Advice on joining Marines, Army, etc.

Great info here! I appreciate all the responses.

I actually posted in the military thread too, but no one answered.

So far im looking into the Air Force?
What kind of high paying job are there in Air Force?
thinking about joining the Navy. pops told me to go with IT or medical. he said if i do that and i want to get out i can basically do whatever i want when im out.
Would never join the armed forces. I don't like to fight other peoples battles. If it has something to do with me personally or my family, I'll fight.
Originally Posted by Peja4Prez

You can become a MD without a bachelors and the necessary biology/physics/chem classes? I never knew that (non-sarcastic)
Nah you can't. Not sure where you got that impression, I do believe there is a military medical school though. It operates just like any other medical school i.e you need a bachelors and some sick credentials.
If you want to be in the medical field, join the Navy as a hospital corpsman (HM)

You can enlist and choose it as your job. They will send you to your job school after completing basic, and you work in a naval hospital. You can take courses online or take courses offered at a local college to get official certs/degrees.

One of my good friends is the DOC for our squadron since we are deployed.
@ kvsm23vs24 Everyone gets paid the same based off of rank. google military pay charts.There are probably quite a few mos' that will transfer to high paying jobs in the civilian world, but either way you have to enlist to even get halfway there.
^^ def agree what dude says above, like i said before im a corpsman but dental...and i must say its pretty chill
you could never get the hands on experience and daily knowledge in the civilian world with out paying out..
if its medical you want, navy is where its just gotta get it done.
Ive been in Dental for 5yrs now and im confident that i could work in any dental private practice anywhere.
cant choose between the AF or Navy

thinking between medical or IT..wouldn't mind having a nice govt gig when i get out
Real life...

I don't plan on joining the military but,

What's wrong with the army?
And what do you guys mean by "infantry" ( I mean obviously you go fight but doesnt everyone?)
Originally Posted by breezylocks

Real life...

I don't plan on joining the military but,

What's wrong with the army?
And what do you guys mean by "infantry" ( I mean obviously you go fight but doesnt everyone?)
theres nothing wrong with it.. its just not for everyone but there are people who join and love the army and do 20+ years in it and make it a career.... the army will have you doing some dumb stuff at times and it can be tough sometimes and make you regret joining..... but everyone says the air force because its basically soft.... they are just way more layed back than any branch their PT is easier... most people who say go air force want a nice kushy job something like a desk with no one hounding over you and want a higher standard of living which is nothing wrong with that... but coming from me currently serving i wouldnt mind getting out and letting the next recruit take over but then it will be back to the civilian life and you know it consist of BS too..

but infantry will be your designated job if you deploy if you do something like a cook your main job will be a cook when you deploy but you can still be used for a infantry guy if the REALLY need you to do it...
If you have Tattoos that show, you def. arent getting into the Marines esp if its on you neck or hand
Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

If you have Tattoos that show, you def. arent getting into the Marines esp if its on you neck or hand

There may be waivers, but with the military downsizing this is probably pretty accurate.
Originally Posted by JayzOnMyToes

but OP also in the army you make rank fast unlike the air force or navy especially if you pick a combat job....

plus combat jobs right now are like the only jobs in the army right now recieving bonuses....

OP what job are you looking to do?? have you took the ASVAB yet?

- its extremely annoying to me when i see military folks giving out advice like this.
- as a general rule bonuses are given out for the jobs people dont usually want.....thats why they offer a bonus.  but year after year they dupe more and more urban youth into these dead end jobs all because of a bonus.
- pick the best career for you PERIOD. then seek the military equivalent. no matter if you make a career out of the military or get out after 4 years...the military life ends and you're going to have to get a job just like everyone else. your career in the military should prepare you for that.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by JayzOnMyToes

but OP also in the army you make rank fast unlike the air force or navy especially if you pick a combat job....

plus combat jobs right now are like the only jobs in the army right now recieving bonuses....

OP what job are you looking to do?? have you took the ASVAB yet?

- its extremely annoying to me when i see military folks giving out advice like this.
- as a general rule bonuses are given out for the jobs people dont usually want.....thats why they offer a bonus.  but year after year they dupe more and more urban youth into these dead end jobs all because of a bonus.
- pick the best career for you PERIOD. then seek the military equivalent. no matter if you make a career out of the military or get out after 4 years...the military life ends and you're going to have to get a job just like everyone else. your career in the military should prepare you for that.

thats not bad advice these guys are getting nearly 50k bonuses to do 3 or 4 years as an MP combat medic just to name 2 good combat jobs that can get you a job when you get out of the military... OP said the army or marines so he clearly wants to do some kind of high speed stuff  
A Marine recruiter came up and talked to me about joining yesterday. We talked and he kept talking 'bout how fit I am and whatnot... which kinda weirded me out. 

I'm going to his office today to do this so-called "mental test" test. Anyone have any idea what it is?
Navy Corpsman for past 5 years getting ready to finish my contract honorably in few months.
I've been with the marines all my time in (minus boot camp/trainings) with 2 deployments to Iraq.

If anyone has any questions regarding ask away and I'll try to answer them in my best ability.
(understand there is a seperate military thread, but this is toward more to OP and/or those interested in medical field, especially in the navy)
The "mental test" he's talking about is a practice ASVAB. It's a tiny version of the ASVAB test you take to see what your technical scores are. The one I took was on math but it varies.
If you do well on it, they'll probably butter you up and say " damn ! , thats a high score, you can choose any job you want"

Or they might try and PT you and see if you can take physical hardships and overcome it. Bootcamp for the Marines is more mental than physical.
Nah man, bootcamp is mad fun. But it sucks as well. Prepare to get !@+#$* with everyday for 3 months straight, for no reason.
But you'll make friends with people in your platoon that you will be close with for a long, long time.

The Drill Instructor's are funny as *%+$, but don't let them see you smile, or you won't "feel" the end of it.

It's more mental than physical as the PT (exercise) you do will be more than enough to get in shape.

All in all, any Marine I've talked to as well as me experiencing it first hand, you'll hate it when your there but you'll miss it when your gone.
If you got any questions feel free man.
I've been in for a little while and I wouldn't mind helping.
Considering joining the Air Force. I'll be speaking with a recruiter within the next week. Any advice on what i should look for or be aware of? Thanks 

it's your life and you turn to NT for a decision that could cost it? jesus what have we become lol.
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