because they both share immigration restrictionist ideology...but i told ya this on da 1st couple of pages...
False. She's just aligning her self with our movement to change the narrative on what we want and it's not anti-immagration. In fact, being anti-immagration does nothing for our movement towards reparations.
There are times that Cornel will knock it out of the park. There are other times that I wonder what in the hell he is thinking, as with his support of Jill Stein.
Robert O’Rourke Wants White Americans to Pay Reparations for Slavery


Recently, Communist Mexican President Obrador demanded Spain apologize and hand over reparations for their conquering ways hundreds of years ago. He is one of many looking to change history. Everyone these days is demanding apologies and reparations. Robert (Beto) O’Rourke the fake Hispanic has joined the chorus.

The crazy leftist Beto says Congress should mandate white Americans atone for slavery by giving money to black communities. Don’t we do that already?

At first, he was opposed to reparations but he found himself at the Al Sharpton event where everyone was outdoing the next guy.

At Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, he was asked by Sharpton if he would back a measure for reparations introduced by Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a fellow Texan, O’Rourke answered, “absolutely I would sign that into law.”

“I had a chance to speak with and just listen to and learn from Brian Stevenson in Montgomery, Alabama and learn from his work on working with the community to build a memorial to justice and to peace and he said ‘foundational to reparations is the word repair. Foundational to repair is the truth,’” O’Rourke said.

That is such a crock. He will say anything.

His name can be added to the other candidates who support some type of reparations — Kamala Harris (whose family owned slaves on their plantation), Elizabeth Warren (a fake Indian), Julian Castro (whose mama is Rosie Castro the La Raza commie), Andrew Yang (who is opposed to circumcision, an important issue to almost no one), Tulsi Gabbard (who doesn’t think Assad is a war criminal).

Such an illustrious group of wingnuts.

It’s tiring going through all the obvious reasons why reparations make no sense, but the obvious one is you can’t make it up to people long dead. Then there is the fact that white people who never enslaved anyone don’t owe anything to black people who were never slaves.

And who gets to pay? Do new immigrants have to pay? And who do they pay? Do African immigrants get compensated? Do white descendants of slaves get compensated? How about Asians?

How do the recipients prove they are descendants of slaves?

It’s racial bias, nothing more.

If they want to start a civil war, this is a good start.

“I’m 5% Nigerian, I’m 7 to 10% British, I have a piece of me that’s Scandinavian, I’m 30% Benin, I’m 20% the Congo and a mix of other things, I’m 1% Native American. Looking beyond native black American partnerships, ADOS partnerships… how is it within race to marry a hundred percent Nigerian if I’m only 5% Nigerian, but out of race to marry a white person that may be 20% British? Has our technology,, 23andme, tore a whole in the whole concept of race? I would argue yea. There was a great point made, that led to a good discussion, but I disagree with the point, where a woman came on my channel and said “when people procreate with people that look like them and share their culture, in this case, you would have more culture in common, being an African American, 400 years in America, never been to Africa, with someone white, and you also may look more like the white person because of the mixture.” — direct quote from ADOS founder Antonio Moore.


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The red flags have been up, the whole questioning people’s blackness was a huge one for me personally, but we’ll see what the excuses are

I've been saying they were "agents" but I was rebuffed because I'm first gen American and just mad because I don't qualify for reparations. Even though I'm pro-reparations just not anti-immigration. These folks have some 'splaining to do after this bombshell.
The red flags have been up, the whole questioning people’s blackness was a huge one for me personally, but we’ll see what the excuses are
Where/when has blackness been questioned by anyone?

:rofl:Talib has been exposed for throwing rocks and hiding his hands
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I've been saying they were "agents" but I was rebuffed because I'm first gen American and just mad because I don't qualify for reparations. Even though I'm pro-reparations just not anti-immigration. These folks have some 'splaining to do after this bombshell.
Lol at Talib whining being a bombshell.
This page is the first time you’ve posted in this thread. Who’s rebuffed you fully supporting reparations solely because you’re a first generation America?

How are American descendants of slavery “agents”?
This was an interesting read.

Bruh, using "Blood and Soil" as a pro-ADOS slogan?

When Candace Owens goes on the record to defend Hitler, you have to laugh at the ignorance of Black right-wing fools and how they could learn a thing or two from the Africans they despise about the Black roots of the Holocaust.

See, Germany had a bunch of territories in Africa prior to WWI. Its in present-day Namibia that they laid out the template for the Final Solution.

You should read what Nazis had to say about Black folks; you should know that many Black people were exhibited in museums in Europe up until the 1960s. If that doesn't deter you from people like Yvette who freely use White Supremacist language, you have earned the right to be known as a sheep.
I've been saying they were "agents" but I was rebuffed because I'm first gen American and just mad because I don't qualify for reparations. Even though I'm pro-reparations just not anti-immigration. These folks have some 'splaining to do after this bombshell.

Yea thats dude's defense mechanism

I'm pro reparations and I as would my great grandparents "qualify" for ADOS reparations but I was labeled an "immigrant" myself,

but it became pretty obvious pretty early on this wasn't organic and seemed like some, divisive covert white supremacist ********

the attacks on other blacks for not blindly following along, and talk of sitting out elections should have raised suspicion
Lol at Talib whining being a bombshell.
This page is the first time you’ve posted in this thread. Who’s rebuffed you fully supporting reparations solely because you’re a first generation America?

How are American descendants of slavery “agents”?
I have interactions with people outside of NT. Twitter is a minefield of morons who have drank the Anti-Pan African Kool-Aid. They are a offensive, clannish and *** backwards in their thinking.

If you can't/refuse to deduce the logical conclusion that the ADOS founders are in collusion with enemies then that's your problem.
Where/when has blackness been questioned by anyone?

we are not the same. our blood lines are different. mine suffered 400+ years of oppression. mine freely built up this country who's resources you enjoy. your parents decided to leave the motherland to move to a racist country led by black oppressing white supremacists for a bag. lineage matters. my people are fighters. yours fled, jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire in hopes of obtaining money, which you claim is of no importance.
im not entirely certain of the root of your jealousy but I suspect it stems from knowing that you aren't entitled to the reparations due to ADOS and you feel leftout. your sense of obligation to the resources my ancestors died for are baffling. also you I'm sure you were teased growing up. that's probably the base of your resentment

you think the jews being "measly" compensated for the atrocities committed against their people had no effect on the amount of wealth they accumulate or the industries they lead today. you think the effects of this "measly" payout wasn't transformative to the families who lost everything during the holocaust. The jews are indeed a minority and their survival is because of their unity. so unite with ados and support cash reparations because it would close the wealth gap which is responsible for many of the black community's ills. you can't truly be invested in the survival of ados if you only champion free education while arbitrarily denying the money owed. stop acting like its a choice when you can support both. but again your black immigrant parents left a black county for the white mans money. thats why im not surprised that you echo the white mans position in denying what's owed to ados

This is where the line will be drawn. I will not be lectured by a 1st generation America born to black immigrants from Ghana about freedom, independence, and the history of blacks in America. money is in fact the path to freedom in a capitalistic society. Your black immigrant parents abandoned their roots in their homeland to move to a racist white country for what? to be educated by the white man, in hopes that the white man provides an opportunity to obtain some of the white mans money. we're all victims, difference is your parents choose this life for you. im born of strong blacks who didn't flee their own land and people to run to the oppressive white man's. lineage matters. I'm a descendant of fighters. thats why I'll never disrespect them. they suffered for me to have the right to vote, not for me to give it away with nothing promised in return.

@deuce king ..... #tangibles2020. no black agenda, no vote


Yea thats dude's defense mechanism

I'm pro reparations and I as would my great grandparents "qualify" for ADOS reparations but I was labeled an "immigrant" myself,

but it became pretty obvious pretty early on this wasn't organic and seemed like some, divisive covert white supremacist bull****

the attacks on other blacks for not blindly following along, and talk of sitting out elections should have raised suspicion

I knew something ain't smell right when I saw the hashtag spread like wildfire. Very bot-like. Nothing goes viral at that kind of speed unless it is supported by mainstream media ie: Kony, entertaining to morons ie: Memes, Cardi B, etc or it is being co-vertly funded. This definitely felt orchestrated.

The immigrant slander "attacks" are so outlandish I find myself laughing at them. Their whole shtick of trying to insult other Black people and claim this as something that foreigners can't "hijack" was so outta touch. The vote boycott is trying to lose for winning. If anything it would be more wise to find an off ballot candidate to vote for as a means to flex and show what kind of bloc-vote could be delivered. An outright boycott plays into the hands of both parties who have traditionally done nothing for Black America.

The Trump and Reagan kudos were new to me but shocking all the same. 2019 just keeps on getting more and more crazy.
They didn't advocate for people not to vote. Y'all just be saying **** without knowing anything.
They didn't advocate for people not to vote. Y'all just be saying **** without knowing anything.

I know what I've seen from the supporters in this thread and online,

and if that wasn't the message of the actual "movement" then maybe they should have spent more time explaining that to their supporters instead of apparently quietly pushing a right wing anti immigration agenda
I know what I've seen from the supporters in this thread and online,

and if that wasn't the message of the actual "movement" then maybe they should have spent more time explaining that to their supporters instead of apparently quietly pushing a right wing anti immigration agenda
It's not like y'all would watch any videos of what they actually say to begin with

There's a big difference between their supporters and supporters of the movement. The likes of Tariq and Professor Black push nonvoting and all that while Carnell, who is a political commentator and actually has real life history with politics, and Antonio Moore's supporters advocating for voting. But it's not like y'all would notice that since everybody wants to fall for the bait of what attracts the most drama.
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It's not like y'all would watch any videos of what they actually say to begin with

the one where she's got the maga fitted on or the one where dude was trying be british and scandinavian?

you can keep deflecting and finger pointing but these cats looking funny in the light and they should be held accountable for peddling this divisive I'm blacker than you ********
the one where she's got the maga fitted on or the one where dude was trying be british and scandinavian?

you can keep deflecting and finger pointing but these cats looking funny in the light and they should be held accountable for peddling this divisive I'm blacker than you bull****

Point to where I deflected anywhere?

Did you watch the whole video or a segment? Yeah im pretty sure it was a clip. Again, talking without knowing anything.

If that's how you see the movement as being blacker than you, than I don't know why you're in the thread because you clealry don't understand the point of it.

But I don't really care anymore. From the jump people didn't wanna understand and chose to run with whatever narrative they had before doing any research.
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Point to where I deflected anywhere?

Did you watch the whole video or a segment? Yeah im pretty sure it was a clip. Again, talking without knowing anything.

If that's how you see the movement as being blacker than you, than I don't know why you're in the thread because you clealry don't understand the point of it.

But I don't really care anymore. From the jump people didn't wanna understand and chose to run with whatever narrative they had before doing any research.

your entire post was a deflection

that i see now you went back and edited

that's not how i see anything that's how it's being represented and you more upset with me more then than dudes in this very thread misrepresenting the "movement"

you still have yet to address any of them or what appear to be some obvious red flags within the "movement"
your entire post was a deflection

that i see now you went back and edited

that's not how i see anything that's how it's being represented and you more upset with me more then than dudes in this very thread misrepresenting the "movement"

you still have yet to address any of them or what appear to be some obvious red flags within the "movement"

I don't have to address anybody misrepresenting anything. I ignore them. Something that y'all clearly can't do. You see one claim which is clearly outrageous and jump on it. Like I said just entertaining drama.

If you think it's possible to address any and everybody who thinks different than you, then you're dillusional. I already told you they didn't advocate for no voting. I can't control if somebody has the views of not voting or any anti immigrant stances. A group of people aren't gonna have the same views. Common sense.

And I'm not upset. It's not even remotely that serious. I'm in class killing time.
Acknowledging differences between blacks from different countries is not the same thing as one group questioning if another group is black enough. Stop being a victim and projecting ADOS self identifying as an attack on your blackness. We don't accuse black immigrants and their offspring of questioning our blackness when they distinguish themselves from others by proudly displaying the flag from their country of orgin.

Just as Chinese Americans discussing differences between them and Korean Americans doesn't mean ones Asianess is in question
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