Adidas ZX FLUX 2014

Well i sure hope youre right cuz i want the sob's
back up fam
you think the xeno flux will sell out quick? kindve wanna see some on feet pics before copping
Ugh I was gonna add some free socks with FL Bday coupon to the Fluxes but they coups arent working anymore. 
for real? I was told TTS by a dude that wears my size but idk no more :rolleyes

I guess better to be bug than too small, but ill just return if so
It depends. I wear an 11.5 in Nikes. I normally go with the same size in Fluxs. I can fit in 11 but for me it's a little too tight for my comfort.

But Adidas do fit a little big.
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i wish adidas dropped them so i could use this coupon, but they're stalling  
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Wait ... FTL already released!?

Nvm ... My iPad just had a serious glitch. I could add my size and push add to cart but it said it's not available like they were sold out. Page refreshed on its own n now it's the countdown
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one time use... i'm just gonna cop from champs, and if they release on adidas ill just copp again with coupon and return champs pair 
This rep was surprisingly more informative than the usual Nike CS reps


I found the superstars and the metro attitude


but I cant find the zx flux

Melissa D.:

We didn't get them- the info that we have at this time- is that that particular model is only going to be in store with select retailers, and at Originals locations.


I see


Thank you

Melissa D.:

You might check online with Footlocker and Champs-

Melissa D.:

I know they were also supposed to be getting the Xeno pack-

Melissa D.:

So they may have it online.
How does that even work ... I could see if they said we aren't releasing them online but they didn't get them?

I guess kinda how church's and Popeyes run out of chicken :lol: not really but damn. How you not even have your own shoe, I had that EL too

Now FTL gonna be battle. Let's edit that rep chat n hide that info now :D
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I size down on all adidas ESPECIALLY fluxes but maybe these Zeno's are cut differently...

I own about 15 pairs of adidas and have sized half down for all of em for whatever thats worth.
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