7/27 WWE Smackdown - Bryan v Kane v Del Rio v Mysterio #1 Contender Match for Sheamus @ Summerslam

Brock got in his stance
Brock looked like he did when he debuted. Must be the haircut and tan.
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Don't know if I want to say trips missed the clothesline or Brock jumped it early. Ugh this match could be so good or extremely bad
shows been pretty disappointingso far minus a couple parts. and i was really hype before the show too
I'm not extremely hyped for the Lesnar/HHH match but I think that match is gonna be some savage ****.
So you're telling me WWE decided this was a wise use of one of Lesnar's 24 appearances on his contract?  Really???  He once again looks like a punk.  He's run down and buried on the mic by HHH and Stephanie, and then gets beat in the brawl with HHH.  And now we're supposed to be excited about a match at Summerslam?  WWE should have given that $5 million to charity because they got no business benefits giving it to Lesnar.

And speaking of that brawl... it was freaking awful.  They couldn't have done a walk through once backstage?  The two were stepping on each other's toes the entire time.  Terrible.
[COLOR=#red]AJ as the New GM.... Did NOT see that one coming...

No Power Married Couple... :smh:

Hope it turns BD into pure evil a-s kicking machine.[/COLOR]
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