2016 Official NBA Off-Season Thread: Former Greatness


Best commisioner in sports.
Whiteside will flourish in LA, I hope he's not stupid enough to go back to Miami.

**** loyalty, this is a billion dollar business that's built on the players who already don't get a big enough cut.

Riley vampire *** want ****** to pay cuts, this ain't the 80's b.
I really was hoping Whiteside stayed with the Heats, but I'm starting to get nervous because he'll get paid anywhere he goes, I think he wants to be part of an offense, especially after Spo played with his playing time/benching him.
I really was hoping Whiteside stayed with the Heats, but I'm starting to get nervous because he'll get paid anywhere he goes, I think he wants to be part of an offense, especially after Spo played with his playing time/benching him.

Spo really is not that great of a coach, he better be thankful that Bron came through.
Whiteside is Dwight Howard 2.0 lots of Diva tendencies

I wouldn't say diva tendencies
Dude just doesn't think.
DH was a snake and allowed to be a snake cause teams stroked his ego
Hassan just wAnts what's coming to him, $$$
While I know he's a great fit in LA
I just hope if the team signs him we can surround him with Solid vets to keep him in check
Metta being retained as a development coach coujd work.
even with whiteside lakers aint making the playoffs for a couple years.

cant be looking for instant results with such a young team
lets not get stupid in here and have it locked.

previous thread was locked because someone said one race of ladies was better than another.

So, about the Manifesto..........a lock to never be published??
i don't always see eye-to-eye with oldhotdogwater, but i agree with him. i don't need to be gay to see that generalizing and stereotyping mannerisms/behaviors as being "gay" is something reserved for the less intelligent of human beings.
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