2017 NBA Playoffs Thread - CLE @ BOS Game 5 on TNT

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in that SAS game, KD woke up in the 3rd and started giving everyone on SAS buckets, even Kawhi prior to the injury. with the way the warriors space the floor, KD is gonna be able to get the ball 10-15 feet away from the rim, ISO'd against Iman. his midrange alone will allow him to win that match up a majority of the time. at some point, bron is gonna have to guard KD for long stretches

i never said shumpert would guard KD for starters

and SAS isnt CLE

at the time when KD was giving Kawhi "buckets", SAS was up by 20+ points on the road

shumpert, JR and Lebron will all have their turns on KD. but if KD isnt on fire, the cavs wont have lebron waste energy chasing KD around...especially if Klay keeps playing like a bum

and you will def see alot of perimeter switching from the cavs anyway + KD iso's on fire will def see doubles off of non curry/thompson defenders

how much you see the bron vs. kd matchup will also depend on the score. if the cavs are up and/or tied, not so much
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Butler WAS better.

He fell off defensively ever since he stepped it up offensively.

**** dude

Cavs have more shooting than GS.. question is can they guard them.

I got Cavs in 7 again.
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in that SAS game, KD woke up in the 3rd and started giving everyone on SAS buckets, even Kawhi prior to the injury. with the way the warriors space the floor, KD is gonna be able to get the ball 10-15 feet away from the rim, ISO'd against Iman. his midrange alone will allow him to win that match up a majority of the time. at some point, bron is gonna have to guard KD for long stretches

i never said shumpert would guard KD for starters

and SAS isnt CLE

at the time when KD was giving Kawhi "buckets", SAS was up by 20+ points on the road

shumpert, JR and Lebron will all have their turns on KD. but if KD isnt on fire, the cavs wont have lebron waste energy chasing KD around...especially if Klay keeps playing like a bum

and you will def see alot of perimeter switching from the cavs anyway + KD iso's on fire will def see doubles off of non curry/thompson defenders

how much you see the bron vs. kd matchup will also depend on the score. if the cavs are up and/or tied, not so much

typically it makes sense to not have bron guarding the best offensive player so he can "roam" almost like a free safety and play passing lanes and help on defense, but one of the problems with that is now draymond's hittin 3s in the playoffs (hell, he had like 4 or 5 in last year's game 7). between steph, kd, klay, and dray that's 4 shooters. having bron help plus the perimeter switching is gonna hurt them.
typically it makes sense to not have bron guarding the best offensive player so he can "roam" almost like a free safety and play passing lanes and help on defense, but one of the problems with that is now draymond's hittin 3s in the playoffs (hell, he had like 4 or 5 in last year's game 7). between steph, kd, klay, and dray that's 4 shooters. having bron help plus the perimeter switching is gonna hurt them.

ideally i agree. but like you said, draymond was the only gsw player that came to play in game 7 and he lit it up (cavs still won)...as it stands, the new harrison barnes is klay thompson in the sense that klay isnt having a good playoff run. so if you wanna give credit to draymond for hitting 3s, you have to take away from klay not shooting well.

one thing that i can tell you for sure is that the cavs will switch everything on the perimeter and switch the bigs as well depending on the situation and quality of the screen.

the way you are wanting the cavs to play is just flat out not how they are gonna play (on defense)


curry is in for a long series on the defensive end. the cavs will try to pick on him every time down like they did last year with much success. that will affect his shooting somewhat. (just like last year)

and if lebron stays really efficient (55% from the field and 40% from 3) and really plays downhill bully ball, what does KD do? if they have him guard love, does love take advantage of his strength vs. KD?

all of these matchup issues that both team could have is what makes round 3 so interesting. cant wait for thursday
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nba really gonna milk the hell outta this
They need to get all they can get due to no hype whatsoever throughout the entire playoffs. Sucks for them that the Cavs that lost the one game against the Celtics because now they can't push the "two unbeaten teams to clash in the finals" angle.
shots drunk off that sauce just making **** up now. given this scorching hot take, he might be better off talkin about lebron's girth.

iman shumpert the best wing defender in the league? this dude is the quintessential one way player and he aint even great in that direction. he's the cavaliers version of andre roberson

better wing defenders:
tony allen
andre roberson
avery bradley

and all them dudes listed with the exception of two play both ways and start. man i still can't believe what we just read.
How can you forget Jimmy Butler?

Every once in a while Iman will have a nice clean strip and make it seem like he's an elite defender, but most of the time son gets burned. He can't even beat the fellow Knicks reject J.R. Smith and be in the starting 5 yet he's an elite defender. 
Cavs are not scared of the Dubs, this is hopefully going 7 games

so ready for this.
aye real talk
can damn near everything really kill u in australia
and is it true cities are really only on the edge of it nowhere inland
and are like seeing kangaroos
like seeing a squirrel in the park
like they like everywhere???

Bro real talk,

I'll be in the bay for the Finals, I'll give you the rundown, Australia's great.
So does Bron guard Thompson or KD? In 2012 he went to Thabo while KD took Bron from the jump. Last year he went to 1 for infiniti Harrison Barnes instead of Klay. So where does he go this year? It has to be Durant from the jump because the JR vs Durant mathup does not really make sense.
It'll have to be KD who Lebron guards most of the time but the Warriors are probably gonna mix Draymond, KD and Iguodala on Lebron.

Guarantee that one of those 3 (most likely Draymond) gets postered by Lebron and that becomes the picture of the series
It'll have to be KD who Lebron guards most of the time but the Warriors are probably gonna mix Draymond, KD and Iguodala on Lebron.

Guarantee that one of those 3 (most likely Draymond) gets postered by Lebron and that becomes the picture of the series

Should've been the pic last yr :smh:
Niketalk's finest

Dude has been great this year for the Warriors. No moment has been too big for him.
I've been really impressed by McCaw. He seems ready everytime his number his called. His performance against Portland and San Antonio were nice.

I hope he's a Warrior for a long time. If not, I hope he goes to a team where he can further develop into a solid PG in this league.
Folks just hate on whatever right from the jump. 

That's a clean shirt. I'm not getting it. Ain't my squad. But that's clean.

And of course the NBA is going to milk the first time something happens in the Finals. 

I get that Cleveland fans and Warriors haters hate that the Warriors made it, and I get that Dubs fans and Lebby haters hate that Cleveland made it, but... don't freaking watch. 
 Just making yourself miserable, then your miserable self gets on here to go at other miserable folks from the other side of the hater garden.

And no, it's not the exact same roster for all 3 meetings. You know what other rosters aren't the same from 3 years ago? Literally every single one, in every sport, in every country. 

(Someone quote me and mention what this man has had.)
Way passed close.
So does Bron guard Thompson or KD? In 2012 he went to Thabo while KD took Bron from the jump. Last year he went to 1 for infiniti Harrison Barnes instead of Klay. So where does he go this year? It has to be Durant from the jump because the JR vs Durant mathup does not really make sense.
Yeah, I would assume Bron guards KD. It's pretty much pick your poison for the Cavs since KD is now in the mix. Will definitely be interesting what they do on defense.

No basketball till next Thursday 
Iguadola is the new HB.
Don't say that. Andre isn't hitting his jumpshots, but he's playing solid D and impacting the game in other ways. HB was terrible during his final year as a Warrior. That game seven statline still annoys me. 
Y'all would really rather have an old *** Andre iguodala instead of Harrison Barnes right now?
Yeah, I would. Because Andre has been valuable even when his jumpshot hasn't been hitting. He pushes the ball, hustles for rebounds, and still plays solid defense. He outplayed HB all of last season when HB sucked it up all year.

And even though Andre's shot hasn't been falling in the playoffs, the last month of the half of the season, he was hot. 
Iguadola is the new HB.
Don't say that. Andre isn't hitting his jumpshots, but he's playing solid D and impacting the game in other ways. HB was terrible during his final year as a Warrior. That game seven statline still annoys me. :smh:
Y'all would really rather have an old *** Andre iguodala instead of Harrison Barnes right now?

Black Pigeon was almost entirely ineffective in last year's finals. not only was he missing everything, against lebron he offered very little resistance every single time. bron was making him look like a 6'1 pg out there when he'd back him down.

assuming iggy is healthy, I'd much rather have him over hb for his defense and ability to facilitate so Steph can play off ball and get to his spots
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