African Descendants ✊🏿 Black People - Americas, Africa, Caribbean Culture Discussion

I think I genuinely hate news media plucking random tweets to create articles. A lot of these things are nothing that they now make into something.
Horace Chang is black and falls into that 97%. However does he not have some Asian roots? Damian Marley would fall into that 97%, but does he not have some Caucasian roots?

this was from another thread but it was more appropriate here, yes of course there are other ethnicities in Jamaica im not arguing that. HOWEVER a majority of the country is of Africa descent, THEREFORE it is an overwhelming African based country.

The motto "out of many one people" is ******** because it justifies "others" taking control of the island and its resources but at the end of the day the country belongs to black people
this was from another thread but it was more appropriate here, yes of course there are other ethnicities in Jamaica im not arguing that. HOWEVER a majority of the country is of Africa descent, THEREFORE it is an overwhelming African based country.

The motto "out of many one people" is bull**** because it justifies "others" taking control of the island and its resources but at the end of the day the country belongs to black people
You didn’t answer the question and you’re taking this into another direction. Horace Chang is black, but does he not have some Asian roots? Damian Marley is black, but does he not have some Caucasian roots? You’re misinterpreting the motto. It’s in reference to the natives of the island, not some random who decides to move there and buy up land in the name of capitalism and build sprawling hotels that only cater to a certain populace etc.
That doesn't justify anything, the motto existed long before the whatever "taking control" you're likely thinking of. It's a fallacious leap. Yes it's a majority black country, but I have Chinese and Syrian in my family and no one is treated differently, which isn't an unusual experience on the island. You are taking the motto elsewhere. Almost weakens the valid concern of outside interests coming in when people do things like that.
wow was I wrong, his dad was a tennis player

Looked at whole foods and they were showing 9.99 a lb. See Sams club is decent, but have to buy in bulk of course.
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