A thread dedicated to small but emotionally devastating social fails

Originally Posted by LilSciurid08

Originally Posted by potus2028

How bout you think sumbody talkin 2 you, you start talkin back, and she got a bluetooth in her ear on the phone.

Delayed facepalm moment.

Or, how bout a slight stumble in public? Not a total faceplant or nothin, one of the jawns where you catch yaself, but you def know your diddybop failed.

Or hell, what about you on a elevator, and its like 3 people on that mafuh, and you get 2 a floor and yall can't decide who gets out 1st. Have me bout 2 suggest a game of rock, paper, scissors 2 decide.

Wait wait...what about you walkin towards sumbody on the sidewalk, and yall can't seem 2 get the *#+# out of each othas way. Yall just standin there jukin right and left and smilin awkwardly...

Oh, and let me not forget you startin 2 walk into another room...and halfway there forget why you went. Got you just standin there 4 a good 10 seconds lookin stupid. I hate that type $#!+

how bout when your walking behind someone and they try to hold the door open for you but as soon as u get there they let go and it hits you

or when you using your phone and walkin and it slips outta your hand and you juggle with it for a good min and everyone is starring at u like

or when your walkin up some steps and people are coming down, your foot doesnt fully make it to the next step and u kick the on your still ona nd u have to start all over, again everyone is like

Even worse is holding open the door for someone, thinking they're going that way, but end up passin you by, word to the Pharcyde.
Just recently I was walking down a long flight of stairs and there were 3 girls right in front of me and I thought they were just going to gostraight at the bottom of the stairs....
And I was on the left hand side and they were more toward the middle-$@#
And then at the bottom of the stairs all 3 take an IMMEDIATE... quick... cut you off left

To avoid running right into them I did a spin move like I was on the basketball court, avoiding all 3

I was like
got em.....

Then I hear them laughing and snickering then look over & they're looking at me

I was like mehh whatever

In my culture we kiss on the cheek to greet each other.

This one thing alone produces SO MANY different types of awkward moments its friggin ridiculous. ESPECIALLY with distant relatives that you've never met.I'll give some examples.

The one where you visit family that you have never seen before for a wedding. You kiss your older aunts/uncles on the cheek, shake hands with the youngerpeople in your age group, then you get the 27-34 year old female and ur confused as to go to the hand shake or kiss.

Then the next extremely awkward thing is when you go to kiss one of the ladies, then they don't let you. I'm just like ++@ feeling mad awkward andstupid...then my mom or one of my aunts/uncles will tell me "what are u doing! she's religious, ur not supposed to kiss her" I'm just likeshut the +#+$ up you should have told me that beforehand so I don't look like a fool in front of 40 people.

Then the most frequent awkward moment is the "Should I kiss just once on the left cheek, or 3 kisses with the left, right, left. It's so awkward whenyou're playing for the 3 kiss, and as you're going for the second the person backs away and ur just left hangin with ur lips puckered and their like"oh my bad." then they go for the second kiss and then you back away from their third assuming their not gunna go for it, and it produces anotherawkward moment.

I try to avoid saying hi distant relatives because of this crap.
at some of these post.

I forgot to mention the "Excuse Me" Overcorrection.

You know the deal; someone's blocking something you need to get to, a doorway, the office fridge, etc. You approach the situation (usually from behind -this always happens if you're out of their field of vision), and utter a polite "excuse me."

Except it came out too soft, or they're lost in conversation with someone else, or they're on the phone, and they didn't hear you. At this point,you try again, upping the volume of your "excuse me" - except this time it comes out way too loud and forceful, and it sounds like you're saltyand crazy! Even worse, it's the first time they've heard it, so they think you're crazy!
at these replies

The whole clipping up on a sidewalk or step happens to me everyday at school
i swear i cant walk without stumbling or some !%$# anymore but i just laugh as soon as it happens since noone else does. In high school when u trippedu would get clowned but in college everybody is just silent, !%$# is mad awkward when its silent so i just laugh a myself.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Wait wait...what about you walkin towards sumbody on the sidewalk, and yall can't seem 2 get the *#+# out of each othas way. Yall just standin there jukin right and left and smilin awkwardly...

I hate doing that +$*!
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

In my culture we kiss on the cheek to greet each other.

This one thing alone produces SO MANY different types of awkward moments its friggin ridiculous. ESPECIALLY with distant relatives that you've never met. I'll give some examples.

The one where you visit family that you have never seen before for a wedding. You kiss your older aunts/uncles on the cheek, shake hands with the younger people in your age group, then you get the 27-34 year old female and ur confused as to go to the hand shake or kiss.

Then the next extremely awkward thing is when you go to kiss one of the ladies, then they don't let you. I'm just like ++@ feeling mad awkward and stupid...then my mom or one of my aunts/uncles will tell me "what are u doing! she's religious, ur not supposed to kiss her" I'm just like shut the +#+$ up you should have told me that beforehand so I don't look like a fool in front of 40 people.

Then the most frequent awkward moment is the "Should I kiss just once on the left cheek, or 3 kisses with the left, right, left. It's so awkward when you're playing for the 3 kiss, and as you're going for the second the person backs away and ur just left hangin with ur lips puckered and their like "oh my bad." then they go for the second kiss and then you back away from their third assuming their not gunna go for it, and it produces another awkward moment.

I try to avoid saying hi distant relatives because of this crap.

With me its awkward because in my culture, you kiss adults on both cheeks to greet them. Problem is I live in Miami, and Cuban people greet each other bykissing each other on one cheek. Nine times out of ten I go for the other cheek then I remember. Mad awkward lol.
Teacher:How are you?
Me:Not much.

Also I was with my friend and a dude holds open the door for me. I completely ignore it and go in through the door next to him.
Originally Posted by upt17th

Originally Posted by potus2028

Wait wait...what about you walkin towards sumbody on the sidewalk, and yall can't seem 2 get the *#+# out of each othas way. Yall just standin there jukin right and left and smilin awkwardly...

I hate doing that +$*!
Agreed. That's why usually I just stopright where I am if I see it starting to happen and let them walk by.... then go on my way
On a date or conversing with a chick you like, you laugh and a high pitched, quick fart comes out. She doesnt say anything and you wonder if she heard it, butyou carry on
Happened to me twice in my life
i HATE when im surrounded by people i say "hi" to a particular person, and they dont hear me.

then everybody else starts lookin @ u like
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by upt17th

Originally Posted by potus2028

Wait wait...what about you walkin towards sumbody on the sidewalk, and yall can't seem 2 get the *#+# out of each othas way. Yall just standin there jukin right and left and smilin awkwardly...

I hate doing that +$*!
Agreed. That's why usually I just stop right where I am if I see it starting to happen and let them walk by.... then go on my way
i usually try to stay to the lift or right depending on where the walls/buildings are. if i'm veering left or right, the other person usuallynotices this and goes in the opposite direction.
Originally Posted by upt17th

Originally Posted by potus2028

Wait wait...what about you walkin towards sumbody on the sidewalk, and yall can't seem 2 get the *#+# out of each othas way. Yall just standin there jukin right and left and smilin awkwardly...

I hate doing that +$*!
Happens all the time to me.
this one time on campus on a road that was about 4 lanes wide and like 40 ft between us, me and this other guy both did that stutter side step like we weregetting out of each others way. had so much space lol
, my girl waswith me at the time and still makes fun of me to this day cause of taht (this was 4 years ago)


one more thing, last summer in london england, me and my sister were trying to determine if ppl yield left or right when you walk head on towards anotherperson. we couldnt determine which way, it was about 50/50
When youre at the checkout and you say hi to the cashier, but she doesnt respond. Then later, she says, sarcastically, "Hello." As if you didnt sayhi in the first place
"+%+@! I already said hi, pay attention!"
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

So I went into a gas station to get some food after I filled up. As I walked up to the door there was a trash can to the side. A dude with a shopping cart rolls up and takes the top off the trash can. Dude was dressed bummy and dirty as hell. I decide to get my nice guy on, "Hey, you want something to eat?" He looks up at me and chuckles, as he does I notice a name tag. Son worked for the gas station
"Mistaken homelessness" FTL
I had a temp job of washing semi trucks and one day, somebummy-looking dude is sleeping in the break room. I had to tell him to leave, as he looked homeless, but then found out he's my new boss. Never got a bitless awkward from that point on...
When someone remembers your name, and keeps on saying it and you want to remember theirs but you can't...yea
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

On a date or conversing with a chick you like, you laugh and a high pitched, quick fart comes out. She doesnt say anything and you wonder if she heard it, but you carry on
Happened to me twice in my life

thankfully thats never happened to me... yet.
Reaching to give someone a pound and the other person goes for someone else or doesn't see your hand so you end up looking like an idiot.
I seen a dude who got played 3 times in a row because a girl was talking to the phone

Girl: *mumbles to phone*
Guy: What you say?
Girl: *mumbles*
Guy: what?
girl *mumbles*
Guy: you got to speak louder...
(Sees her right hand holding a phone against her ears and get embarrass.
This **#% hits home like a muggggg for me, tho
Habitual offender...

The other day I was grocery shopping and needed immediate assistance regarding some fresh produce and proceeded to look for somebody who worked there to helpme out. So I finally spot shorty near the cabbage manipulating the sprinkler system and **#% and ask her how I know what a good papaya feel/look like (
) As I'm walking over my basket bumps into some juice cart and **#% spill everywhere
I ain't know what to do so I just put down the basket andwalked away from the scene with thee fastness. Not only I had to start from scratch I had to listen to this "clean up in aisle.." **#% overthe PA
Feelin' mad guilty and paranoid for no reason. Sweatin' and **#% like I was Vick goin' through airport security with that polandspring...

I also have the bad habit of sayin' dumb @%* **#% on my birthday. My peoples will call or tell me 'Happy Birthday' and I be like, Happy Birthday toyou too
The $$+%
I play it off nicely, tho. I have a twin so I parlay that **#% into "Happy Birthday to ____ too
" I still sound dumb,tho...

Originally Posted by 0cks

When someone remembers your name, and keeps on saying it and you want to remember theirs but you can't...yea
I feel ya. I can remember someone's face and where I know them from, but not their names.
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