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SMH saw this coming. Lets not make this about GSW, this is a structural problem.
We're all good on Kerr, right? Like collectively?

This is easily Steve Kerrs best playoff coaching job for what its worth to me.
you have it in reverse,
in the past the MVP was decided based on narrative

and nowwe have been moving towards more objective criteria.
I do not agree. The MVP used to be split one of two ways; Best player on best team, or the best player in the league.

Now we had:

  • Giannis is the best player he should win
  • Devin Booker is the best player on the best team he should win
  • Joker/Embiid arguments parroting one another
  • DDR random narrative
Can you tell us who they took out the starting line up? Replace Iggy with Shaun and the results are the same.
Can you tell us how many minutes Iggy was on the court when $t3ph wasn't on the court?

Lol, Iggy literally did the best job of any single person ever guarding Bron. He was destroying any and everyone else who tried to check him. The numbers are right there. And he was great on the offensive end as well in those 3 straight wins.

Shaun Livingston c'mon man.
Lol, Iggy literally did the best job of any single person ever guarding Bron. He was destroying any and everyone else who tried to check him. The numbers are right there. And he was great on the offensive end as well.

We can't talk about numbers when I know you don't understand what confounding variables are
We can't talk about numbers when I know you don't understand what confounding variables are

You're dealing in a hypothetical that can't be proven. You believe that just removing Bogut and inserting player X would have led to the same results. But what did happen was Iggy replaced him and put on one of the best defensive displays in a Finals against an all time great in a zone that has ever happened. While also giving you great productivity on the other end of the floor.
SMH saw this coming. Lets not make this about GSW, this is a structural problem.

This is easily Steve Kerrs best playoff coaching job for what its worth to me.

I do not agree. The MVP used to be split one of two ways; Best player on best team, or the best player in the league.

Now we had:

  • Giannis is the best player he should win
  • Devin Booker is the best player on the best team he should win
  • Joker/Embiid arguments parroting one another
  • DDR random narrative

best player best team was never hard and fast rule and was always subjective.

08 Celtics were the best team most wins Kobe won.
06 Pistons had the best record, Nash won
04 Pacers had the most wins, Spurs had the best point differential KG won.

I could go on and on,
there were many years where the best player on the best team didn't have some incredible season and didn't get the MVP.

Devin Booker team had the best record,
but his individual performance falls below the production level of the typical MVP.

that type of player usually doesn't get the MVP, in any era.
Props to those employees that fixed it, 20K ppl watching and you that high in the rafters

Idk how they do it.

You couldn’t pay me 20k to even go up there in the first place.

Yeah I get lil freaked out looking up there too, makes me think of what happened to owen hart and basically no wrestler since has tried to zipline from the rafters.

Artist still do time to time at concerts i think

Imagine being the ones that fix those huge powerlines and the only thing they have is a tether

They can get paid big money (with experience). But is your life worth it. Grateful there’s some people out there willing to do it though
You're dealing in a hypothetical that can't be proven. You believe that just removing Bogut and inserting player X would have led to the same results. But what did happen was Iggy replaced him and put on one of the best defensive displays in a Finals against an all time great in a zone that has ever happened. While also giving you great productivity on the other end of the floor.

Wouldn't the hypothesis be that the bigger move was removing Bogut out of the line up and that Iggy's minutes without $t3ph on the floor isn't as good as the numbers the guy posted (confounding variable)? Sounds pretty similar to what that guy you quoted did.
Cavs were up 2-1.

Iggy gets inserted into the starting lineup in G4. Tied with Curry in 2 outta the 3 straight wins in points for team leading scorer.

And this...
Defending LeBron
A year ago, Kawhi Leonard won the Finals MVP while guarding LeBron James. Leonard, one of the elite perimeter defenders in the league today did a magnificent job on James but it can be said that Iguodala accomplished a greater feat from an efficiency standpoint. Per ESPN Stats & Information, James shot 58% from the field against Leonard in the 2014 Finals and an abysmal 33% with Iguodala as the defender. While it is hard to 'stop' LeBron James, it is not impossible to wear him down.

As the primary defender on James, Iguodala contested and forced him into tough shots throughout the entire series. James was often seen trying to get a jumper up with the shot-clock winding down because of great on-ball defense by Iguodala in the isolation. Besides that, Iguodala has also been discipline by rarely switching off of James. ESPN Stats & Information states that of the 90 possessions where Iguodala started off on James, the Cavaliers could only force him to switch 18 times (20 percent).

According to SI's Lee Jenkins, Iguodala has literally been preparing for matchups against James, studying his tendencies and moves for years. Here are James' statistics with Iguodala on bench versus Iguodala on court:

Iguodala on Bench: 44% FG, 82% FT, 47% eFG, +30 +/-, 107.4 offrtg, 88.6 defrtg, +18.8 netrtg

Iguodala on Court: 38% FG, 66% FT, 41% eFG, -55 +/-, 94.1 offrtg, 109.7 defrtg, -15.5 netrtg

Catalyst for the team
The Warriors were exponentially better with Iguodala on the floor. By inserting him into the starting lineup, Golden State regained control of the pace of the game, playing small-ball to their advantage by exposing the Cavaliers' on offense. Iguodala helped open up the floor for the offense to thrive and he was often wide-open as a result. Furthermore, his versatility gave the Warriors' options to switch on pick-and-rolls while his ability to run the floor produced a number of fastbreak opportunities.

Iguodala's on court net rating was second best among Warriors' players behind only Marresse Speights who played sparingly. Additionally, Golden State had their lowest offensive rating with Iguodala off the court. These are the Warriors' numbers with Iguodala on bench compared to Iguodala on court:

Iguodala on Bench: 91.2 offrtg, 100.2 defrtg, -8.9 netrtg, 83.8 pts per 48 min

Iguodala on Court: 108.8 offrtg, 91.6 defrtg, +17.2 netrtg, 101.9 pts per 48 min

He was clearly the catalyst on both ends for GS turning that series around and the genesis of the death lineup, don't know why people try and ret-con it like he didn't deserve that FMVP.
Thank you for this. I completely forgot about how it went down :lol:
Kind of funny/crazy how inserting David Lee into a blowout loss in the 2015 Finals led the Warriors to figuring out the Cavs and turning the series around.
Am I tripping or are the first 4 “stats” in that embiid tweet just the same thing over and over again?

Scoring champion
first center to be scoring champ since x
First foreign scoring champ
First center to avg 30

We get it. He was the scoring champion.

:rofl: :rofl: I see what you're saying but they were just pointing out there was a historic piece and some things that haven't happened in a really long time. Kind of just putting his season into context. I like seeing that kind of stuff but I know it's not for everybody :lol:
Wouldn't the hypothesis be that the bigger move was removing Bogut out of the line up and that Iggy's minutes without $t3ph on the floor isn't as good as the numbers the guy posted (confounding variable)? Sounds pretty similar to what that guy you quoted did.

But you said replace Iggy with Shaun and the results are the same. What exactly is that based on?

We just going to act like Iggy wasn't 1st team all NBA Defense the year prior as a starter for GS?

Oh, Jerry. 🤣

For the record, I'm not saying Jerry is wrong. He can't be, because we don't know what will happen. I just personally hate when we christen people WEEEEELLLLL before their career is over.

Dirk is in the conversation of (and possibly THE) GOAT Euro. Let's let Luka have a career before we start knocking GOATs down.


Oh, Jerry. 🤣

For the record, I'm not saying Jerry is wrong. He can't be, because we don't know what will happen. I just personally hate when we christen people WEEEEELLLLL before their career is over.

Dirk is in the conversation of (and possibly THE) GOAT Euro. Let's let Luka have a career before we start knocking GOATs down.

iono i'm with Jerry on this one...

KAT is already the bEsT ShOotInG biG mAn eVeR so Dirk stock is dropping faster than Crypto

Oh, Jerry. 🤣

For the record, I'm not saying Jerry is wrong. He can't be, because we don't know what will happen. I just personally hate when we christen people WEEEEELLLLL before their career is over.

Dirk is in the conversation of (and possibly THE) GOAT Euro. Let's let Luka have a career before we start knocking GOATs down.


I agree with your sentiment but this the best start to a career we have seen since Bron which is saying a lot. Since we can't see the future I usually read these statements in my mind as "could be" instead of "will".

I know that's not what he said but it's how I interpret it :lol:
I agree with your sentiment but this the best start to a career we have seen since Bron which is saying a lot. Since we can't see the future I usually read these statements in my mind as "could be" instead of "will".

I know that's not what he said but it's how I interpret it :lol:
Yeah, but even 'could be'...

"Luka could be the best player Dallas has ever had."

He could be, and also he could not be. Right now, never playing again after this series, is he better then Steve Nash? Jason Kidd?

Best start to a career, I get that, but it's exactly that: a start.

Lonzo was the next Kidd, everybody was SURE. There are a million examples. It's one of the more annoying things we do in sports, and it's in the name of wanting to be the first to say it. 🤣🤦‍♂️

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