52% of Young Adults (18-29) Live W/ Their Parents: The Highest Rate Ever Surpassing Even the Great Depression

Hong Kong: Incredible night life. Lots of working opportunities, great food options

Singapore: SUPER clean city (you can eat off the street), pretty great place to raise a family, but not the BEST place if you're young and looking for variety

Switzerland: Lots of potential to earn BIG money. People are very friendly, and the entire country looks like an art portrait

Australia: Depending on where you are, the weather is really nice. Lot's of things to do, but there's this underlining racist culture down there that really turned me off.

Canada (Vancouver): Very scenic, dope food, dope people, dope weed, and the women are pretty awesome. Pricey to live in, but if you make good money, you'll be happy

Belgium & Germany: Depending on where you live, it can be great. Lot's of earning potential, but the language barrier is tough, because a lot of people do not speak English.

If had to pick1 country, It's probably be Switzerland. I don't mind the cold and I'm an avid snowboarder. Also, there was this Scandinavian woman I dated for a few months while I was out there. Best top I've ever received from any woman in my life. Not even into white women like that either.

アミーゴ アミーゴ 🤔🤔
I gotta move to Finland. My wife's mother's side of the family is from there. They shouldn't have moved to thus sh**hole country.
How can I help? You can stay at my loft in Geneva whenever man. Not Verbier though since that’s a timeshare situation.

You know my situation man, i can't travel out the country :lol:

Just wanted your input on the quality of life in Switzerland since you lived out there.
Working from home works for me to a point because I have my family but the limited social interaction for the kids is killing them. This will be the strangest generation yet.
Yeah I agree. I rather sit in traffic commuting to work than WFH for the social interaction itself. WFH was depressing. To your point for the kids, I’ve seen it first hand with how the neighborhood kids have gone from being normal, active kids, to being anti social screen addicted dweebs. It’s sad
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Working from home works for me to a point because I have my family but the limited social interaction for the kids is killing them. This will be the strangest generation yet.

These were my initial thoughts when everything was going down, but I'm beginning to believe the next generation won't be having much in-person interaction anyway. Look at how kids are programed to communicate now. They go on zoom for school, they use FaceTime to talk to their friends, or they make friends in Online Gaming and/or Discord.

There's very little incentive for kids to have in-person interaction. Yes, this all sounds strange from our perspective, but for them, it's normal.
You know my situation man, i can't travel out the country :lol:

Just wanted your input on the quality of life in Switzerland since you lived out there.

All dependent on where you are at in your life - as a 28 year old I needed more energy from city life vs Switzerland. So beautiful but just so slow - everyone has a nanny/help and barely any +1s worked. I love visiting it’s just not a long term option for me - I missed sports too much and accessibility to what I wanted when I wanted it.
Working from home works for me to a point because I have my family but the limited social interaction for the kids is killing them. This will be the strangest generation yet.

They were already 80% there due to their addiction to cell phones. COVID was just the nail in the coffin.
These were my initial thoughts when everything was going down, but I'm beginning to believe the next generation won't be having much in-person interaction anyway. Look at how kids are programed to communicate now. They go on zoom for school, they use FaceTime to talk to their friends, or they make friends in Online Gaming and/or Discord.

There's very little incentive for kids to have in-person interaction. Yes, this all sounds strange from our perspective, but for them, it's normal.
Yes but that’s half of it. Trash parents are being exposed and their kids are near doomed since that’s all they have to see as normal. Lack of interaction is one thing but only having terrible interactions and/or neglect is another.
These were my initial thoughts when everything was going down, but I'm beginning to believe the next generation won't be having much in-person interaction anyway. Look at how kids are programed to communicate now. They go on zoom for school, they use FaceTime to talk to their friends, or they make friends in Online Gaming and/or Discord.

There's very little incentive for kids to have in-person interaction. Yes, this all sounds strange from our perspective, but for them, it's normal.

Them not having social interaction and relying on social media to communicate is wrecking their brains and self confidence. Kids in my class will text each other all day, post any and everything on social media.

But ask them to speak up and say anything in front of 5 people or more you'd think there was a gun in their face.
Them not having social interaction and relying on social media to communicate is wrecking their brains and self confidence. Kids in my class will text each other all day, post any and everything on social media.

But ask them to speak up and say anything in front of 5 people or more you'd think there was a gun in their face.

Yeah, for sure. I've noticed them being very vocal online, but in-person they're quiet as a mouse. One of my friends brothers is like that. Little kid (this was back then. Homie is 19 now), wouldn't ever say a word, but I caught him playing CoD online and he was cussin' more than sailor.
The rich get richer and the middle class becomes extinct
Even the rich are ****** lol. I’d love to see how medication numbers are effected by all this. How many parents are throwing pills at their kids because they lack the ability to control and teach their children.

education wise… yikes. If you don’t have the means to participate then you’re SOL. Lower class is about to dive deeper into poverty
Even the rich are ****ed lol. I’d love to see how medication numbers are effected by all this. How many parents are throwing pills at their kids because they lack the ability to control and teach their children.

education wise… yikes. If you don’t have the means to participate then you’re SOL. Lower class is about to dive deeper into poverty

I am talking about housing.
Even the rich are ****ed lol. I’d love to see how medication numbers are effected by all this. How many parents are throwing pills at their kids because they lack the ability to control and teach their children.

Big Pharm loves it thats more $$$ for them, same thing with therapists, and the tech companies making their apps and services more addicting while raking in money from advertisements.
My girl rented the place we live at now in 2019 for $800. The renewal is always at the market price really.

She renewed at the beginning of 2020, before the pandemic, for 830.

She renewed at the beginning of 2021, for 940.

She has not gotten the renewal offer for 2022 yet, but it is looking like it will be over $1500.

The sharp increase in rents in Vegas has been insane

Like all the forces driving up rents are happening to Vegas at once.
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