2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Saw These On IG



How much are these worth? A guy here in STL wants to trade me for some other kicks i have, but ive never seen these anywhere.

They look dope on feet. Similar to the McRads. I'm copping
I was going to say the same thing. I never got McRads but always liked the look. I know the hate has been strong in here but these are starting to grow on me. I sometimes like gaudy shoes and these might be one of those pairs.
I am really digging the final product

These with black laces are en fuego. I wear mine alot. Luckily they haven't creased yet but they always seem like they're going to, very odd...


"Take you where you've never been: Oxnard.
         Then make you suck a bull's nut: Ox Nard."
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Ahh nevermind they're not at spot.
But I know I've seen them at other places. I'll check when i get home I'm at work now lol
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