2020s Mental Hygiene Thread

Jul 1, 2016
yeah, that´s right...we got a whole decade of 2020s ahead of us.

nah, but all jokes aside: as a person who has always taken pride in a high tolerance for uncertainty, 2020 is the first time I kinda felt myself sliding toward what I see depression described as.

more times than not, it´ll be fine...whatever...won´t matter in a year, **** it.

this time it might not be.

I´m not fine at all. I´m anxious. I´m pissed off. I´m hurt. I´m broke...well, I´m used to that I guess.

it wasn´t just, like, being sad that I couldn´t go see Funkadelic or catch a big game in a packed stadium this year...it was more like ¨I might not be doing those things for the foreseeable future.¨

I understand that depression is more typically characterized by being unable to draw pleasure from activities you typically enjoy, but what about when those activities are unavailable?

what about when they may be available, but they are also stupid?

you know, because of the deadly incurable disease that could leave your healthy, happy *** down half a lung.

the one you can probably catch twice, that one.

what about when you feel like the dummy for not ignoring it like everybody else?

I like cookouts and festivals and hotboxes and water parks too I HATE THIS HOUSE YOU ARE NOT MY REAL DAD, COVID

so yeah, all of that sucks all the time.

oh, and also I´m the only person in my family with even kind of a job.

oh, and there´s an ongoing economic crash that turned everybody I know into an Uber driver.

oh, and the President of the United States is actively fomenting white supremacist domestic terrorism.

oh, and millions of people stand to get kicked out of their homes at the end of the year.

oh, and I recently learned that many of the people that make up the world around me are ******* LUNATICS WHO SHOULD NEVER BE TRUSTED.

oh, and my parents are getting older, less healthy, and way less insured.

oh, and

...to make a long ramble shorter: just when I thought I had all the answers, life changed the questions.

it took me a while to realize the grief I was carrying around was for the death of my old way of living.

...and that that was a fine thing to feel. a fine thing to sit with. a fine thing to process. a fine thing to let go.

pretty much worked through it for now--past ¨acceptance¨ and to ¨reimagining¨-- but I also get how that kind of thing can come in waves.

yeah tho, I assume a majority of people here aren´t having their best year either.

people are broke, angry, scared, and exhausted...Christmas might be canceled. tf type of ****??

so it´s my pet theory that everybody you know is at their absolute craziest in these times. including you.

men don´t really get to talk about their emotions...I´ve always been lucky enough to have something of an ¨acceptable¨ outlet for my emotions through writing, but I consider processing the way I feel about the things that transpire to be a form of maintenance.

they always tell folks to ¨man up¨ in difficult moments, but neglect the fact that men have used tools to accomplish all of their greatest works.

what tools will you use to perform the necessary maintenance and work through your new challenges?

do you speak openly about your feelings to people you trust?

would you be willing to see a professional for guidance?

have you acknowledged that you feel pain? acknowledged why?

do you?

tl;dr- pick up a book, it might help.
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Start writing. Get a journal and write in it when you can. I have a situation going on and me writing about it takes some of the anxiety away.

no doubt about it...being able to process my thoughts in a structured fashion has done a lot for me.

mentally, I´d probably be somewhere much less comfortable without writing.
Also was looking into a therapist. Theres some inner struggles I have that I do not want to carry into the future.

it´s good to see this become more ¨acceptable¨...my pops´ generation wouldn´t hear Word One of it.

we all need support sometimes, I´ve always thought mental health checkups should be standard in society.
I read, write(creatively as well as journal) and meditate(headspace).
I do want to get back in therapy, but I'm more of an in person type.
Looks like I'll have to get over that... I'm just wary that I won't be able to connect through a phone/laptop screen.
Right now, all my power is going towards moving out of USA and moving to Europe, while going to school there. It's depressing to me to live here.
I like to take whatever life is giving me. This thing isn't going to be over this year and at the end of it the world will be changed. I don't want to be in the same place I was doing the same exact **** I've been doing.
So far this book is guiding me
most importantly...you are what you eat....tv shows, instagram, trash music, comments you read, karen videos.....

gotta be mindful what you take in, because once it’s in there it’s floating around your subconscious and influencing you wether you are aware of it or not.

for example...if everyone is talking about how trash a song is and how the message behind it is trash, I will intentionally never listen to it because I don’t want trash occupying precious space in my subconscious.
I’ve been dealing with 2020 like I’ve dealt with everything else before it. I use my many hobbies and visit family members to keep me busy so as to not get too caught up in my own personal disappointments and external/world problems. The harder **** gets the more hopeful I become.
How much can mental hygiene affect sleep?

Would like to have a consistent 8 hours a day but I have been stuck at about 4 hours a day for what seems to be years now.
I read, write(creatively as well as journal) and meditate(headspace).
I do want to get back in therapy, but I'm more of an in person type.
Looks like I'll have to get over that... I'm just wary that I won't be able to connect through a phone/laptop screen.
Right now, all my power is going towards moving out of USA and moving to Europe, while going to school there. It's depressing to me to live here.
I like to take whatever life is giving me. This thing isn't going to be over this year and at the end of it the world will be changed. I don't want to be in the same place I was doing the same exact **** I've been doing.
So far this book is guiding me

I respect that, that´s the kind of decision that actually shifts something.

you sound like you have an actual plan of action, that´s what it´s all about.

saddest **** is seeing people trying desperately to bring 2019 back, like that raccoon washing the cotton candy.

Raccoon washes cotton candy - GIF - Imgur

that **** gone, cousin.
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Thread hits home. Never felt "depressed" or at least I wasn't aware of that feeling until the last couple months. Hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel and specifically as a parent it has me worried in ways I haven't dealt with previously (subconsciously). Glad to know i'm not the only one dealing with this mental grief lol.
most importantly...you are what you eat....tv shows, instagram, trash music, comments you read, karen videos.....

this is one of my strongest beliefs. we can only draw on our exposure and experience, you have to guard that.

How much can mental hygiene affect sleep?

Would like to have a consistent 8 hours a day but I have been stuck at about 4 hours a day for what seems to be years now.

ah man, you gotta get your sleep in.

do you find yourself up online past what makes sense or doing the ¨one more episode¨ thing all night?

Now is the time

for a psychedelic experience

oh man...those are the only trips I´ve been on this year. it´s not for everybody I guess, but it damn sure helps me.
Thread hits home. Never felt "depressed" or at least I wasn't aware of that feeling until the last couple months. Hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel and specifically as a parent it has me worried in ways I haven't dealt with previously (subconsciously). Glad to know i'm not the only one dealing with this mental grief lol.

it´s the first taste of mental strain for a lot of us...you can´t just stay ¨head up, stay strong¨ when almost nothing is going to get any better any time soon. we have to completely recalibrate our lives...that´s heavy.

you said you´re a parent...I honestly feel worse for some ages of kid than myself...imagine being 8 right now?

****, 18.
one of the best investments I have made were ear muffs (not earphones).

they block out 95% percent of loud(er) noises when awake (I've tried to sleep w/ them on :lol:) and are great for times that require deep concentration (i.e. work tasks) or blocking out noise (including white noise) that can interfere w/ introspection.
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it´s the first taste of mental strain for a lot of us...you can´t just stay ¨head up, stay strong¨ when almost nothing is going to get any better any time soon. we have to completely recalibrate our lives...that´s heavy.

you said you´re a parent...I honestly feel worse for some ages of kid than myself...imagine being 8 right now?

****, 18.
I got two 8 and two 11 year olds (blended family). It's really hard man, like unspeakably hard to be strong and show hope to your kids when you don't have answers. No clue when they will resume school, activities, see their friends. It's heavy as you said, but just trying to take one day at a time and show some transparency and they seem to be holding up. Better than dad for sure lol.
I got two 8 and two 11 year olds (blended family). It's really hard man, like unspeakably hard to be strong and show hope to your kids when you don't have answers. No clue when they will resume school, activities, see their friends. It's heavy as you said, but just trying to take one day at a time and show some transparency and they seem to be holding up. Better than dad for sure lol.

it´s one hell of a lesson in gratitude...I mean, I even get to wash my hands.

some folks don´t.

hell...imagine all this, but no Internet at home.

not gonna ¨it could always be worse¨ ya tho...at this point, things not getting worse is a best case scenario.

they´re definitely watching you maintain, tho. they´ll see that strength and it will inspire them.

only looking back do I see what Pops put up with to make a life for us...seeing that molds a person.
Anyone else feel like this world treats mental health like a joke ?

Unless you're an enlightened being, every single human is suffering from mental health issues, and most don't even know it. The media and "experts" only focus on what's profitable....so they can sell you pills.

When are we REALLY gonna start taking this seriously ?
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