82nd Annual Academy Awards: March 7th @ 8pm Est (ABC)

why do i have a feeling avatar gona win best pic

id give it to inglorious bastards
I watched Hurt Locker with my boy who is a Marine and he couldn't stand how innacurate a lot of the scenes were.

Avatar should win best picture in my opinion, but we'll have to wait and see.
I watched Hurt Locker with my boy who is a Marine and he couldn't stand how innacurate a lot of the scenes were.

Avatar should win best picture in my opinion, but we'll have to wait and see.
I watched Hurt Locker with my boy who is a Marine and he couldn't stand how innacurate a lot of the scenes were.

Avatar should win best picture in my opinion, but we'll have to wait and see.
You guys shouldnt write off District 9 so fast. The movie was all about social issues and aliens (metaphorically and literally) being misunderstood and treated wrong by the majority. Those are the kinds of movies that the Academy LOVES. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if that movie won, though I'm still thinking The Hurt Locker is winning.
I wouldn't mind District 9 but the movie has ZERO momentum leading into the academy.

...as for my picks, they are based on who I think will win, not necessarily who I WANT to win.

Like someone said earlier, a movie like Avatar won't win because it wasn't even nominated for other important categories such as best screenplay, best actors/actresses, etc.
Originally Posted by KlassSickFresh 87

I can't believe ABC cut off Vera Farmiga for Nicole Richie. I should slap everyone in that control room. 
There is something about Vera, I can't explain it, but something makes her
Originally Posted by Noskey

You guys shouldnt write off District 9 so fast. The movie was all about social issues and aliens (metaphorically and literally) being misunderstood and treated wrong by the majority. Those are the kinds of movies that the Academy LOVES. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if that movie won, though I'm still thinking The Hurt Locker is winning.
It would be a complete shock if it won.  It hasn't won any of the major awards before the Oscars, and I haven't seen anyone predicting it would win.

And not even trying to be a movie snob at all, and I love the Oscars, but always hate people who don't know much about film talking out of their !@! like they're experts when certain people/movies win or don't win.  Not directed at anyone in this thread
but usually friends and random people on FB up in arms like they know what they're talking about.
Originally Posted by Michael Scott

i cant find a link online 
Just saw you on ABC.

Yo, this lady that just interviewed Morgan Freeman, she's annoying the %#%@ out of me
. Anyone else?
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by Michael Scott

i cant find a link online 
Just saw you on ABC.

Yo, this lady that just interviewed Morgan Freeman, she's annoying the %#%@ out of me
. Anyone else?
yes kathy ireland was a robot and didnt let people talk
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