82nd Annual Academy Awards: March 7th @ 8pm Est (ABC)

Hurt Locker was good but not great.....I agree it was missing something. And 500 days of summer got robbed.....Avatar sucks too....cliche story and writing. Guess I gotta root for Inglorious bastards now...
I forgot about inglorious bastards. That might be the best movie i've seen this year. He'll def win best supporting actor.

I don't understand how someone can hate the ending of the hurt locker. (spoilers)

It tied everything together so well. Just like someone who comes out of jail and just can't take the outside world so he does something to get back to the only life he can handle (jail). The main character couldn't handle society anymore. the whole videogame vibe was great too. Everyone likes to play their call of duty meanwhile games like that desensitize young peoples perception of war.
I know UP will get best animated movie but I really thought that was one of the best movies out there last year.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

I know UP will get best animated movie but I really thought that was one of the best movies out there last year.
Agreed.  In fact, I'd still have kept it as a BP nominee even under the old five-nominee standard:

Inglourious Basterds
The Hurt Locker
Up In The Air 

they need to go ahead and give my dude Tarantino his dues...they've been screwing him his whole career...plus he REALLY deserves that *+%$ this year
My girl's dad is on the board for voting for all major awards and we just got Avatar today.

Lets see if all this hype was worthy.

p.s Tarentino should win Best Director

Picture: Hurt Locker
Director: Bigelow
Actor: Bridges
Actress: Bullock (Mulligan the sleeper)
Supporting Actor: Waltz

Supporting Actress: Monique
OG Screenplay: Inglourious Basterds - followed by awesome QT acceptance speech
Adapted Screenplay: Up In The Air
Foreign film: White Ribbon
Animated film: Up
Cinematography: Avatar
Editing: Avatar
Originally Posted by DubA169

This is the worst year in movies that I can remember.

I mean seriously the worst in decades. avatar gonna win best pic lol. Only great movies i saw were hurt locker and precious. I'm disappointed where the wild things are is getting no love. I still need to see crazy heart and the road. Very lakcluster and the majority of movies will be forgotten

Duke says how wack movies are, then hypes precious? 

Since slumdog one, I kinda lost respect for the Oscars, hope Avatar wins.
I thought this year wasn't the worst in the movie biz cause there were a lot of other bad years that make this year decent. I think the year that Traffic one was one of the worst years in movies. I seriously hated Traffic and even when you stack them up to other great movies that had won best picture, it just doesn't fit with them.

Avatar should get all its recognition with special effects in a movie, production, make-up/costume but just not best picture. The only thing that sucks for me is that I haven't seen all the other movies nominated. Inglorious was ok to me so I can't say I would nod that movie over Avatar.


But I know that one German actor should definitely win best supporting actor in a drama. The part when he asks that one chick how she broke her leg and she said in a mountain climbing accident and then he preceded to crack up was one of the best scenes ever.
Hm, a film that portrays soldiers as humans with hearts v. a film that portrays soldiers as bloodthirsty animals. I wonder where liberal Hollywood will rule.
Inglourious Basterds better win one award or another.  That movie took the cake, as far as I'm concerned.
If Christoph Waltz does not win Best Supporting Actor, I will be

I honestly thought he was better than Pitt, but maybe that's just me?
How is District-9 nominated for best adapted screenplay?

From what I understand it's a completely original idea...
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

How is District-9 nominated for best adapted screenplay?

From what I understand it's a completely original idea...
It was adapted from Neil Bloomkamp's short film of the same story.
Originally Posted by bkmac

If Christoph Waltz does not win Best Supporting Actor, I will be

I honestly thought he was better than Pitt, but maybe that's just me?

The movie was thick with actors that I am not even sure if there were main characters but just a bunch of characters. Pitt almost seemed to me to be a supporting actor and not a main actor. But Christopher Waltz had a lot of screen time which showcased his talents better. Loved how he can just have a nice smile and then out of no where, he;ll be choking a chick on the ground. Dude was great.


And I freakin' love this photo. Wish I could have a poster size of it.
Here are some of my predictions after being able to catch up to some of the movies I missed out on:

a) Best Picture: Hurt Locker
b) Actor: Jeff Bridges (Crazy Heart)...could be Jeremy Renner though.
c) Actress: Meryll Streep
d) Supp Actor: Christoph Waltz
e) Supp Actress: Mo'Nique
f) Animated: Fantastic Mr. Fox
x 100000000
g) Original Writing & Adaptive Screenplay: Up in the Air

Avatar will pretty much win all of the OTHER awards like visual effects/editing/music/mixing, et
Gonna be goood, rootin' for Up in the Air, even though it has no chance. Basterds a close second.
If Christoph Waltz doesn't win Best Supporting Actor for Inglorious Basterds, I will riot.

(Edit: I didn't even realize this was a bumped thread, and I already made a post about Waltz

I'm pulling for Up in the Air or Inglorious Basterds for Best Picture. I never got around to seeing Avatar, and that was my decision. You know when you just don't have any interest in seeing something? That's how I felt with Avatar.
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