2025 NBA Draft Thread

Didn’t Emoni play up?
In AAU ? not sure but don't think so due to covid basically taking away a Real AAU season / year

My point was Flagg choose to stay local with AAU so playing up and his team losing by 25+ each game in 17u with that supporting cast is probably why he's playing 16u

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He played with Duren's team before he re-classified and they went to Memphis. Not sure about before that.
Yea I remember with Team Final. I thought he generally played up prior to that though with Bates Fundamentals.
In AAU ? not sure but don't think so due to covid basically taking away a Real AAU season / year

My point was Flagg choose to stay local with AAU so playing up and his team losing by 25+ each game in 17u with that supporting cast is probably why he's playing 16u

how tall is this kid. looks damn coordinated and skilled for his size.
Marion one of my favorite players.

Thought Zion would be similar to PHX Marion in the NBA, but Zion is not nearly as good of a rebounder.
I might have already said this but cross racial comparison for Cooper Flag is white Shawn Marion.
First impression I ever had of Flagg was that he was square, straight. His shoulders especially in his movements and shot. Sort of stiff but still oddly fluid off the dribble

I kind of see that in Marion so I get it. I feel like Flagg is a good defender too, it'll be interesting to see how that develops
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