_Do you remember what you were doing 10 years ago? vol. 1999

Watching every football/bball game every week. playing football/bball at school during lunch,
I was a beast. being a bad !#%/ trouble maker.
HS Senior.

Was mad as hell cuz I transferred from an inner city HS to a fancy predominately white prep school. Looking back, it wasn't so bad. I was just heated thatI didn't get the opportunity to graduate with folks I grew up with.
10 years old. WWF. Captain Underpants books. TRL was the $#%%. Being mad that my cartoons were interrupted by the Columbine massacre. Watching something happenin Kosovo with the green screen showing the action. Windows 95....
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

playing Master P hooody hoooo
i was in my air-max TN phase
had dial-up
startin to grow my hair out
wanted my ears pierced but never got em til like a year later i wore magnet cz studs

bumping Len-if you steal my sunshine

i thought i was the only one. that was my joint!
Yep, that was my 1st official year in starting my sneaker collection. I always loved kicks however i was infatuated when i saw individuals actually keepingtheir shoeboxes. For some reason that was extremely interesting to me because i never knew that people did that! I was in junior high school, upset because imissed out on the blk/grey/red air jordan iv retros that dropped in may so therefore i was getting myself ready for the air jordan iv retro inwhite/cement-grey june release date.

I remember that year Nas video "Nas Is Like" had came on rap city and to this day i still think that is one of premos best beats ever!! Nas rippedit btw so that made it even better!
I had fun, that was a pretty cool year...
I was 10 riding my bike, starting trouble, playing dream cast at my cousins house, trying to hoop thinking I was doing it and could be in the NBA, at my dudeDSK's house straight chillin(we had the matching Jay's
) forgotwhat they called but they had sparkles on the side lol, begging my mom for the royal blue low xiv's then finally getting them and only wearing them liketwice up until school started thinking I had the game on lock
graduated from elementary school
started middle school
Playing Super Smash Bros.
watching WWF
Was a Pokemon fanatic, from owning Red and Blue to watching the animated series
watched TRL and MTV in its good ole days
Juvenile's Back that @@! up and JT Money's Who Dat were my summer anthems
Damn, 10 years,

I don't even know where time went.

1999 was the end of my junior year and the beginning of my senior year of high school.

I got my first legit job,
, flippin' burgers at Carls Jr.

USC beat UCLA,
, ending the streak.

All I cared about in '99 was making sure the "hooptie" ran, and hanging out with my friends. Football was priority #1, and senior year was
. Worked just to scrape up enough cash to pay for all the senior year"stuff" and scoop up some nice kicks (Garnett III's, White/Carolina XIV Lows, White/Black/Red V's, Black/Red IV's
). Going overboard with the PDA with my hs girlfriend

Damn, 10 years just flew, like that.
Scared of Y2k my parents were going through drama and ended up gettingback together a week or 2 into 2000.. i remeber always going to the city at night with my older cousin and driving around endlesly now i do it to pay homage tothose times.. i was only 10 so.. not much to remember
- Woke up every morning to watch Pokemon.
- GB Pokemon
- Got my first dog, Rocky
Miss him. RIP
- Played basketball on my driveway after school until night.

I miss being a kid so much.
I was 9...

- wearing my shaq jersey as much as possible
- biking home really fast so i could make it home for pokemon
- bball and street hockey tournaments on school nights
Originally Posted by MikeScarn

I was 9...

- wearing my shaq jersey as much as possible
- biking home really fast so i could make it home for pokemon
- bball and street hockey tournaments on school nights

haha same age holla
you guys talking bout waking up watching pokemon are making me feel old.

I was in H.S still, soph-jr. Just practicing football, kicking it with friends, and partying.

Damn, looking back seems like it was all a dream.

Wow son...I was about to turn 15, living in Baltimore. Sophomore year of high school. Randallstow High...the school was built for 2000 students but like 8000kids went there. I used to walk 2 miles to school and show up late everyday cause catching a ride on the cheese bus was +*#$!$+ impossible, cats sitting fourto a seat, standing up in the aisle and **@%. I remember the cool kids would skip lunch and go to the library to look up lyrics on www.ohhla.com. Everyone waspissed at how wack Jay-Z's Vol. 3 album was. My Uncle Ray would always come through and tell me stories about the Marines and growing up...dude ishilarious.

My Grandma, Aunt and Trina stayed like 5 minutes down the road in Carriage Hill. I think Scary Movie came out that year...we all went to see it and my Aunt wasbugging at how wild it was. Videogame wise, me and my brother would play this Official Playstation Magazine demo disc that had Tony Hawk Pro Skater on it...itwas only a 2 minute demo but we played that **@% for hours everyday. I was still playing Metal Gear Solid and Zelda: Ocarina Of Time. Dreamcast was about todrop...everyone was bugging at how powerful it was going to be. Clothing wise, I was still a broke high school kid so I had a pair of Air Max 97's my Unclecopped for me in Jersey winter break '98. Had some Buttas (Wheat Timbs), and a pair of black on black 1's. That was like the uniform back then.

Juvenile had just dropped I think...all the Wu Tang 5% cats were slowly converting to other forms of rap. That Columbine **@% happend and all the copy catswent crazy. We had a bomb threat like ever class period...we would get out mad early and just wander around. One day we got out early and some kid found thisgirls body behind the school that had been missing for a few weeks. Chick used to sit in front of me in my Algebra 1 class. I remember like 20 year old +%+*!*being in my freshman and sophomore classes.....they were funny as HELL, always clowning on people. I used to cut my own hair but sucked so I would just gobald....cats used to call me Charlie Brown cause of how big my head is, or Can't Do Right cause I STAYED in trouble lol. I used to hustle candy in schoolall day....Jolly Ranchers, Snickers, Dum-Dums...it got so bad that my Spanish teacher had to ask me to stop cause it was disrupting our hallway. We went to aSpanish Club for a field trip one time. Ignorant #*# kids stole mad bottles from the bar and was getting faded on the bus back to school.

I remember a lot of people dying, like you would go to school one day and people would just be missing the next. My Algebra teacher was Ananda Lewis fromMTV's roomate in college...used to always talk about her...think she was gay. I remember seeing the Jordan XIV's for the first time...joint looked likea spaceship.

Man...I kinda miss those days. Getting old ftl.
2nd to last year in Elementary school...

fastforward 10 years

last year in university..

Originally Posted by urban turban 18

Originally Posted by mjbetch

getting charizard FTW!
justine&mjbetch you just brought me back.

Getting charizard was the greatest day of my life that year.

i never got charizard
for the record i never even finished the game
not finishing my red & yellow FTL.
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