90 Day Fiance

Am I tripping or is Andrei being super grimey about his past? I mean, I get that they are already married but it seems like Libby doesn't even know about his past. These are pretty standard/normal questions from a family that you're marrying into. Unless he raped/killed someone or committed another violent offense, I don't know why he doesn't come out with it. ESPECIALLY if he's trying to play to the "We're already married" card. His deflection and anger at their persistence is a MAJOR red flag to me.

The whole Colt situation is ****** up. I see what Debbie is doing but I can't get down with the execution. That smile she had when the producers asked "Did you know Jess would get upset when you brought up Vanessa?" Colt just needs to do whatever he can to make it work with her. He will NEVER find happiness with any woman in need of a greencard because they're clearly using him since he's such an easy mark.

I cannot stand Larissa. She's walking drama, man. Talmbout "My face is $10K!"....that doesn't mean a got damb thing when your personality is trash. Can't excuse Eric's actions but she acts like a little kid when she doesn't get her way. Eric's roommate was about to get his Karen on and get her *** deported.

This Michael and Angela situation is too much. He needs to man up and tell her that he's having a kid with someone else (like Usman) or that it's not gonna work. Angela gonna **** around and die trying to have a kid :lol: By the way :stoneface: at her for smoking while getting her test results.
Am I tripping or is Andrei being super grimey about his past? I mean, I get that they are already married but it seems like Libby doesn't even know about his past. These are pretty standard/normal questions from a family that you're marrying into. Unless he raped/killed someone or committed another violent offense, I don't know why he doesn't come out with it. ESPECIALLY if he's trying to play to the "We're already married" card. His deflection and anger at their persistence is a MAJOR red flag to me.

The whole Colt situation is ****ed up. I see what Debbie is doing but I can't get down with the execution. That smile she had when the producers asked "Did you know Jess would get upset when you brought up Vanessa?" Colt just needs to do whatever he can to make it work with her. He will NEVER find happiness with any woman in need of a greencard because they're clearly using him since he's such an easy mark.

I cannot stand Larissa. She's walking drama, man. Talmbout "My face is $10K!"....that doesn't mean a got damb thing when your personality is trash. Can't excuse Eric's actions but she acts like a little kid when she doesn't get her way. Eric's roommate was about to get his Karen on and get her *** deported.

This Michael and Angela situation is too much. He needs to man up and tell her that he's having a kid with someone else (like Usman) or that it's not gonna work. Angela gonna **** around and die trying to have a kid :lol: By the way :stoneface: at her for smoking while getting her test results.

na something is def off about andreis past. Also Larissa is immature af but erickeeeeee is wrong for what he did talking bout her like dat. And Debbie I can’t stand and neither colt who is big old mommas boy. He needs to grow tf up. And yea damn ang really considering having a baby at her age shieeeet I’d be scared at my age
Andrei being extra sus about his past. The way his boy looked at him like

before saying "I don't remember why he left" :lol: Like cmon it's obvious you hiding something at that point :lol:
It's probably something that's not even a big deal but he's just being an *** about it on purpose
how messed up was Ari's mom making her doubt **** like for what reason was she saying yea his ex is super pretty blah blah blah
How many different seasons are on? I don’t know what the hell yall are talking about and I’m mad.

Jihoon’s mom had me dying. She was ****ting all over her husband.

Ari’s mom grilling this man, hahahahaha. My man constantly telling on himself. Hahahahaha, admitting to cheating and lying.

Melyza and her man boring as hell. Don’t give a **** about you cheating.

Brittany gotta be on this show for publicity only. No way that relationship is real.

Was this show two hours? This season is only an hour and seems short. Feels like they don’t have a lot of material due to COVID
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Jihoon's mom is clearly the reason he's so immature. Your son ****** up big time. He got a girl he barely knew pregnant, somehow convinced her to marry him, and then convinced her to leave everything behind and move to Korea because he'd take care of her.

Meanwhile he's barely working and spends the little money he does make on cigarettes and alcohol. Repeatedly lied to this girl, told her it was ok to come to Korea and then she gets there and finds out he's broke and tryna move her and her children into a Korean traphouse.

And his mother still has the nerve to get upset at everyone BUT Jihoon? Teach him some goddamn accountability. He's a grown man with a kid and a wife, who still depends on his parents for survival. You're not helping anyone in the situation by coddling him.
Binyam playing the drums and keyboard on his ex’s booty had me dying, yo serious bout his dancing came out with the shiny shirt n umbrella for his routine :lol: ...Ethiopian joints tho :evil:
Last night confirmed Asuelu is a lil slow. His mom sounded like a stone cold pimp. Then they got defensive when Kalani asked if the sister gives money. Straight up manipulation.
Maybe I'll ask my favorite Colombian to marry me then apply for this show. :blush::nerd:

Anyway, haven't watched any of this season yet. Gonna start it.
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Debbie with the Sun Tzu move to **** **** up for Colt :lol:

Andrei snapped. He might have a body on his hands somewhere in Chisnau.
Jess is a wild one, she straight up told Colt she was gonna go to her ex's house and **** him :rofl:
Colt is a liar though. It's not about you not being allowed to have friends, you lied to her about this specific one.
You've got a pseudo-romantic relationship with this woman who you've had sex with and you talk every single day.
So you lied and told her you wouldn't anymore only to get caught like a chump cuz of your hating mom.
What woman isn't gonna find that shady? Hunnynutcheerios Hunnynutcheerios would you put up with that?
Jess is a wild one, she straight up told Colt she was gonna go to her ex's house and **** him :rofl:
Colt is a liar though. It's not about you not being allowed to have friends, you lied to her about this specific one.
You've got a pseudo-romantic relationship with this woman who you've had sex with and you talk every single day.
So you lied and told her you wouldn't anymore only to get caught like a chump cuz of your hating mom.
What woman isn't gonna find that shady? Hunnynutcheerios Hunnynutcheerios would you put up with that?

oh naaaaaa fuuuuuuuuuck dat....i wish a man would try some **** like that. I am all about having a friends but there is a huge difference you can't be cool with someone you ****** and be sneaky especially if i am expressing my issue with that.
Aseulu really pisses me off but since I think he’s a little slow like yall said, I bite my tongue. I also try to give him the benefit of the doubt because of the language barrier but got DAMB man :lol: His famb, especially the mom is trippin. It’s like she wants him to ask her parents for stacks to slide over to them. FOH.

I tried to tell y’all about Andrei. His reaction and the way his boys/family is caping first him is shady AF. It has to be a violent crime or something that’s a felony in the US.

Coltee is an idiot but how the hell are all these dudes getting caught up with their phones? Maybe it’s because I’ve been single for a lil but damn...thumb prints and facial recognition aren’t effective anymore? Dudes don’t delete conversation history? Jess was OD but Debbie caused all this. The way she was talking to him after she initially stormed out was hella manipulative.

I don’t understand why Mike is so pressed for *Angela*. Does he not think he can find a replacement? Also, are all the white ladies doing this in real life like Angela and Lisa (Usman)? :lol:
I don't think Andrei got into any real legal trouble. If so I don't think they his visa would have been approved. I'm thinking he has a secret kid or something he's hiding from.
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