and in other communities online (not even sneaker related).
I've been on this forum on and off for nearly a decade. I've been buying Jordans for 21 years now. I quoted you but wasn't specifically referencing your comments. There's a host of them above about restocks. Anyone who thinks these won't restock in a few places over the next few months doesn't pay attention. Hell, the BRed XIII restocked at least 6 times, not including the in-store HOH restocks. No one is claiming there's a 100% chance of hitting on a restock, but those who really want them usually find a way to get them for retail or close to retail within a few months given all the restocks that happen on a GR. If we're talking a limited release, that's a whole other story, but too many people around here spend week after week in release threads and still can't seem to pick up on the patterns and history regarding pricing, restocks, etc. The ignorance is astounding at times.

Why do you keep saying I'm an idiot, can't pick up patterns or that I am ignorant?? Once again I never said they are not restocks and that people do not get shoes on restocks. You keep attributing things to me that I never said. I did not say anything about 100% chance of hitting a restock or people not ever getting the shoes at retail. Nor did I spend week after week in this release thread or any other.
I would reinterate my point again, but at this point it seems not worth it. I hope you got the 13s on release date (if you wanted them), and if not, I hope you are able to score them on a restock. Good luck to you.
Why do you keep saying I'm an idiot, can't pick up patterns or that I am ignorant?? Once again I never said they are not restocks and that people do not get shoes on restocks. You keep attributing things to me that I never said. I did not say anything about 100% chance of hitting a restock or people not ever getting the shoes at retail. Nor did I spend week after week in this release thread or any other.
I would reinterate my point again, but at this point it seems not worth it. I hope you got the 13s on release date (if you wanted them), and if not, I hope you are able to score them on a restock. Good luck to you.

I didn't call YOU an idiot at all. Maybe you should try reading a little better (see that one was directed your way). I was speaking in general terms and never once said YOU or prayformojo. I suggest not taking everything so personally just because of a quoted reply on here. Also: you're the one making assumptions and calling people out based on your own age, as if someone who believes restocks are part of any given GR now must be a n00b. I'm not 42, but I know better than to toss around my age and experience without knowing the next man's.
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The breakdown on a $300 sale on ebay

Retail@ $170
Tax - $17
Ebay Fees: $30
paypal fees:$12
Shipping: $25 (cus ya cant wait a minute for the shoes)
Total; $254

Hardly ballin is it? I mean youd have to be flippin 5 pairs just to cover the price on 1 pair - the more you sell the more chance someone will cause you grief.

Im just sayin, most of the profit made on reselling is made by ebay/paypal
I'm not advocating reselling but you can find calculators online for ebay fees and in your scenario you have the ebay fee as 10% and paypal as 4% for a total fees cost as 14% of the total sales price. It's more like 8% total. Obv there are other factor's but in general, most of the profits aren't made by ebay/paypal.....just sayin.
The breakdown on a $300 sale on ebay

Retail@ $170
Tax - $17
Ebay Fees: $30
paypal fees:$12
Shipping: $25 (cus ya cant wait a minute for the shoes)
Total; $254

Hardly ballin is it? I mean youd have to be flippin 5 pairs just to cover the price on 1 pair - the more you sell the more chance someone will cause you grief.

Im just sayin, most of the profit made on reselling is made by ebay/paypal
math is all kinds of wrong, especially for ebay fees and shipping. i've sold 945$ worth of things in the last month, mainly old destroyed shoes i wore in h.s and clothes. of that 945$ or so ebay fees (listing + the % they take for final sale price and shipping) for everything i've sold is 79$. 

i ship everything priority and the most i've paid to ship from CA to the east coast is ~15$ for 2 day priority shipping. it's even less if you ship within the same state.

but even if your math was right (it isnt) that seller would net 46$ profit for doing what exactly... clicking his mouse a bunch of times, taking pics and driving 3 min to a post office? people are acting like sneaker resellers are drug dealers destroying society or something. nobody is being forced to buy shoes at rape prices. 
I didn't call YOU an idiot at all. Maybe you should try reading a little better (see that one was directed your way). I was speaking in general terms and never once said YOU or prayformojo. I suggest not taking everything so personally just because of a quoted reply on here. Also: you're the one making assumptions and calling people out based on your own age, as if someone who believes restocks are part of any given GR now must be a n00b. I'm not 42, but I know better than to toss around my age and experience without knowing the next man's.

Now who is making assumptions and taking things personally? Take your own advice and try reading a little better - I said nothing about restocks are a part of given GR or about people being a noob.
Im not questioning your experience or anyone else's - I'm just stating that this is not my first rodeo.
Nobody is saying these guys are destroying society, but anytime a market is invaded by middlemen, the consumer loses power. When the consumer group is an easily exploitable, greedy and materialistic group such as this, it becomes much easier for them. At the end of the day though, I have no respect for someone trying to make a $40-$60 hustle on sneakers. Go to school, get a real job, and an extra $50 isn't worth the time or hassle just to step between another consumer and the retailer.
We complain while in line because we're annoyed that we have to go to those great lengths just to get the shoes nowadays.  What's wrong with that?  Is it not ok for me to wish I could just walk in FNL or FL at a random time on a release day and cop a pair with no hassle?  The OG pair of black/white 13's I owned were purchased for me by my parents for christmas when I was in high school.  Could they do that now?  No.  They'd have to camp out for hours or they'd have to hope they could get a pair online in the first few minutes of them releasing.  Sorry, but that's annoying.  I love my shoes and I WILL enjoy them but I don't have to like what I had to go through to get them.  I'm just sayin.
So blame technology and the internet and shoe forums y u have to stand in line...INFORMATION IS THE ENEMY LOL
i had no issues with the CDP XIIIs to be honest. one of the best quality pairs from the packs.

That's surprising to hear. The consensus on quite a few of those packs were trash. This whole staggered release (or re-releases) some have mentioned here might not be bad if resellers weren't trying to snap up every damn pair.
math is all kinds of wrong, especially for ebay fees and shipping. i've sold 945$ worth of things in the last month, mainly old destroyed shoes i wore in h.s and clothes. of that 945$ or so ebay fees (listing + the % they take for final sale price and shipping) for everything i've sold is 79$. 

i ship everything priority and the most i've paid to ship from CA to the east coast is ~15$ for 2 day priority shipping. it's even less if you ship within the same state.

but even if your math was right (it isnt) that seller would net 46$ profit for doing what exactly... clicking his mouse a bunch of times, taking pics and driving 3 min to a post office? people are acting like sneaker resellers are drug dealers destroying society or something. nobody is being forced to buy shoes at rape prices
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