Acts of Kindness Vol. Spread the love

Nov 2, 2006
Inspired by a post I did in the Sandy Hook thread...

Anyone get unexpected help, or an unexpected blessing ?????

I was given 4 brand new all season tires by a dude who helped me fix a flat on my truck, when I got stuck I Newtown last August. After he helped me put on this raggedy spare tire on, and he saw my other tires were worn down, and he saw the empty carseats and realized I had kids, he scolded me "you need new tires, you got a family man". Im like yeah, I know . Im workin on it (in my head: but im broke as luk). He aint just criticize tho, he did something and blessed me wit wheels and replaced a broken lugnut for nothing in return ( i wrote a thk u letter tho of course)

A lady at the grocery store was in front of me and she checked out, i went up next, and that lady came back aroud and came behind me . She grabbed some of my groceries and asked me, Can I pay for these? Im like, Oh no, thank you tho. She was like, Ide really like to. (im like, only gonna resist once, lol) so I let her.

Last July, I planned a trip to Jersey for a conference and calculated I needed $200 xtra dollars to get there. Money was tizzite and I aint know where it was gona come from, but I felt it would come. i didn't tell anyone bout this, Im too proud n arrogant for that. But a week before the scheduled trip, I went to this new church and was given $200 anonymously. That made no sense to me. Im thinking, Like, yall want me to match this and put it in the collection plate? I dnt even know he the money directly came from or why til this day. But I had ball on my trip tho.

I got tons stories like this, what about yall. ????? Please share
dope stories .. i remember you posted the tire one somewhere..maybe tan? cant remember
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That's awesome OP. It would be great if that happened more often

I ran into a guy while I was working one day. He didn't seem like all the rest of the chicago beggars.

Dude was an elderly man who had just buried his daughter. He had spent his last few bucks on prescriptions. He asked for $15bucks to get new bus ticket back home in MISS i believe. I gave him that and a few more bucks to eat along the way and a ride to the bus station.

It feels good to help others when you can. Gotta watch out for the fakes though.
That's awesome OP. It would be great if that happened more often

I ran into a guy while I was working one day. He didn't seem like all the rest of the chicago beggars.

Dude was an elderly man who had just buried his daughter. He had spent his last few bucks on prescriptions. He asked for $15bucks to get new bus ticket back home in MISS i believe. I gave him that and a few more bucks to eat along the way and a ride to the bus station.

It feels good to help others when you can. Gotta watch out for the fakes though.

Nice. They say , the more you give, the more you get. So Im sure i'll comeback to you in some form.
ive been in those pay it forward starbucks drive through lines

ill pull up to the window and ill be notified that my drink was taken care of, so i just pay for the person behind me, hoping it continues.

i hate those beggars that want MORE. this one time i helped some guy out with gas, i think i gave him about $10 worth of gas and he stonefaced me and asked for more. when i said no, he said stuff under his breath as i walked away. :smh:
During the summer, I make a lot of stops at a 7-11 when I pick up my son from summer camp to grab a slurpee & stuff for him. I always pay for the kid(s) in front of me or behind me...The guy at the 7-11 always gives me a hook up now...
I work at a phone store. Ringing out a lady and she was short a couple dollars for the phone. I discounted it so she could get her phone and go about her day. She kept thanking me. Feels goodman
^ I've paid the difference when ppl in front of me were short a few times...

Mostly so I could get the **** out the store...

Gave a panhandler at the airport some doe while I was waiting for the train...
Someone outside of a store asked me if I could buy them a meal, so I did. Why not?
A few weeks back I was at the corner store buying my breakfast, a homeless dude walks in and asks the store owner for a cup of coffee. He yells at him to get out. I just tell the dude behind the counter to give me an extra large cup of coffee. Dude didn't thank me, but it wasn't even about that. A week prior same sitation, I was at a Dunkin Donuts, there was a dude holding the door for people. He asks me for money for something to eat while I walked in the store (I ignored him). While on line I said I should just get something for him. Got him two egg and cheese wraps. I completely forgot about this until I saw this thread.
Bought a homeless guy a cheese burger and pepsi. He Was thankful.

Once received working Apple earphones from a bum just by saying good morning.
I was getting gas in high school one day. Being broke then, I was scrounging up as much change as I could in my car. Someone saw me and gave me $5 to put in my tank. Made my day, and will never forget it.
I don't know how to say no to people sometimes. I got a haircut and this random girl asked me for a ride to a train station cause she's late for work, I tried every excuse in the book but she wasn't having it. She coulda been an axe murderer. :smh:
I believe that its what WE do that matters, not the reaction or if they are fakin (i aint tryna support a liar tho)

I walked into the subway wit a Burger King bag of fries i aint touch. Seen a homeless man lying on the floor asking for money for food. Im like, Here , these are untouched. Dude look me dead in my eye and said, Sorry, I dont eat fast food.:stoneface:

I just walked away but I went off to myself like, is he on the angus diet? sewer rat only fast? Dude was so frail, them potatoes woulda held him down. I was in the city, was he one of the posh high class homeless dudes?? I wasnt angry, just shockd and confused at the response. May he be blessed, tho.
I was getting gas in high school one day. Being broke then, I was scrounging up as much change as I could in my car. Someone saw me and gave me $5 to put in my tank. Made my day, and will never forget it.
I was getting gas in high school one day. Being broke then, I was scrounging up as much change as I could in my car. Someone saw me and gave me $5 to put in my tank. Made my day, and will never forget it.

the come up is real
i was a cashier at a grocery store and when people didn't have enough money for food or whatever, they'd ask me to pull stuff out so they could afford it, i'd just put it in the bag without charging them, i know the struggle. i got fired eventually but i ain't even mad. feels good being helped and helping others. the many thank you's, well wishes, compliments and hearing all the nice things made it worth it

my mom comes home sometimes telling me how she was short on money and either the cashiers just sticks whatever in the bag without scanning it or someone in line offers to pay for it.
I wanna do that one day, pay for the next person behind me in a drive thru or at a toll booth. That feeling you get, cannot be purchased.
I wanna do that one day, pay for the next person behind me in a drive thru or at a toll booth. That feeling you get, cannot be purchased.

I've always wanted to do this, but what's stopping the person you gave the money to from pocketing it, and charging the next person anyway?
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