A look into West Africa

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Yes I'm a lost cause because I refuse to preoccupy myself with phantoms and spirits and choose to focus on the reality of life itself.
Yeah...thats it


There is no discussion with you. You're on some completely other s_.

Post some more rolling smilies and sarcastic comments that have nothing to do with what i'm talking about and lets call it a night.
Murder, rape, violence, hatred-I take a strong stance against all ofthese behaviors...but no I'm evil because "I don't go to the quietplace for talking to the man in the sky". Self-righteousness andhypocrisy should be a mortal sin.
What are you talking about?

Reign yourself in B.

AntonLaVey wrote:


Yea buddy, next time you call a man the devil and mentally corrupt....ELABORATE ON IT. I defended myself based on a common misconception and misunderstanding of my beliefs.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by RavageBX

 The poverty nor the beauty can be truly appreciated until you see it for yourself. You'll be thankful for everything you have...and then realize that you don't need any of it.

Yo whats good with Africans abroad going back to the motherland and rebuilding Rav?...Its about that time. Word to Bob and Wyclef.
I'm not gonna get into too much cause I gotta call it a night soon but you're absolutely right, it's on the horizon. But you gotta understand its a difficult thing to deal with. A lot of us who are abroad in the US or Europe become so set in our ways that we either don't want to go or are too lazy/spoiled to make the move. I was born and raised out here and my pops is out there. He talks about it all the time. How Asians and other...shall I say, opportunistic people, are treating Africa like the last frontier. And when you think about it, it is. Anyone with a little bit of change and an idea can move to Africa, grab a chunk of land and start a successful business. Things we take for granted here like Dry Cleaners, Houseware stores, etc. can flourish there. Though there is much poverty, there is also unparalleled growth. I've got cousins who own restaurants and other businesses and are all doing well. Personally I don't know what the future holds for me, here or there. I'm hoping for the best of both worlds.


We gotta build on this topic soon G.

Originally Posted by JDB1523

I'venever been so impacted by a 7-minute video in my life. Sure, we can goback and forth about where exactly needs cleaned up, but it goeswithout saying that the African nations that have serious issues aredue to corruption and war, a lot of which has been brought upon byleaders who don't give a !*%! about their people. Say what you willabout the US and its hegemony, but I'll take any Democratic system inthe world over some of the monarchies and corrupt royalties in Africa.


Thecorruption in Africa is a direct result of your US hegemony. They won'tallow true African democracy because it jeopardizes multi-nationalbottom lines.

How can you be an advanced level economics student and still be so blind to these basic global realities?
Not necessarily true. Are you really going to say that the drug trafficking done by South Americans and Nigerians mentioned in the video is a result of the US corporation? Also, one could make the argument that what's good for undeveloped African nations is what's good for multinational companies. Theoretically, a more-educated African population COULD result in a higher paying job, which in-turn COULD mean greater consumption, which COULD mean more profits for multinationals. In addition, I wouldn't necessarily blame all of this on the US either: Europe and China have played their parts and continue to play a large role in Africa.

And was the stoneface really necessary? We're just talking here.
I'm an american born to sudanese parents. I have taken 2 trips back to Sudan and east africa is not as bad but it is a hellhole in its own. Im talking from Sudan to ethiopia to somalia to kenya etc.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Not necessarily true. Are you really going to say that the drug trafficking done by South Americans and Nigerians mentioned in the video is a result of the US corporation? Also, one could make the argument that what's good for undeveloped African nations is what's good for multinational companies. Theoretically, a more-educated African population COULD result in a higher paying job, which in-turn COULD mean greater consumption, which COULD mean more profits for multinationals. In addition, I wouldn't necessarily blame all of this on the US either: Europe and China have played their parts and continue to play a large role in Africa.

And was the stoneface really necessary? We're just talking here.

Come on man...you're smarter than that.

I'm not blaming that Columbian drug trade in West Africa directly on America, even though the US is the single biggest facilitator or the Colombian Narcotics trade....but in a destabilized nation, where hand picked puppets are kept in power to fleece their population and pad the pockets of foreigners, crime of all type will flourish.

Theoretically, corporations will seek the greatest profit and preserve their self-interest unless pressured externally. If Chevron and Exxonmobil can pay 10 million to destabilze a nation and reap 10 billion a year in return..they will. If installing a puppet military leader as the head of an African nation and greasing his pocket ensures, the neccesary infrastucture and access to petroleum deposits.....why would they care about building schools or jobs? If a real leader begins a grass roots political movement for change and democracy...why wouldn't they sponsor his assassination in order to protect their investments and profit margins?

Liberia is esentially an American commonwealth and consequently the worst nation in Africa.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Go back to the homeland Anton.

Shake of this mental corruption and devil foolishness you've fallen victim to.
What is that even supposed to mean?
Originally Posted by sonunox34

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Go back to the homeland Anton.

Shake of this mental corruption and devil foolishness you've fallen victim to.
What is that even supposed to mean?
I assumed he meant something else....still waiting for dude to elaborate.
Further proof that we have no real problems in America. You think in a country like that they give two craps about something like Tiger Woods cheating on his wife? Think they have rampant food allergies? Think they care about some white dude on the radio making an insensitive remark about black folks?


They have real problems. We blow our little non-problems out of proportion because it satiates our desire to care about things. As irrelevant as they may be.
Africa is the most beautiful place on earth. I'm not from the west, born in the states but parents are Malawian. I lived there a couple of years when I was little and went back this past summer. Once you are there, you realize how much wool is in front of your eyes while here in the states. I will go back to live there before I die.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Further proof that we have no real problems in America. You think in a country like that they give two craps about something like Tiger Woods cheating on his wife? Think they have rampant food allergies? Think they care about some white dude on the radio making an insensitive remark about black folks?


They have real problems. We blow our little non-problems out of proportion because it satiates our desire to care about things. As irrelevant as they may be.


This is why I take an "it's not that serious" approach to events most people would consider unfortunate. Many have it way worse.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Further proof that we have no real problems in America. You think in a country like that they give two craps about something like Tiger Woods cheating on his wife? Think they have rampant food allergies? Think they care about some white dude on the radio making an insensitive remark about black folks?


They have real problems. We blow our little non-problems out of proportion because it satiates our desire to care about things. As irrelevant as they may be.

Truth. I want to show this video to my friend's sister who was complaining that her daddy only bought her a $700 laptop for college and not a Macbook...
x a billi
dmbrhs is so right, Americans have no real problems
I'm living in Ivory Coast, West Africa right now and it's always hard to go home and hear people complain about silly %$@#
Ivory Coast is beautiful in my opinion and the people are so happy
They walk damn near 10km everyday for drinking water and smile the whole time
Young girls walking from village to village with heavy #@@ logs on her head and waving and smiling when I walk by
Even in Sierra Leone where I met children who had their arms cut off in the war are just so happy to be alive
Don't read one thing about Liberia and group West Africa
I've been all over West Africa and it is just amazing

Alot ofya can't blame some othesr in here for thinking bad of Africa. The media has much to do with that, when do you actually see the better places in Africa in the media................?

But i do wanna travel a lot when i get older.. Africa would be a destination...just not sure where yet tho
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Africa is the most beautiful place on earth. I'm not from the west, born in the states but parents are Malawian. I lived there a couple of years when I was little and went back this past summer. Once you are there, you realize how much wool is in front of your eyes while here in the states. I will go back to live there before I die.
 such as? materialism?

why do people make such vague psuedo-revelatory comments like that?

be clear. not to pick on just you, but come on.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Africa is the most beautiful place on earth. I'm not from the west, born in the states but parents are Malawian. I lived there a couple of years when I was little and went back this past summer. Once you are there, you realize how much wool is in front of your eyes while here in the states. I will go back to live there before I die.
 such as? materialism?

why do people make such vague psuedo-revelatory comments like that?

be clear. not to pick on just you, but come on.
Ambiguous, vague, pseudo-revelatory comments FTL. Haze is a repeat offender.
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