2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

I bet if you go to Tampa a day later you'll still be all right.

You think? I might have to call and check the day after and swing by if that's the case. I'm thinking they'll have a pretty decent turnout and sell all the pairs after the line goes by. I'll be pretty happy if I can snag a size 10.5 or 11 for myself
FYI, this info was actually posted in the thread shortly after the release. Mr NikeSB6 on youtube / ig even made a video discussing what had happened. BHM's were also on that list I believe...

Can you link me to that vid? I found his review of the pair but it didn't mention anything about the size 13 issues.
I won a really awesome used pair tonight.  Some shoes that I've always wanted.  No spoilers though, I'll post pics when they come in next week!
Not my latest but they are recent pickups I forgot to post.

NDS Paul Browns $300 shipped

VNDS Sharks $240 shipped

Pretty good deals imo. Just watched someone spend more on a pair of Sharks that were creased as hell on eBay the other day.
Can't believe I spent over $500 on 2 pairs of dunks that were originally like $120 combined. I was in like 5th grade when they released though so I never had a chance lol.
beyond jealous, i would pay that for those 2 shoes, sharks have been tough to find for me. great pickups 
Lurkers gonna lurk...



This info has been on Facebook for over a week. This is one of the posts I saw on it. You sure you're not the 1 lurking and recycling information on here?
Happy bday maladeen.
WHO WANTS TO BET SHOES STRAIGHT UP!!! I Get Carolina. No spread.

TheCoolShoeShine just posted
White Supremes,
Black Supremes,
Forbes Denim,
Zoo Yorks,
All DS and my size. I'll pay you back a penny a week. Promise.
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TheCoolShoeShine just posted
White Supremes,
Black Supremes,
Forbes Denim,
Zoo Yorks,
All DS and my size. I'll pay you back a penny a week. Promise.
That's a rip though- almost 2k per?
That sucks man. It's tough to find a good cleaner, also have to be sure not to scrub too hard. I've heard a lot of negative stuff about jason mark. Angelus EZ cleaner has ruined some suede for me. I guess I need to try Reshoevn8r or Crep Cure even though I'm sure they are all the same. If anyone has a cleaner they like let me know.

Lincoln ez clean is the only thing to touch my suede, for leather I just use a wet tooth brush with a little detergent and leather milk. look back about a year or so ago in this thread and you can see my wpf that had axle grease on them that now look new(ish)

And yeah I'm pretty sure rapcoz2134 rapcoz2134 isn't the lurker in this scenario
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Pretty sure its been stated in here before but never saw it but is the swoosh on the SPOTs 3m? It kinda looks like it

And what materials is the upper?
Lincoln ez clean is the only thing to touch my suede, for leather I just use a wet tooth brush with a little detergent and leather milk. look back about a year or so ago in this thread and you can see my wpf that had axle grease on them that now look new(ish)

Thanks man repped, I'll see if I can find it.
How was the suede texture afterwards? I actually ruined the toe box suede on my WPF. It hardened up after drying and I could never get it remotely close the soft and get the color changing brush effect back. I was so pissed I ended up just selling them for cheap.
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