2017 NFL off-season thread / We have moved threads, mod please lock!

Does NickFolarin want to be a Lion fan again?

  • Yes, too bad he can't go back

  • No, he will wear his Bortles jersey with pride (but really shame)

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@Chester McFloppy blew up a condom and threw it on the field at the Cubs game. Cubs fans are cray
Go on YouTube and type "Planet Fitness Lunk Alarm," there are tons of videos of people triggering the alarm
people can do whatever they want at the gym, I only care about myself

$10 >


but for real this is why people are afraid of gyms, your normal dude who is fat and out of shape is too intimidated to go to a gym where they feel uncomfortable so I command PF
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people can do whatever they want at the gym, I only care about myself

$10 >


but for real this is why people are afraid of gyms, your normal dude who is fat and out of shape is too intimidated to go to a gym where they feel uncomfortable so I command PF

Explain the pizza/bagel hand outs tho at PF? :lol:
but for real this is why people are afraid of gyms, your normal dude who is fat and out of shape is too intimidated to go to a gym where they feel uncomfortable so I command PF

it's a good point, man. i catch myself sometimes judging people at the gym. but only for a second. i always catch myself immediately and say, "a) i was a chunky noob when i started, b) there are people here in way better shape than me, and c) worry about yourself, not others."
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