African Descendants ✊🏿 Black People - Americas, Africa, Caribbean Culture Discussion

I dont know if im stupid today but I read that like 3 times and I dont know what youre getting at. Today im just stupid, lol take care my man.

😂 sticking with the condescension i see…i can’t believe there isn’t any part that could not be at least partially understandable if you were actually interested in understanding…but it’s cool, you got it 😁
😂 sticking with the condescension i see…i can’t believe there isn’t any part that could not be at least partially understandable if you were actually interested in understanding…but it’s cool, you got it 😁
Nah trust me, I sincerely wasn’t. I just couldn’t follow along.
i’m saying that in general, women are not only appealed to more via popular media but their criticism(s) of men aren’t taken to be nearly seriously as ‘aggressions and/or sexist’ as men’s criticism(s) of women…which i think most people can understand to be a double standard that exists for various reasons, which some people are too invested in no seeing/understanding

There are literal laws in this country against women. Are those the criticisms you are referring to?
There are literal laws in this country against women. Are those the criticisms you are referring to?

no, but it is a fact that there are laws against or that constrict women’s choice, i’m not a woman so i am not aware of the extent of their impact to be honest…all i’m trying to say is there are double standards (some of which benefit some groups & disadvantage other groups & vice versa) that exist and that people for the most part accept/understand but this in direct conflict with the sort of egalitarianism that is said to be the modern ideal. where we are all the same & should be treated as such, can all do & say the same things and be judged the same…

my point in saying women criticisms of men are taken to be more immediate & serious than men’s criticisms of women is just noting one of these double standards; even if the criticism is largely the same. i think it is taken entirely differently when women say something like “men need to be better men” in regards to what women value/want as opposed to men saying “women need to be better women” in terms of what men value/want; one is seen as virtuous, the other as regressive and/or repressive.

while i don’t think there is some sinister agenda to exult women and make men ‘soft’ i do think the unintended consequence(s) of having men & women being competitive is harder women, softer men, & less certainty of role(s)…i guess that does fit the definition of insecurity, but less secure men almost inevitably leads to less secure women, which consumer/popular culture & media reflects & takes advantage of

African Candace Owens or is she spitting facts??

Magatte Wade is pretty spot on. I haven't seen this particular video but her interview with Lex Friedman touched a nerve. The amount of regulatory burden many businesses have to deal with in Africa and the Caribbean almost ensures corruption by design and stagnate native development.

Here's a clip from the the PM of Barbados on the subject of overregulation and the Caribbean financial industry. Similar themes to Magatte Wade.

Also I don't see how Owens and Wade have anything in common.

Magatte Wade is pretty spot on. I haven't seen this particular video but her interview with Lex Friedman touched a nerve. The amount of regulatory burden many businesses have to deal with in Africa and the Caribbean almost ensures corruption by design and stagnate native development.

Here's a clip from the the PM of Barbados on the subject of overregulation and the Caribbean financial industry. Similar themes to Magatte Wade.

Also I don't see how Owens and Wade have anything in common.

Even the process of conducting business with your own bank accounts is madness. It is easily a multi day process and you have to grease bank workers' palms to make moves with your own accounts to make the transaction seamless. She makes good points, however, she has to take into consideration that these same western nations will work together to stifle you and destabilize your Government. Look at what they've done to Libya. Now the same Libyan factions that were in agreeance with them and backed them, have turned around and terribly regretted their decision.

We do need to become much self reliant. These countries have fertile soil and tons of empty land, but they are still importing goods from America and the people are paying out of the *** for it. I recently saw that they were charging what amounts 2-3 USD per pound for onions in Jamaica. Why not grow these items yourself instead of importing them? Why not support national brands like Best dressed instead of buying perdue which is going to be much more expensive since it's imported? Even our brown gold is mismanaged.
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As someone who hits the easy button sometimes…

The long game can be unbearable, taxing, etc.

It’s like…I’m country X in Africa. Company Y (cough Shell, etc) comes in and offers this infrastructure to help me mine my natural resources. Then we rely on them for exporting. They exploit our impoverished nature to corrupt members of our government or factions and pretty much makes us prisoners/trapped. I’m using Shell. But you can insert China, Russia, Corporation Z…
As someone who hits the easy button sometimes…

The long game can be unbearable, taxing, etc.

It’s like…I’m country X in Africa. Company Y (cough Shell, etc) comes in and offers this infrastructure to help me mine my natural resources. Then we rely on them for exporting. They exploit our impoverished nature to corrupt members of our government or factions and pretty much makes us prisoners/trapped. I’m using Shell. But you can insert China, Russia, Corporation Z…
Exactly. Then you a countrymen or comes back to want to setup a business and invest back into the country etc, they put you through hell. Straight rigmarole.
As someone who hits the easy button sometimes…

The long game can be unbearable, taxing, etc.

It’s like…I’m country X in Africa. Company Y (cough Shell, etc) comes in and offers this infrastructure to help me mine my natural resources. Then we rely on them for exporting. They exploit our impoverished nature to corrupt members of our government or factions and pretty much makes us prisoners/trapped. I’m using Shell. But you can insert China, Russia, Corporation Z…

Government needs to have vision and stand firm. The example of Botswana is one I admire.

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She got legit receipts too :lol: 💀
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Funny thinking back on the little mermaid controversy. A lot of cultures have their version of mermaid, but the current popular culture American idea of what a mermaid looks like or does is totally from Mami Wata with the African - Caribbean influence. Which makes the whole thing hilarious.

no, but it is a fact that there are laws against or that constrict women’s choice, i’m not a woman so i am not aware of the extent of their impact to be honest…all i’m trying to say is there are double standards (some of which benefit some groups & disadvantage other groups & vice versa) that exist and that people for the most part accept/understand but this in direct conflict with the sort of egalitarianism that is said to be the modern ideal. where we are all the same & should be treated as such, can all do & say the same things and be judged the same…

my point in saying women criticisms of men are taken to be more immediate & serious than men’s criticisms of women is just noting one of these double standards; even if the criticism is largely the same. i think it is taken entirely differently when women say something like “men need to be better men” in regards to what women value/want as opposed to men saying “women need to be better women” in terms of what men value/want; one is seen as virtuous, the other as regressive and/or repressive.

while i don’t think there is some sinister agenda to exult women and make men ‘soft’ i do think the unintended consequence(s) of having men & women being competitive is harder women, softer men, & less certainty of role(s)…i guess that does fit the definition of insecurity, but less secure men almost inevitably leads to less secure women, which consumer/popular culture & media reflects & takes advantage of

Women arent out here criticizing all men, just the ones with specific behaviors, thought processes and ideologies that harm them.

If you think that makes you soft you werent a strong man to begin with.

My advice to men is evolve and many with old school values refuse to. We have been conditioned to tie our value as meb to being providers and protectors. That sh*t is exhausting. Do some dishes and let your wife pay a bill or two. :lol:
Women arent out here criticizing all men, just the ones with specific behaviors, thought processes and ideologies that harm them.

If you think that makes you soft you werent a strong man to begin with.

My advice to men is evolve and many with old school values refuse to. We have been conditioned to tie our value as meb to being providers and protectors. That sh*t is exhausting. Do some dishes and let your wife pay a bill or two. :lol:

i’m just moreso highlighting the double standard/difference between how the criticism is view by & from the genders. it’s not about invalidating whatever criticisms women have of men, altho i do think some of the things women call ‘toxic masculinity’ are just the inconvenient flip side of the very same behaviors, ideologies, & thought processes that women find attractive/desirable…i had quite a few discussions in this vein with various women from relatives to casual acquaintances, and i’ve found that a lot of women do not have much appetite for trying to understand men generally if only maybe the men specific in their own lives (which one could argue is sensibly adaptive to the modern context…the only need to understand the men they are around)

i definitely agree that men need to evolve more to the landscape going forward, altho i’d argue that it will take women changing what they reward in the dating/mating marketplace for that to truly happen…because generally women value a man’s ability provide & protect almost universally as the paramount quality. most men aren’t in a position to ‘let’ their ol’ lady just pay a bill or two, it is necessity…similarly mans occasional washing of dishes or doing household chores for a lot of women doesn’t feel commensurate to the effort that women ‘feel’ they put in despite the fact that men today are both much more involved as fathers & chore doers than ever.

fact is women’s increase in agency has increased women’s selectivity, removed some of the male strictures that once guided (best case interpretation) of women’s desires, and the numbers seem to bear that out
i’m just moreso highlighting the double standard/difference between how the criticism is view by & from the genders. it’s not about invalidating whatever criticisms women have of men, altho i do think some of the things women call ‘toxic masculinity’ are just the inconvenient flip side of the very same behaviors, ideologies, & thought processes that women find attractive/desirable…i had quite a few discussions in this vein with various women from relatives to casual acquaintances, and i’ve found that a lot of women do not have much appetite for trying to understand men generally if only maybe the men specific in their own lives (which one could argue is sensibly adaptive to the modern context…the only need to understand the men they are around)

i definitely agree that men need to evolve more to the landscape going forward, altho i’d argue that it will take women changing what they reward in the dating/mating marketplace for that to truly happen…because generally women value a man’s ability provide & protect almost universally as the paramount quality. most men aren’t in a position to ‘let’ their ol’ lady just pay a bill or two, it is necessity…similarly mans occasional washing of dishes or doing household chores for a lot of women doesn’t feel commensurate to the effort that women ‘feel’ they put in despite the fact that men today are both much more involved as fathers & chore doers than ever.

fact is women’s increase in agency has increased women’s selectivity, removed some of the male strictures that once guided (best case interpretation) of women’s desires, and the numbers seem to bear that out

Well the playing field in the corporate world needs to be even in order for this to work and women are getting there.
Well the playing field in the corporate world needs to be even in order for this to work and women are getting there.

women's increase in achievement/higher status has been trending very much in the opposite direction to changing what they desire in men, this is exhibited by the stereotypical educated black woman finding a dude that's 'on their level' mantra; which is perhaps more pronounced in that demographic but is much more pervasive. than black women. obviously it not exclusively the case that increased status precludes relationships where women aren't as interested in the qualities of provision or high(er) status men, but the trends don't portend well, particularly for women who are earners
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