Air Jordan 11 Space Jam-December 10, 2016-$220

If anyone is out there rocking a Tune Squad jersey and mixing up their '09 and '16 pairs to wear one of each it's thunderdome.

I'm adding extra bodily and property insurance to my policy as we speak.
Maybe this dude will be the one...

Bro wtf ??? take my pic down
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So which of the 2016 remastered line did not make it to NDC? I copped all of the NA releases straight off of SNKRS but if I remember correctly I think the WC4 was the only ones not to make it to NDC. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Trying to get a feel for tomorrow. Under retail or bust!
 Finally an answer to why that crap happens, SMDH. Pisses me off even more because i always get the shipment confirmation email late from nike so i cant catch it before they try to deliver it. SMDH. I go to pickup from the access point and my name isnt on the package, its just a number. my name only shows up on a small label somewhere else on the package. Idiots.
yup. when they dont go through the entire proper process and dont send UPS the billing manifest, the main label will have a number, and therefore youre mychoice wont recognize it cause it doesnt have your name. i went through a stretch where like 4 or 5 packages in a row from nike had this issue. i couldnt send any of them to access points. i could only have em delivered to my house or go pickup at the customer center warehouse.
  So who is gonna be the first person to try and make a fashion statement by wearing a 72-10 shoe and a Space Jam shoe at the same time....  or better yet, a Concord and a Space Jam???
Why these dudes lining up now at flight23 and ftl34th

Gonna be alot

Any pics
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I was trying to think where they could even put one. I would assume near the Galleria or out I-10 West.  Don't bring that noise up to the Woodlands.  

A while back, when they built House of Blues, and all shopping strip downtown, there were rumors of it being there. But our city is too big for people to do shopping downtown, so I guess the idea of a Niketown was nixed.
[ATTACHMENT=12904]Screenshot_20161209-123332.png (1,648k. png file)[/ATTACHMENT]

To all my Orlando folks just in case you strike out on the apps, Trophy Room is doing fcfs at Tier nightclub at 8am on release day. Trophy Room came through in the clutch for me when I struck out on the closing ceremony 11s!!
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90% of America has no business spending $240 on shoes. Nike just laughs cause it costs them fractions to produce. We all still broke but we look good in the process
Are you still sending out reservations? 

Carlo: We thank you for your interest with Air Jodan 11. We have already sent access codes and we do not have any update if we'll still send more code. Yet, I believe we wont send more since the release date is by tomorrow. That's the best way to purchase the shoes is on its release date. I suggest you to ask your family members to create their account and downlaod the SNKRS app if they dont have it so you can have high chances of getting the shoes. That's what I usually do since even us, as Nike employees, we have to go to the same process. 


Finessed a 10% off code. Shoulda cried some more and got a 20% off, but hey. Learned from this forum.
Good for you getting a 10% code just by saying you did not get a reservation
and thats how dudes ruin it for everyone else. when nike goes back to their super stingy ways with giving out discount codes, ya'll will know why.

before yall get at me, think about it....if you didnt hit on a raffle at a niketown, would you be able to call nike and get a discount code? hell no. cause raffle wins are not guaranteed. just like how reservations are supposed to be random and not guaranteed.
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Here is Houston, you have Grandmas, and Homeless people lining up for 11s. This release brings out the worst in People here in Houston. Most of these people have no business spending 240 dollars on a shoe. Its pretty sad and depressing.

You're right about Houston. Probably one reason nike hasn't built a Niketown here still. :lol:

The problem with Houston it that all the prime Real Estate in Houston is owned by 3 families. Nike tried to secure property in Highland Village but there was no way that was going to happen. Nike was looking Downtown when the Yao Ming resturant was down there but it just didnt take off like developers thought it would.
:smh:   So who is gonna be the first person to try and make a fashion statement by wearing a 72-10 shoe and a Space Jam shoe at the same time....  or better yet, a Concord and a Space Jam???

But the Top 3's are okay, as well as all the What The Shoes. People wearing two different shoes was where that stupid concept came from, but people love the combination of colors. Ive never had a problem with people wearing two different shoes, Ive had a problem with people complaining about it, but being okay with the What The concepts.
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72-10s still [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji]
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