
Reality is, you can't blame the guys we have, but you need to have a closer down the stretch and that is what separates mediocre team's from good ones.If we had a guy who could take over the game down the stretch we would have won tonight but we simply don't have anyone who can do that. We have a bunch ofhard playing role players it isn't there fault they are asked to do more than what should be expected from them.
^True. SA outplayed us by lightyears tonight.

Still, we shouldnt be making excuses. I want gallo to develop, and become our closer. it hurt a lot when one of his last 3s were waaaay short...
oh well. we'll bounce back. does anyone know what pages the predictions were?
seriously gallo should attempt 20 shots a game. he is passive, but just as aggressive for the ball(something chandler lacks). I think we win this game ifginobli doesnt get lucky and hit like 3/4 3s down the stretch. this guy is the most inconsistent euro out there. duhons usual missed layups and the refs lackof calls down the stretch helped too
Gallo will become more aggressive. He's already shown flashes of confidence and aggression in his play, he just is more comfortable right now shooting the3, which isn't the worst thing in the world because he's a great shooter obviously.
I have no problems with gallos game at all right now.

I was just saying he was passive, which is his personality, and not his fault. he'll change within time though.

Hes still only a rookie basically, and hes already showing so much potential. hes even starting to drive to the hoop.

I wish he can develop a post game and use the pumpfake a bit more. it'll help him a lot since hes a great 3 point shooter, and most people would def. fallfor it.

It'll come within time though.
Sorry, Gallo ain't never going to be a player you want to take a shot at the end. That heat game when he passed that iopen 3 to harrington with thequickness showed me everything I needed to know...Dude will be a solid player in the league but the number of dudes you want taking over in the last couple ofminutes is a very small amount and Gallo ain't int hat and won't ever be in that,
i agree with you about gallo most likely not being that guy at the end but . .

how does passing the ball to harrington near the end show you everything? i mean harrington was open . . just he ain't make it
One play and you can make a judgment on a player for his career?

I don't have delusions that Gallinari will become a perennial MVP candidate, but in a couple years time I would be very confident to give him the shot atthe end of a game.
What?? He's a rookie, pretty much, he's still learning.. And if harriggton made the three.. It woulda been " nice pass/ decision by Gallo".But he passesand harrington missed it's " gallo won't be good enough to take a final shot"?

Gallo started the season missing shots.. Dudes were quick to say he's not a good shooter..
He wasn't drivin .. He's doing a bit of both now.. Give him some time lol
I have a question for some of you. Since The Rockets and Blazers both have almost no big's in the center spot, would they consider taking Curry??? I thinkour best shot is with the Rockets. We can trade Curry for T-mac (since he left the team and wants a trade anyway). Both sides win. We get another scorer withan expiring contract and they get their big, until Yao comes back.

The problem with the rockets trade is that T-Mac is making $22 mill this year while Curry is making $10 mill. Who else can we give up that the rockets wouldtake to even out the trade?? I think everyone would love it if we can also get rid of Jefferies in the process, but the Rockets have a ton of Forwards. Theonly thing that I see working for them is also adding Hughes into the mix as well. That would set the trade salaries even.

Here is something that I cooked up

This would be a great trade for us. We get rid of Jefferies and Curry. I don't see his happening though.

I think this is the most fair trade out of all the other trades. The rockets get back Hughes, who can score for them and contribute, while we get the expiring.

This probably won't happen, because Miami actually uses Maglore and Richardson. They take a bigger loss than a gain.

This trade may work if the Kings are willing to let go of Kenny Thomas. They have a nice set of young players right now, and maybe they could use Curry whenHawes is out.

I don't think this trade is all to bad either. The Wizards hardly use any of these guys, and we wouldn't mind picking up Miller and Crit if it meansgetting rid of Curry. Brandon Haywood is coming off an expiring as well.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Sorry, Gallo ain't never going to be a player you want to take a shot at the end. That heat game when he passed that iopen 3 to harrington with the quickness showed me everything I needed to know...Dude will be a solid player in the league but the number of dudes you want taking over in the last couple of minutes is a very small amount and Gallo ain't int hat and won't ever be in that,

Harrington was wide open not Gallo's fault he was tossing up brick after brick that game. This is basically still Gallo's rookie season, I will holdjudgement on whether or not he will ever become that type of player in a year or two. Gotta relax with the assumptions so early into careers.
nycknicks105, the best scenario you proposed is probably the first one.

T-Mac gets to play, Curry gets to play, Jeffries would either be bought out (doubtful) or shipped elsewhere (Portland for instance), and the Mobley chip is theperfect motivation for the Rockets to do that trade. Also, the Knicks would get rid of 2 more fat contracts and get back a desired expiring. While the Rocketswould get some needed size on the front-line. I see nothing much wrong with this trade except for the fact that the Rockets team is filled with guys whohustle. And obviously Curry does NOT fill that mold.

The 2nd trade is no good b/c the Rockets just re-signed the West coast Buckets = Von Wafer. So Hughes would probably get ZERO burn over there. Unless of coursethe Rox are simply planning to cut Hughes. If that's the case, then trade 2 can definitely work.

Third trade, Miami would laugh at that. Why would they mess up their cap-room when they too are trying to go after a second star to go with Wade?

Fourth trade, I highly doubt the Kings would try to ruin their chemistry for Curry. K-Mart will be back soon enough and trying to work him and Curry into awinning line-up at the same time would be a disaster.

Last trade, Wiz kids have enough bigs over there (Haywood, McGee, Blatche). They wouldn't need Curry. On top of that, they would probably look to move 1 ofthe big 2 (Caron or Jamison... Gilbert is unmovable) instead of frivolous pieces like Miller and Crit.
I honestly thought Gallo should have took t hat last shot. He was actually wide open, although so was buckets.

It wasnt a bad decision either way, Buckets just miss. I really wanted that W though. oh well

Originally Posted by SHUGES

nycknicks105, the best scenario you proposed is probably the first one.

T-Mac gets to play, Curry gets to play, Jeffries would either be bought out (doubtful) or shipped elsewhere (Portland for instance), and the Mobley chip is the perfect motivation for the Rockets to do that trade. Also, the Knicks would get rid of 2 more fat contracts and get back a desired expiring. While the Rockets would get some needed size on the front-line. I see nothing much wrong with this trade except for the fact that the Rockets team is filled with guys who hustle. And obviously Curry does NOT fill that mold.

The 2nd trade is no good b/c the Rockets just re-signed the West coast Buckets = Von Wafer. So Hughes would probably get ZERO burn over there. Unless of course the Rox are simply planning to cut Hughes. If that's the case, then trade 2 can definitely work.
I proposed this trade many times, and those rocket fans laughed at my "stupid" offer. I see them taking a bit at Jefferies+Mobley, butthen like you said, Curry doesnt fit that team at all.

Didnt instant buckets fail his physical?

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Fourth trade, I highly doubt the Kings would try to ruin their chemistry for Curry. K-Mart will be back soon enough and trying to work him and Curry into a winning line-up at the same time would be a disaster.
I dont know what chemistry you're talkign about here. Neither Thomas and may are getting much burn at all. I remember they were interested inJefferies+nate for Thomas last year. maybe that offer is still on the table. doubt it with reke there though. who knows?

I see jefferies being traded. hes been playing well, and im sure many teams are willingly to take a risk on him. its not like he has a long contract.
I doubt the rockets take a package of jefferies/curry/mobley...

If the Knicks are serious, I think they'd have to part with David Lee and/or Wilson Chandler to make that trade work (the rockets GM isn't stupid,he's not going to take Curry's contract without getting something worthwhile in return i.e. Lee)...

I think Lee-Curry-Chandler is the only thing that would be worthwhile if I'm on the Rockets...they get 2.5 usable players for a playoff run, and whileincurring cost of Curry's 2010-2011 contract, they in return get Wilson Chandler at 2.1 mil next year have him as a restricted FA at the end of 2011...

For the Knicks, you lose Chandler and Lee for this year, but get rid of Curry's contract for the summer of 2010, which allows them to sign a 2nd maxplayer. This of course is a huge risk, given that no one knows if they will even be able to attract 1 max player, but I believe that it makes a lot of sensebecause you're only losing Chandler (Lee is an unrestricted FA that can even be resigned after this year), and you already have 2 players who play at the 3spot anyway (Gallo, Harrington)....McGrady is also a 3 if that trade goes through....

McGrady might not make the team better, and he may be done playin pro ball, but the whole purpose of the trade is the opportunity to get 2 FA's at maxcontracts THIS offseason...Lee-Curry-Chandler for McGrady makes sense to me...Then again, do you think the rockets would be willing to take Lee and for 1 year,chandler for 1.5 and restricted rights, but have to pay Curry for 2?...
If they're just going to let Tmac rot on bench....?

Seriously, i see them taking a bite at Darko+Jefferies+Mobley.
They get their bigs, two expirings, and they're only paying jefferies for one more year. Mobley's insurance money can be used for Jefferies.
Win win imo. i dont see any other team giving a decent offer for Tmac.

And ill keep Chandler. imo, this whole "2 max Free agent" is overrated. ill be good with one, and signing someone the year after.
I thought Houston would need another big before the season, but their rotation of Scola, Hayes, Landry and Andersen is doing the job.

Here's something I cooked up:

Now the only way I see Portland biting on this deal is if they get desperate due to all the injuries and want to salvage their season. Curry would providesome presence inside but a Curry and Aldridge front court would be dreadful as far as reboundingand defense is concerned
I like that trade. Rockcets wont be happy taking curry, while the magic wont be happy to give up gortat, and blazers are not trading bayless.

Worth a try though
Originally Posted by BangDak

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Fourth trade, I highly doubt the Kings would try to ruin their chemistry for Curry. K-Mart will be back soon enough and trying to work him and Curry into a winning line-up at the same time would be a disaster.
I dont know what chemistry you're talkign about here. Neither Thomas and may are getting much burn at all.

But if Curry gets traded there, then he WOULD be getting burn. Therefore disrupting the chemistry. Cuz that means Donte or Brockman or whoever will be gettingsent to the bench. Plus like I said, K-Mart will be back shortly as well. So now the Kings will have to try and work TWO players back into their rotation? Noway they take Curry in ANY trade.
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