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I've seen grown men with families on here talking about taking personal days or sick days to go enter raffles/stand in line to cop. Definitely not just a "kid" thing. I'm 23 btw before someone comes with the inevitable "you must be one of the kids that do this" :rolleyes.
There have been times when I'm in line for raffles or pick ups, and kids in line will be talking about calling in sick to their part time job, skipping class, etc to be in line.

In my mind I'm just thinking that attitude like this will never get you anywhere in life. I've trained/mentored fresh grads/co-op students who have never had an office job before, and let me tell you, work ethics are worse than ever. All they ever look for is the easiest way to do a particular task, or complain when they don't get their way.
eh....i think most of us are guilty of this illconcieved logic as sneaker enthusiasts -- i took off the morning for picking up the black friday v2s (but of course since I went to college/grad school I have a 'salaried' job that allowed me to get paid for the time I took 'off' -- unlike wage earners). I think the issue is more about a western/ 1st world warped ethos around working 'smarter' not 'harder'. In order for a work ethic to be 'valuable' you kinda have to prove there's a meritocracy in effect -- otherwise what's the point. 
I've seen grown men with families on here talking about taking personal days or sick days to go enter raffles/stand in line to cop. Definitely not just a "kid" thing. I'm 23 btw before someone comes with the inevitable "you must be one of the kids that do this" :rolleyes.

you must be one of the kids that do this
I've seen grown men with families on here talking about taking personal days or sick days to go enter raffles/stand in line to cop. Definitely not just a "kid" thing. I'm 23 btw before someone comes with the inevitable "you must be one of the kids that do this"
sImilar but not quite the same thing.

I'm salaried and get a week of personal days and a week of sick days that are all paid.

Using sick days, I think, is irresponsible but how one chooses to use personal days is totally up to the person.

It's not affecting my earning potential and I'm generally back on my work email by the time I'm home.

The gripe is regarding "kids" who skipped days that may have an impact on their future...

I think there was also a story once of a guy who used his mortgage payment to buy a pair of yeezys ... foolish
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sImilar but not quite the same thing.
I'm salaried and get a week of personal days and a week of sick days that are all paid.
Using sick days, I think, is irresponsible but how one chooses to use personal days is totally up to the person.

It's not affecting my earning potential and I'm generally back on my work email by the time I'm home.

The gripe is regarding "kids" who skipped days that may have an impact on their future...

I understand that bro, I have a salaried corporate job with personal/sick days myself, i'm typing this from my desk right now :lol:
I just feel like missing work over shoes it dumb overall, no matter the age. But to each their own. Not gonna lie, i've considered it lol.
I understand that bro, I have a salaried corporate job with personal/sick days myself, i'm typing this from my desk right now

I just feel like missing work over shoes it dumb overall, no matter the age. But to each their own. Not gonna lie, i've considered it lol.
Totally valid dude! lol

For me, I'd rather take a rare personal day to try for a release I really want that might be happening during the week versus taking a sick day because I got ****faced the day before. Depends on the industry I suppose but its more common than you might think in advertising.

But in any case, I went heads down for 4 years to earn the opportunity to do so as I please 
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Nope! Just a group on Twitter and Slack trying to help each other out on releases! Thanks man
just trying to help each other out
What's good boss? A buddy of mine started a site monitor super legit. We are also all in a slack group where we are going to pass carts around if there are excess to be passed out on release days. The more people we get the faster we need servers to be and more proxies for better success rates in the cart group for release days. If you just want the site monitor its $10 if you wanna be in the cart group it's $30. Lemme know man. Not a scam not bs just a bunch of guys who are sick of the bs in some of these threads all these high and might dudes who think they're too good to help each other out. We wanna cook together bc that's what it's about. Not about gloating on here about how some guy got 10 pairs and didn't help a single person out. You feel me? Lemme know.
but first i'm gonna charge you
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About Benjamin Kicks I have no further comments, because he can indeed be the most spoiled rich kid ever, but he is sure making a lot of money and that makes sense. I am not who to say anything about him personally, because I do not know him, but he sure looks like a pretentious, materialistic, empty kid, but if that is working for him, he is not harming anyone that I know so far 

On the other side, I think that the longest I have been in line for anything is around 2-3 hours, and even that felt like a waste of energy and time because those drops , were on a Saturday and I would have enjoyed more my time sleeping rather than to be around a store in the morning. 

I just can not figure kids today, as someone else said, kids should be out playing games not looking up to idiotic youtubers, not only the sneaker related ones but all of them, the internet is just an amusement park for immaturity and trolls , why would anyone hold so dearly to the impression they create in the others , moreover when it is the impression of people online, people who you will most likely never meet, kids are wrong, but their parents are as well and everything is wrong when it comes to expending that much to be honest, in clothing 
just trying to help each other out

but first i'm gonna charge you
Nowadays I got the things I want mostly because of my plug, the bd or friends I have met along the way to be honest, it is useless to try manual and bots its a business I cannot figure 

To each his own

Only person I control is myself
well, sometimes. My girls control me sometimes
My girl controls my wallet lately ... can't blame her though haha 
Totally valid dude! lol

For me, I'd rather take a rare personal day to try for a release I really want that might be happening during the week versus taking a sick day because I got ****faced the day before. Depends on the industry I suppose but its more common than you might think in advertising.
But in any case, I went heads down for 4 years to earn the opportunity to do so as I please :tongue:

I feel it :nthat:
I understand that bro, I have a salaried corporate job with personal/sick days myself, i'm typing this from my desk right now

I just feel like missing work over shoes it dumb overall, no matter the age. But to each their own. Not gonna lie, i've considered it lol.
I've taken extended lunch breaks for surprise drops, raffle line ups, and other stuff like that. I always feel pretty guilty afterwards for leaving for something so trivial. But then I also put in more hours than the average person, so I guess that makes up for it.
What's good boss? A buddy of mine started a site monitor super legit. We are also all in a slack group where we are going to pass carts around if there are excess to be passed out on release days. The more people we get the faster we need servers to be and more proxies for better success rates in the cart group for release days. If you just want the site monitor its $10 if you wanna be in the cart group it's $30. Lemme know man. Not a scam not bs just a bunch of guys who are sick of the bs in some of these threads all these high and might dudes who think they're too good to help each other out. We wanna cook together bc that's what it's about. Not about gloating on here about how some guy got 10 pairs and didn't help a single person out. You feel me? Lemme know.

Please elaborate
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