After 457 Days... The GOAT Returns to Philadelphia - Nuggets @ Sixers 3/19

AI carried the team to the Finals by himself....b4 the trade Philly was AI city....he could do no wrong....he's like Rocky.....He won MVPs and Scoringtitles with that jersey...but idk this is the town that booed Kobe the hometown Hero at the ASG...lls

I know that Philly fans are going to give him the standing ovation he deserves. I hope the Sixers do the classy thing and have some type of small ceremony for him.
its only right
they already said they are not doing anything special for allen because hes going to get enough recognition when his career is over. Thats outrageous considering they honored roenick for his 500th and he only played in philly for three years.....
Was Jeremey Roenick late for fan appreciation night?
Man Im not a Iverson fan at all (respect his game tho) but man i got goosebumps and a bit teary at that Ovation they gave Iverson.. wow
They showing it on ESPN right now.

He even kissed the logo.

Great ovation by the Philly fans.
Best ovation for an opposing team's player EVER. Props to Sixers fans giving AI the recognition he deserves. Wish I was there.
Wow that was awesome. He got a amazing ovation. It sucks he couldn't be a sixer for life.
Dang after the great oviation for I gotta watch the nuggets HORRIBLE defense...on everything everytime down the court the sixers get a layup or adunk..
great standing ovation, I think AI was kinda teary eyed it looked like. He came out and kissed the center sixers logo. Ovation was 50 seconds, wouldve beenlonger if the announcer didn't announce the next player. Also went to the sixers bench right before tip off and gave hugs to his old coaches.
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