Texans have that little confidence in Rackers?

The ******** are gonna win it on this drive.
Texans have that little confidence in Rackers?

The ******** are gonna win it on this drive.

You gotta take a shot. Stop trying to play field position in OT. I hope you lose, Kubiak.

You gotta take a shot. Stop trying to play field position in OT. I hope you lose, Kubiak.
I dislike the Skins, but for that play call by the Texans...they deserve the W, if they get it.
I dislike the Skins, but for that play call by the Texans...they deserve the W, if they get it.
That call right there is on the same level of when Marty Morningwhig(or however you spell that) won the toss for the Lions in overtime and chose to kick it to the other team. Idiots
That call right there is on the same level of when Marty Morningwhig(or however you spell that) won the toss for the Lions in overtime and chose to kick it to the other team. Idiots
What'd they gain, 14 yards of field position compared to a missed field goal, after taking that penalty into account?
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