40k salary for a job you like or 100k for a job you don't like?

Update: Just put my two-week's notice in at my current job that I've only been at for 7 weeks. Awkwaaarrddd.

I left my last job after about 8 weeks...I was working as an IT consultant. Left the consulting company for a gig at one of our clients that paid 20k more and was way cushier. Real uncomfortable putting that 2 weeks in, even more uncomfortable when my former boss was showing up and reporting to me at the new job :lol:

When people say they make $XX,XXX and complain about money, I'm like man you make good money. Then I consider their expenses like a car note, student loans, rent, etc. and dudes will have like $500-600 left bi-weekly after paying bills. :x

All those expenses add up quick, especially if you're living solo.
Numerous studies prove that people do not leave their jobs for more money in almost all cases. Now from my personal experience, every time I start looking elsewhere it is not because of money. But 40g's? idk man that's low for my tastes.
I been at this job since Monday and just got a better one. Probably not going to have time to get a 2 weeks either. It's different though because I am a contractor and when a new company takes over they just retain us incumbents but the new company came in and did some illegal **** and cut our pay 21%.
I prefer a lower saladry job if I can be happy. Money doesn't buy happiness, but working at Footlocker has been wonderful for me. Whenever we get new releases I get to carry them in and put them in order. Most importantly though, I can go over the sneakers and whatever I do decide to cop, I can make sure I get the perfect pair with no extra glue marks or missing insoles.
I prefer a lower saladry job if I can be happy. Money doesn't buy happiness, but working at Footlocker has been wonderful for me. Whenever we get new releases I get to carry them in and put them in order. Most importantly though, I can go over the sneakers and whatever I do decide to cop, I can make sure I get the perfect pair with no extra glue marks or missing insoles.
It's not even like 100k is a lot of money so yeah. To not take that option just seems crazy. If you're not going to be happy when you're not even making a lot to begin with, how can you be happy making 40% of that?
It's not even like 100k is a lot of money so yeah. To not take that option just seems crazy. If you're not going to be happy when you're not even making a lot to begin with, how can you be happy making 40% of that?
I know a few ppl that took huge payouts, 1 did from $250k to $100k.  Another went from $120k to $35k, another from $74k to $38k
It's not even like 100k is a lot of money so yeah. To not take that option just seems crazy. If you're not going to be happy when you're not even making a lot to begin with, how can you be happy making 40% of that?
I know a few ppl that took huge payouts, 1 did from $250k to $100k.  Another went from $120k to $35k, another from $74k to $38k
And how did they do afterwards?
Idk if I could work 70-80 hrs a week even at 100k and say I'm happy. I got a homie that made 70 and now makes around 50 but is way happier. Dude worked 6 days a week and never got to see his kids. Money will entice me but idk what I'd do. Probably get that 100 for 4 years and stack my bread and move on to other things.
It's not even like 100k is a lot of money so yeah. To not take that option just seems crazy. If you're not going to be happy when you're not even making a lot to begin with, how can you be happy making 40% of that?

I know a few ppl that took huge payouts, 1 did from $250k to $100k.  Another went from $120k to $35k, another from $74k to $38k
OK. And I'm guessing their lives have improved as a result is what you're telling me?
It's like choosing between being a fighter in the UFC and being a plumber.

Rather be a plumber making that Guap.
100k and retire early

win win

How early do you expect to retire off of the $100k job? most likely it'll still be a lot of years where you go in miserable everyday
If you're pulling $100k for the majority of your career, you should be able to max out a 401k and a Roth (assuming you live within/below your means). Doing that for 25 years you'll have $2M in the bank easy. I'd call retiring at 55 with a couple mill (likely even more cause you'll have other investments) retiring early.
If you're pulling $100k for the majority of your career, you should be able to max out a 401k and a Roth (assuming you live within/below your means). Doing that for 25 years you'll have $2M in the bank easy. I'd call retiring at 55 with a couple mill (likely even more cause you'll have other investments) retiring early.
Retiring early in my definition is 40 and under.  You know working 25 years at a job that makes you miserable will make ppl go crazy/kill themselves etc
Max out 401k investment homes etc etc.

You guys really think 100k is a lot of money when it isn't. You won't be able to feasibly do these things with just 100k
100k is seriously not that much. But, you can save a good amount of money if you live way below your means. That also depends on what city you live in, of course.
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