2022 NFL Playoffs?! Thread | Championship Sunday | AFCCG 3pm CBS | NFCCG 6:30 pm Fox

seems kinda foul for that to come from the official team page.. especially when the league is nike sponsored

if a player chooses to do something or had something form before, cool

but otherwise, they shoulda checked with Vanessa

Makes sense, no way Nike did that. Dope stuff.
Exactly, pride is a MOFO


We just have a different opinion. That's all.
Stop it..it's bigger than obj..just because he didn't have the best experience in Cleveland doesnt mean he should stop players from coming there
Um if it’s my boy and there are pretty clear signs things aren’t being done right and I’m not enjoying my time, why would I try to sell my boy on coming here? Make it make sense. Take the homer glasses off for a minute.
Stop it..it's bigger than obj..

not for OBJ and his family

especially since that man ain’t from Cleveland

for OBJ, that’s his place of employment.. and unlike the rest of us, he didn’t have a choice

that man was drafted by the giants and then traded.. ain’t like he went to Cleveland as a free agent
Hahahahahaha, 2163O1baller90 2163O1baller90 got the blinders on for real.

Baker sucks and the Browns should move on. They really need to go after Aaron Rodgers or Russell Wilson. Another QB I would consider is Matt Ryan but I don’t know if he can play in the cold.

OBJ was in a bad situation and is lucky to get out. Why the hell would he tell his boy to come chill in hell with him?
Cleveland and Jimmy G would be the perfect marriage of mediocrity.

That 31-15 record he had with SF would flip to 15-31 instantly if he were to land with the Browns :lol:
McVay is terrible with stuff like that. He doesnt have the greatest feel for certain situations, which is odd considering he's practically Rain Man when it comes to every play.

Those were terrible. He challenged those like he was up 10.

I feel like people must be watching McVay for the first time. He, for whatever reason, doesn’t give a **** about timeouts. We’ve been complaining about it since he took over. I agree that it’s a bad thing, but to point at it as a reason why the moment was too big for him or he was panicking, is weird to me :lol: that’s just how he operates, and i hate it

The real question I have is, who is upstairs giving him the OK to make those challenges?
"Yeah man this place is awesome to work at, apply asap"

*collects $100 referral from HR*

"oh man forgot to tell you I put my two weeks in"

Man I had an ex coworker do that to me. We both left a company right before the pandemic. I didn’t like my new company and he hit me up telling me his new company was great. He did everything in his power to get me the job. It was the worst place I’ve ever worked at. He leaves 3 months later and finally tells me he got like $500 for referring me and staying 90 days. So basically he stayed just long enough to collect that $500 lmao

Only good thing is my title there, and the work I was able to add to my portfolio, helped me land my current gig, which Is the best job I’ve ever had :lol:
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