Acts of Kindness Vol. Spread the love

Me and my brother went shopping around DTSF. I needed to use the restroom to take a leak. As we were leaving the bathroom i see a homeless man with a chinese to go box. He looked inside of it and ask a chinese man if the food he found in the trash was teriyaki chicken or some other sort. in my mind i was like wtf did he really ask that question. The Chinese man ignore him and left. Normally i do not help homeless people because they might use the change i give them on alcohol or something. At the same time my money was short so we left, i took a second to think about his situation and went back and ask him if he was hungry. The closes thing to chinese food was panda express lol so we went there. I told him you can buy whatever you want on the menu. Instead of buying a 3 entree combo he chose the 2 entree with rice combo. I was asking him questions like where does he stay and he was kind of embarrass to answer. before we parted ways i wanted to shake his hand as a sign of respect. I did not want him to feel like i looked down upon him because he was homeless. I could tell he didnt want to get my hands dirty, so he rolled his fingers and shook my hands. of course i washed my hands afterwards but it was a very humbling experience for me. Till this day, i try to find him when im downtown so i can buy him some food.
Nothing too serious but my bookbag with my laptop was wide open for about an hour and a train ride from Manhattan into Brooklyn. A random lady told me it was open and I swiftly closed it.
when i was in high school, i took my gf at the time to cheesecake factory. it was one of the best dates we ever had, just laughing and having a good time for dinner. when i asked for the check, the waitress said that someone already paid for it because we reminded him of the first time he met his wife. we wanted to thank him, but the he told the waitress not to tell us who he was

two years ago, this young girl walked up to me at a gas station around 2am. she had just got into town on a bus  and she couldn't get a hold of her friend since her phone was dead so i let her use my phone. she calls dude up and he's talking to her like ****. she says that neither of them are from the area and he's staying at some motel, but she can't find it. i drive for like 10 mins in the most awkward silence ever and i drop her off at the hotel. she says thanks and gets out the car thenI realize that i just reunited a prostitute with her pimp

any time i get great service at a restaurant, i tip well and write a nice message on the receipt. you never know what someone is going through, so even the smallest gestures can make someone's day

Did you feel like burning your cape afterwards? :lol:
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two years ago, this young girl walked up to me at a gas station around 2am. she had just got into town on a bus  and she couldn't get a hold of her friend since her phone was dead so i let her use my phone. she calls dude up and he's talking to her like ****. she says that neither of them are from the area and he's staying at some motel, but she can't find it. i drive for like 10 mins in the most awkward silence ever and i drop her off at the hotel. she says thanks and gets out the car. then i realize that i just reunited a prostitute with her pimp

Your still did a really good thing. Gotta spread love to everyone, specially those who dont know what real love is... but still tho...
Saw a wannabe ghetto lookin tourist kid in SF (wearing a Dolphins cap + orange/teal griffeys + a wife beater) buy a homeless dude some Panda Express & a drink in DTSF yesterday. All this was done in 40 degree weather. Props.
I ain't got none.

nothing good ever happens to me 

You were blessed with the privilege of life my dude. If you can't find stories of kindness from other people to tell at the very least remember the fact that you were given this life and not the other millions of seeds that were swimming, fighting for life.

This, is what makes me feel happy even when people are not kind to me.

I'm alive, and the odds say I shouldn't be.
Kinda wish there was a Act of Kindness Day each week. Ide be down. Not always money give, but lookin out for others.
when I go to lasertron, before our game starts, i usually spend time playing the basketball game and the game where the light goes around the circle and u can win the jackpot by stopping it in the middle of the 2 bars. for some reason, im ridiculously good at this game, this particular day, I hit the jackpot like 4 times and some kid was just standing there watching me, so I said, hey, do you want these tickets... he looks at me funny like are you serious? and I'm like here, and I give him the big cup full of tickets... had to be like 600 of them joints... he was mad happy yet confused as to why I gave them to him lol... stuff like that makes me smile.
I believe that its what WE do that matters, not the reaction or if they are fakin (i aint tryna support a liar tho)

I walked into the subway wit a Burger King bag of fries i aint touch. Seen a homeless man lying on the floor asking for money for food. Im like, Here , these are untouched. Dude look me dead in my eye and said, Sorry, I dont eat fast food.:stoneface:

I just walked away but I went off to myself like, is he on the angus diet? sewer rat only fast? Dude was so frail, them potatoes woulda held him down. I was in the city, was he one of the posh high class homeless dudes?? I wasnt angry, just shockd and confused at the response. May he be blessed, tho.

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Last year I bough the DWADE XMAS of my players needed shoes for our basketball game so i lend it to them..........after the game, I told him he could keep them.
the x-mas before this one i spent it in a hotel room in a sketchy part of town alone, binging on heroin...

i had lost my families trust, i was ashamed and just couldn't bring myself to see them..i stole from my steppops after he had lost his job and took the last 80 bucks in his wallet..

something that would've lasted him a week or so lasted me an hour..

they kicked me out after that..

so now it's christmas, that incident had happened 3 months prior...after smoking about a gram or so i walk across the street to the pizza hut..

as im walking inside some homeless guy asks me for change and i just ignore him..

i get my pizza ask for plates and as i walk out i call homie over..

i gave him 4 slices or so of pizza and he was really thankful, he asked me what i was doing in that part of town and on x-mas, i told him i was an addict, and he was shocked..

he told me i didnt look like an addict, and that he was also struggling with his own vices..

i told him i had to go and i reached in my pocket and gave dude about 40 bucks...he was so thankful, and told me that on some days he's lucky to get 5 bucks.. its summertime..and me and this chick id hustle with are trying to get money to score and the homeless dude i had given money to, comes by and he pulls out some of his money and gives us 3 sure he knew what i was trying to do, but he didnt judge me..we had a car and we looked clean like we were legit...but we were just as bad as the dude begging on the corner with a sign who hasnt showered or eaten in days..

a couple months after that me and that girl are at pizza hut waiting for our connect, then the same dude comes up to her asking for change, and then i ask him, what is it for? 

then he tells me look man im not gonna lie, i just wanna get a brew, then i gave him like 50 cents and he was so damn happy and god bless me and this and that..

a couple minutes later some lady getting out of her car, drops her credit card and keeps walking, homie goes and picks it up and tries to give it to her and she starts telling him please i dont have any change i dont want to talk..and walking really fast, then he holds out the card and tells her that she dropped it..she said thanks and wanted to give him money and he refused..

this guy made me look like a true im chillin in the car and just in deep thought, and i looked in the backseat and sitting in the cupholder is an unopened 4 loko..

my friend who was in the car earlier in the day had left it, so i go out and hand it to the guy..

so forward a couple of months walking my dog im sober, and that guy walks by and he stops and asks hey do i know you from somewhere and i told him yeah i think we've seen each other a couple of times, then he reaches in his pocket and offers me his bus pass for the day..i told him i lived nearby and he just kept walking..

sorry for the long and pointless story but this topic reminded me of that guy..

i wasnt better than him because i was clean had a job and a girl with a car..

this guy who had to hustle all day for what was chumpchange to me WAS better than i was...thats why when i see people asking for change i dont judge, i dont know their story or what they've been pretty cold and heartless but when i see people in need i really try to help..

after i got well and my ish together,

i paid my parents back, one day my mom asked me if she could use 20 bucks for milk and some other little things because their EBT stuff hadnt been deposited,

i hooked them up with $100 gift card to the grocery store, i couldnt do that before..and even if i could've i wouldnt of..that was just the person i WAS..

on one of my birthdays, i had no money..i was dopesick and i took my moms camera and i looked at the pictures and the first one was of US gathered around my birthday cake earlier that day..then pictures of my lil brother at his football game, but that didnt matter one bit...i deleted them all and traded it for dope.

this christmas i gave my mom a camera and also a printer so that she could print them out and also got them a big monitor for their computer..

i've been through alot and i think the reason im ok now is because i still have SOME good left in my heart..

im glad to have my family and most importantly my LIFE..

i have been clean since last june..

the thing that made me change my life was this..

this guy was my friend, he stole some drugs and a gun and then they got him into a car took him to the desert and shot him..

the articles with all the details have all been taken off since..they said that when they got to the desert he started to run,then he looked back and saw the heat pointed at him, so he went back and started to beg for his life..the dude took him to the side and blew his brains out..he had been missing since august and they found his body in december, but the cops didnt make it public until april or so.the day he went missing i was calling him and i got worried...

after a while the streets started talkin, i started hearing that he got killed and he owed money to the cartel but naw it wasnt was some dudes who were supposedly his friends..

the guy who killed him also had a problem with me..after it had happened he was asking me where i lived, and this was before i knew that he had killed my friend..

i also want to mention that if anyone is struggling with an addiction to opiates like oxys,dilaudids,heroin or anything for that matter and needs someone to talk to for advice, my inbox is always open..
the x-mas before this one i spent it in a hotel room in a sketchy part of town alone, binging on heroin...

i had lost my families trust, i was ashamed and just couldn't bring myself to see them..i stole from my steppops after he had lost his job and took the last 80 bucks in his wallet..

something that would've lasted him a week or so lasted me an hour..

they kicked me out after that..

so now it's christmas, that incident had happened 3 months prior...after smoking about a gram or so i walk across the street to the pizza hut..

as im walking inside some homeless guy asks me for change and i just ignore him..

i get my pizza ask for plates and as i walk out i call homie over..

i gave him 4 slices or so of pizza and he was really thankful, he asked me what i was doing in that part of town and on x-mas, i told him i was an addict, and he was shocked..

he told me i didnt look like an addict, and that he was also struggling with his own vices..

i told him i had to go and i reached in my pocket and gave dude about 40 bucks...he was so thankful, and told me that on some days he's lucky to get 5 bucks.. its summertime..and me and this chick id hustle with are trying to get money to score and the homeless dude i had given money to, comes by and he pulls out some of his money and gives us 3 sure he knew what i was trying to do, but he didnt judge me..we had a car and we looked clean like we were legit...but we were just as bad as the dude begging on the corner with a sign who hasnt showered or eaten in days..

a couple months after that me and that girl are at pizza hut waiting for our connect, then the same dude comes up to her asking for change, and then i ask him, what is it for? 

then he tells me look man im not gonna lie, i just wanna get a brew, then i gave him like 50 cents and he was so damn happy and god bless me and this and that..
a couple minutes later some lady getting out of her car, drops her credit card and keeps walking, homie goes and picks it up and tries to give it to her and she starts telling him please i dont have any change i dont want to talk..and walking really fast, then he holds out the card and tells her that she dropped it..she said thanks and wanted to give him money and he refused..

this guy made me look like a true im chillin in the car and just in deep thought, and i looked in the backseat and sitting in the cupholder is an unopened 4 loko..
my friend who was in the car earlier in the day had left it, so i go out and hand it to the guy..

so forward a couple of months walking my dog im sober, and that guy walks by and he stops and asks hey do i know you from somewhere and i told him yeah i think we've seen each other a couple of times, then he reaches in his pocket and offers me his bus pass for the day..i told him i lived nearby and he just kept walking..

sorry for the long and pointless story but this topic reminded me of that guy..
i wasnt better than him because i was clean had a job and a girl with a car..
this guy who had to hustle all day for what was chumpchange to me WAS better than i was...thats why when i see people asking for change i dont judge, i dont know their story or what they've been pretty cold and heartless but when i see people in need i really try to help..
after i got well and my ish together,
i paid my parents back, one day my mom asked me if she could use 20 bucks for milk and some other little things because their EBT stuff hadnt been deposited,
i hooked them up with $100 gift card to the grocery store, i couldnt do that before..and even if i could've i wouldnt of..that was just the person i WAS..
on one of my birthdays, i had no money..i was dopesick and i took my moms camera and i looked at the pictures and the first one was of US gathered around my birthday cake earlier that day..then pictures of my lil brother at his football game, but that didnt matter one bit...i deleted them all and traded it for dope.
this christmas i gave my mom a camera and also a printer so that she could print them out and also got them a big monitor for their computer..
i've been through alot and i think the reason im ok now is because i still have SOME good left in my heart..
im glad to have my family and most importantly my LIFE..
i have been clean since last june..
the thing that made me change my life was this..
this guy was my friend, he stole some drugs and a gun and then they got him into a car took him to the desert and shot him..
the articles with all the details have all been taken off since..they said that when they got to the desert he started to run,then he looked back and saw the heat pointed at him, so he went back and started to beg for his life..the dude took him to the side and blew his brains out..he had been missing since august and they found his body in december, but the cops didnt make it public until april or so.the day he went missing i was calling him and i got worried...
after a while the streets started talkin, i started hearing that he got killed and he owed money to the cartel but naw it wasnt was some dudes who were supposedly his friends..
the guy who killed him also had a problem with me..after it had happened he was asking me where i lived, and this was before i knew that he had killed my friend..

i also want to mention that if anyone is struggling with an addiction to opiates like oxys,dilaudids,heroin or anything for that matter and needs someone to talk to for advice, my inbox is always open..

you've been through it my dude, but its good to see that you still here fighting the fight and tryna bless others in the process. And its good to see you learning from yours and others mistakes. That's what they're there for. Some struggles last forever but as long as you dont give in on your end, you'll be fine. Be blessed bro.
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I offered to build and manage a facebook page for my church to help them keep members aware of activities and such goin on. This I started in september. Last friday my pastor offered me a paying job of managing and updating the church website. Extra money never hurts.
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Last year I bough the DWADE XMAS of my players needed shoes for our basketball game so i lend it to them..........after the game, I told him he could keep them.

So you gave him a D Wade shoe? Seems more like you did your self a favor. :lol:
the x-mas before this one i spent it in a hotel room in a sketchy part of town alone, binging on heroin...

i had lost my families trust, i was ashamed and just couldn't bring myself to see them..i stole from my steppops after he had lost his job and took the last 80 bucks in his wallet..

something that would've lasted him a week or so lasted me an hour..

they kicked me out after that..

so now it's christmas, that incident had happened 3 months prior...after smoking about a gram or so i walk across the street to the pizza hut..

as im walking inside some homeless guy asks me for change and i just ignore him..

i get my pizza ask for plates and as i walk out i call homie over..

i gave him 4 slices or so of pizza and he was really thankful, he asked me what i was doing in that part of town and on x-mas, i told him i was an addict, and he was shocked..

he told me i didnt look like an addict, and that he was also struggling with his own vices..

i told him i had to go and i reached in my pocket and gave dude about 40 bucks...he was so thankful, and told me that on some days he's lucky to get 5 bucks.. its summertime..and me and this chick id hustle with are trying to get money to score and the homeless dude i had given money to, comes by and he pulls out some of his money and gives us 3 sure he knew what i was trying to do, but he didnt judge me..we had a car and we looked clean like we were legit...but we were just as bad as the dude begging on the corner with a sign who hasnt showered or eaten in days..

a couple months after that me and that girl are at pizza hut waiting for our connect, then the same dude comes up to her asking for change, and then i ask him, what is it for? 

then he tells me look man im not gonna lie, i just wanna get a brew, then i gave him like 50 cents and he was so damn happy and god bless me and this and that..
a couple minutes later some lady getting out of her car, drops her credit card and keeps walking, homie goes and picks it up and tries to give it to her and she starts telling him please i dont have any change i dont want to talk..and walking really fast, then he holds out the card and tells her that she dropped it..she said thanks and wanted to give him money and he refused..

this guy made me look like a true im chillin in the car and just in deep thought, and i looked in the backseat and sitting in the cupholder is an unopened 4 loko..
my friend who was in the car earlier in the day had left it, so i go out and hand it to the guy..

so forward a couple of months walking my dog im sober, and that guy walks by and he stops and asks hey do i know you from somewhere and i told him yeah i think we've seen each other a couple of times, then he reaches in his pocket and offers me his bus pass for the day..i told him i lived nearby and he just kept walking..

sorry for the long and pointless story but this topic reminded me of that guy..
i wasnt better than him because i was clean had a job and a girl with a car..
this guy who had to hustle all day for what was chumpchange to me WAS better than i was...thats why when i see people asking for change i dont judge, i dont know their story or what they've been pretty cold and heartless but when i see people in need i really try to help..
after i got well and my ish together,
i paid my parents back, one day my mom asked me if she could use 20 bucks for milk and some other little things because their EBT stuff hadnt been deposited,
i hooked them up with $100 gift card to the grocery store, i couldnt do that before..and even if i could've i wouldnt of..that was just the person i WAS..
on one of my birthdays, i had no money..i was dopesick and i took my moms camera and i looked at the pictures and the first one was of US gathered around my birthday cake earlier that day..then pictures of my lil brother at his football game, but that didnt matter one bit...i deleted them all and traded it for dope.
this christmas i gave my mom a camera and also a printer so that she could print them out and also got them a big monitor for their computer..
i've been through alot and i think the reason im ok now is because i still have SOME good left in my heart..
im glad to have my family and most importantly my LIFE..
i have been clean since last june..
the thing that made me change my life was this..
this guy was my friend, he stole some drugs and a gun and then they got him into a car took him to the desert and shot him..
the articles with all the details have all been taken off since..they said that when they got to the desert he started to run,then he looked back and saw the heat pointed at him, so he went back and started to beg for his life..the dude took him to the side and blew his brains out..he had been missing since august and they found his body in december, but the cops didnt make it public until april or so.the day he went missing i was calling him and i got worried...
after a while the streets started talkin, i started hearing that he got killed and he owed money to the cartel but naw it wasnt was some dudes who were supposedly his friends..
the guy who killed him also had a problem with me..after it had happened he was asking me where i lived, and this was before i knew that he had killed my friend..

i also want to mention that if anyone is struggling with an addiction to opiates like oxys,dilaudids,heroin or anything for that matter and needs someone to talk to for advice, my inbox is always open..

So you gave him a D Wade shoe? Seems more like you did your self a favor.
well it was brand new, I had just received it in the mail two days prior to that..... he had never had a shoe otehr than income in his family.
That is ridiculously generous. I don't think I've ever tipped above 20%. Good for you though. They better give you some damn good service when you return.
I don't eat out often, and when I do it's generally with a small group of people (ranging from a dinner date to 4 people). It works out for me, though.  Not only do I feel like I did a good deed, but I score points with the girl I'm with.

If I open up a tab at a bar...forget it. I'll end up leaving a $30-40 tip just because I'm drunk and reckless. :lol: :smh:

Yeah tip heavy at bars you frequent, you're usually repaid. Like a ridiculous amount of drinks all night, 20 dollar tab. Depends though.
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