24-yr Old Girl Kills Self and Passenger in Lambo Crash vol. Kids Shouldn't Own Lambos

florida, lambo, crash idk why but the first thing I thought was "Nick Hogan" RIP though... I lost 2 of my best friends when they wrapped their car around a tree...seeing 2 of your best friends laying in the funeral parlor on opposite sides of the hallway makes u buckle up and take it slow.
RIP to the people in the Lamborghini
.  Hope the driver of the GTR pulls through...
Okay sorry if I don't feel sympathy/empathy for this bird or dude who died but what about the victims who were minding their own business driving responsibly trying to get to their destination and now have to live(if the one victim makes it out of icu) the trauma these two caused because they wanted to be cool or get yambs... **** that rip ****.... I feel for the other people that are going to be ****** in the head for life
you guys are that lazy you wont read an article that is maybe 2 paragraphs max? 

im not surprised tho, you got dudes on here asking for cliffs on threads 2 pages long.

"God, in His mercy, took them, so that their friends might be part of a generation that is shaken awake and able to realize that we are not invincible."

no..your sister died because of some spoiled douche trying to stunt by letting her drive a jet on wheels..
I hate when they have to go and jeopardize someone else's life because of their own recklessness :smh:. No sympathy for speeders or drunk drivers from me. I hope the Nissan driver pulls through.
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Dumb rich kids..... Always dying cause moms n dad went got em a new car.... Us poor people ain't got nothing like that.... So Jeff em... They worthless to me
you couldnt possibly sound more bitter and jealous.

i feel sorry for you.
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They crashed into a 2013 Nissan GTR which is even faster then the Merci

2013 GTR does 0-60 in 2.9 seconds

what are the odds of that happening :smh:

Guy in the GTR survived and is at home

Crazy thing is that the Merci is known to get away on inexperience drivers thats why they made the Aventador more "EVERYDAY" driver friendly so even a grandmom could drive it

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Smh people using they mom and dad money need to learn
They crashed into a 2013 Nissan GTR which is even faster then the Merci

2013 GTR does 0-60 in 2.9 seconds

what are the odds of that happening :smh:

Guy in the GTR survived and is at home

Crazy thing is that the Merci is known to get away on inexperience drivers thats why they made the Aventador more "EVERYDAY" driver friendly so even a grandmom could drive it

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RIP to her. some of the blame goes to the dad, cant be letting an inexperienced driver try to tame a lambo

its true- kids are bad with any kind of car normally- gotta let them ease into a real car- let alone a super car. Plus, people are less wreckless when they earn and pay for their own **** feel bad for everybody involved though, RIP and best wishes to them
I don't think the bold is true unless you don't really have money for whatever it is you have. You aren't less wreckless if you have enough money to cover whatever it is. Of course if you can only afford one iphone you trying not to break it but if you can afford another one whether its from money you earned or not your not going to be as concerned and thats what I see irl.
:smh: at people caring more at the Lamborghini than the people inside the car.

This. I know the title says Kids shouldn't own lambos, but last I checked 24 is a legal adult. Irresponsible people shouldn't own lambos. You know that's a fast car, why be careless with it?
This. I know the title says Kids shouldn't own lambos, but last I checked 24 is a legal adult. Irresponsible people shouldn't own lambos. You know that's a fast car, why be careless with it?
Agreed, most of them can't handle it, RIP though.
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