
i dont think ty should go yet...
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Dude is better than David Lee.
cmon mannn, werent people calling him the worst player in the NBA if i remember correctly before the big 3 got there to help. I swear him and Rondo have got so cot damnnn overated because of the Celtics success. It isnt that hard to do what they do when they have Allen, Pierce, and KG to get opponents off of their backs. Perkins would be a bum with us, just like he was in Boston before the "help" arrived. At least Rondo is quick and a very good defender. Perkins is a decent shot blocker, thats about all. Other than being a true center (which most teams wouldnt try and make Lee be) he has NOTHING on Lee, cmon now. Lee is FAR more talented than that dude

I'd be tempted to agree with you, but KG wasn't there in the playoffs last year. He was the only big on the team and he was holding itdown as well as you could have asked. Playing with great players rubs off, look at Ariza this year. Spending time with Kobe made him a better player justlike it has for Perk and Rondo. David is one of the worst post defenders in the league, Perkins is excellent. The gap between there offensive game is muchless than the gap between the defense. It's one thing if a guard isn't a great defender but you need big's who can play D if you want to win inthe NBA, and David can't do that.
Sorry airmaxpenny, but GR8's quote is right on point. Perk got NOTHING on Lee (as far as actual GAME goes).

He just gets more blocks. That's it.

But hey, I respect your opinion (or the fact that you must not like Lee too much). We'll just have to agree to disagree here.
I'd do the Tyrus for Al trade in a heartbeat. With Al gone there would def be more shot attempts for gallo and gallo would get more playing time. This willalso free up a spot at pf for TT and Jhill. Yes Al is a weapon off the bench but even when his chucks are falling we still are a horrible team. We can getyounger and improve defensively with Tyrus.
i dont know what to think of the TT trade. if he was a center i'd do it in a heartbeat. why do we always trade with the bulls though? i hope we can somehowget a 2nd round pick in this deal. btw, hows hinrichs contract looking like?
If we move Al for TT, he won't be here next year. If we were to give him the qualifying offer, it'll put a 300% hold of his contract (about 6 million)on the cap. No way we do that.

In essence, this is just a move effecting us this year, and it doesn't make us better. We also don't have our pick, so I don't see how werationally make a move that makes us worse.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

i dont know what to think of the TT trade. if he was a center i'd do it in a heartbeat. why do we always trade with the bulls though? i hope we can somehow get a 2nd round pick in this deal. btw, hows hinrichs contract looking like?
A Dlee Tyrus frontcourt would be interesting to watch. Hinrich goes to like 2012 so I wouldn't take a chance on him. It says there are stillnegotiating so I hope Donnie can squeeze a pick from them. It's funny if we get Jerome back because he's an expiring also

Theres also talk about the rockets looking to trade Mcgrady. Would you guys be willing to trade Dlee in a package to get him?
I'd do duhon + jeffries + dlee for tmac and lowry.

Hughes, Tmac, Gallo, Wilson, Tyrus?
kendrick perkins is 101000340303030030350332002 X the defender David Lee is, it's not just about blocks
Hughes, T-Mac, Gallo, Wilson, Thomas = 15 wins.

And again, if we move for Tyrus Thomas, he won't be here past this season. If he is, he bites into like $15 million of cap space. Do you honestly thinkhe's worth that?
I think he'd be a very good fit under D'Antoni.

If they just give up Al for him, why not?

wait to see what happens this summer, you open up more options for yourself.
What options, though? It only makes us worse this year.

I don't see the point in it. If we really want Tyrus Thomas we can wait 'til the summer when Chicago let's him become a UFA.

If we actually had our pick this year I'd be cool with it.
he flourishes, you can bring him back depending on what happens this summer. he doesn't, bye.

you'd rather have Al on this team for the rest of the year? ehh, he's ran his course, at least to me. I'd rather have Tyrus.
I guess a sort of audition would be nice, but I dunno. We'll just be even more horrible this season. Trust me, I'm not the biggest Al Harrington fan,but deals that make us overall worse in our current situation scare me.
thought about it and i think nate and jeffries for TT is the only trade i'd do. makes sense for both teams
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