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yall realize that its just kids scribbles on infant cream v2's right? Just buy infant cream v2's and have your own kid scriblle on it 
IDK why you would want someone else drawing kids name on a pair of sneakers... Unless they are a new kids sizing, and not infant, I wouldnt do this ever. Better to let your own kid be creative and do it with them for a bonding experience with a blank pair of infant creams.

The only other reason I could see ppl want these is if you're the type of person who would get  unlimited joy in knowing a rich person's kid actually worked (like most of the world) to produce your kid's shoes.
IDK why you would want someone else drawing kids name on a pair of sneakers... Unless they are a new kids sizing, and not infant, I wouldnt do this ever. Better to let your own kid be creative and do it with them for a bonding experience with a blank pair of infant creams.

The only other reason I could see ppl want these is if you're the type of person who would get  unlimited joy in knowing a rich person's kid actually worked (like most of the world) to produce your kid's shoes.
People are obsessed with having this mans name on them in any way shape or form. I dont even feel like this is ridiculous considering how much they ride Kanye
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IDK why you would want someone else drawing kids name on a pair of sneakers... Unless they are a new kids sizing, and not infant, I wouldnt do this ever. Better to let your own kid be creative and do it with them for a bonding experience with a blank pair of infant creams.

The only other reason I could see ppl want these is if you're the type of person who would get  unlimited joy in knowing a rich person's kid actually worked (like most of the world) to produce your kid's shoes.
My kid won't be born until October. He/she won't be able to draw anything for a couple years. Even if they were, I wouldn't want to give them the idea of being "creative" with shoes. Kid already has a dozen pair of shoes and I'd prefer they not draw on them or cut them up.
My kid won't be born until October. He/she won't be able to draw anything for a couple years. Even if they were, I wouldn't want to give them the idea of being "creative" with shoes. Kid already has a dozen pair of shoes and I'd prefer they not draw on them or cut them up.
Congrats on being a soon to be father!

Everybody has their own views I guess. I just dont see the difference in having another kid do it versus your own. And i guess I dont have to cause it doesnt matter. But thats just me. 

If I'm buying something for anyone. They can do whatever they feel like to make them their own. Again, thats just me.
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