Crazy stories from your job.

Apr 7, 2008
Worked at Circuit City for like two years before they closed, and it was definitely one of the most fun jobs I've had.

Mandingo brought his computer in to have a virus removal and needless to say.... Son probably had a video of 50% of the women in Atlanta on that junt. Home videos for DAYS. :smh:


So at this same store, one of the managers went looking for something on the camera at 1:00PM, and accidentally went to 1:00AM... He saw the GM, who is married, going into the office with one of the 18 year old employees who has a bf and he doesnt come out for like an hour :lol: So I guess he ran his mouth and the manager resigned and we got the worse manager in history.

Above mentioned worse manager in history was hired right before CCity closed, and this guy barely knew how to do ****. Dude would ask associates how to do **** on the computers and ask associates for suggestions on what he should do in customer situations. He didnt have a clue what he was doing and the whole store pretty much banned together to get his replaced, but I'm sure the only reason they kept him is because it wouldnt have been worth it to hire someone to come and run the store for like two months and then lay them off. Son was racist against white people too. :lol: he made it so obvious. So one day, everyone's called in for a on the fly meeting the coming Sunday... We get the news that the store is closing and everyone's down and disappointed... And when the HR lady walks to the back to tell everyone what's going to happen, the store managers gets in front of everyone, and says something along the lines of this: "I know this is going to be bad for a lot of us, and this isnt something that any one of us wants, but... All I'ma say is, if you gon steal something, dont get caught!"

Everybody looks at each other like da ****?!

About an hour after the news, ol manager boy goes and buys a TV... Everybody's like "why the hell is he buying a TV when we KNOW everything's about to be on sale??" So one of the manager's ringing him up for the TV and they walk the TV out to his car... Another associate goes to the computer where he checked out at, and the screen says TRAINING MODE big as daylight on the top :smh: So basically, dude printed a fake receipt for the TV in training mode and stole the TV.

Following two days were HAM. That's all I'ma say about that.


One of the hottest chicks in the store gave me her flash drive to do something that I cant even remember, and she had nudes on it. I think she did it on purpose. She wanted me to see. :lol:


At my current job, I've seen people try to steal cars, run cars through security gates, and wreck the hell out of the car. Wreck their own cars, etc etc. It's funny.
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Y'all don't even want me to get started.

Or maybe you do.

I Work in a sex shop and we have arcades in the back.... ( movie viewing booths) and we had a dude that would come in and wait for people to come out of their booths so he could go in and lick the floor.

I got stories for days b.
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When the Concord's re-released again last year, a grandmother was fighting in front of my store and ended up getting arrested. Then this guy charged at a police officer and was tased :lol: And then this girl tried to resist getting arrested and it took like 4 cops to stop her. All in all it was a pretty entertaining day. :lol: :pimp:
Y'all don't even want me to get started.
Or maybe you do.
I Work in a sex shop and we have arcades in the back.... ( movie viewing booths) and we had a dude that would come in and wait for people to come out of their booths so he could go in and lick the floor.
I got stories for days b.

I had a summer job of supervising activities in a park.

And one afternoon, we had to call the police because a dude was naked in the bushes masturbating while kids where playing in the park. :smh:

Cops never showed and dude just left.
Y'all don't even want me to get started.

Or maybe you do.

I Work in a sex shop and we have arcades in the back.... ( movie viewing booths) and we had a dude that would come in and wait for people to come out of their booths so he could go in and lick the floor.

I got stories for days b.

:lol: :x :smh:

Son stories !
Pretty much just a Manager sex scandal...two separate occasions, two different managers. Hate my store lol
I was doing evaluations at a store with my DM.

She walked into the bathroom and found a note book.

In said note book were the names of all the male store employees ( including management ) and gradings about how the sex was, penis size, etc....

A female employer had left it.

Whole store was fired that night :lol:
Years ago,my old manager dumped his wife who had cancer for a manager at a different store.
some coworker stole like 5g's or more 2 years ago and got away with it. At the baseball stadium during a yankee's game.

also 2 drunk guys ran naked into the field during a game. The cops/security was chasing after em.
So we get a lot of homeless people in my store...
I'm always cool with them and try to help em out so if they have the money for a booth ill let em have it so they can get off the street for a while....
So one of the regulars comes through for a preview ( you can pick any DVD we have and you get 2 hours of it)... He's extra stinky this day though so I set him up with a booth that is away from the rest of the folks so they don't complain.
So he's in here for like 4 hours and he starts making all these weird noises and what sounds like him banging his head against the wall. So I tell him it's time to go. He's like yeah alright.... 10 minutes pass and he still doesn't come out so I go back there and he's walking around naked and he's all shiny... So I tell him that's it man gotta call the cops now man.. So he runs to his booth and puts on his pants and runs outta my store... So turns out he lathered himself up in baby oil ... When he ran outta my store he left baby oil footprints all the way out.

Typing from my iPhone so excuse the typos and what not.
Caught two attorney's getting it on in my job , two dudes , one started crying ( u can probably guess which one was cryin :lol: ) . The other begged me to stay quite , came up to me an hour later and handed me 2 g's , cash. Dude begged me to stay quiet , I only told immediate Friends :lol:
not in my job, but a neighboring hospital where i did rotations

2 year old is brought to have an MRI, unfortnately the nurse forgot to replace the oxygen tank with an aluminum one, long story short, MRI starts, the magnet is so strong it pulls the oxygen tank into the machine and practically decapitates the kid.
Used to work Valet at a hospital... Had a dude that was shot drive himself to the hospital and wanted me to park his car.
I used to work in a liquor store and we had this same guy come in every morning and buy a wine cask (basically a wine in an al-foil bag similar to the water ones that you can get). Sometimes he would come in at least 3 times a day, progressively drunker each time. When he was really wasted, we would tell him that we're not allowed to serve him and he would leave peacefully. But this one day a few months ago, we told him we couldn't serve him and dude lost his mind. He was yelling and screaming and threatening everyone in sight, eventually he walked out the front of the store and started kicking cars in the car park. I'm talking full on Hulk Hogan big boots to these car doors. He kicked about 15 before the cops came and restrained him. They pushed him up against the glass windows of near the registers so that everyone inside saw him get arrested/beat down by the cops. It was classic. :lol:

Some dude pulled a knife on a co-worker once. And there was a massive brawl at the front of the store/in the car park between 2 groups of customers. :rofl:

So glad I don't work in that place anymore.
Sprayed carb cleaner near some spark plug wires not realizing they were bad. Caused a big fire ball and burned all his facial hair and singed some of the hair up top.

While the engine was running put his hand down in front the of the engine to see if a idler pulley was bad. Misjudged where his hand was and lost a finger.

Run away diesel. Smoked the whole shop out.

etc etc
Not really too crazy, but this temp secretary was paged over the speaker in the office and she stood up and looked directly at the speaker and said "yessssss?"
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