2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

we need to tank not get marginally better

I agree. Just was shooting out ideas. I think we'd still suck with Lopez and would be able to tank but it would give us a solid piece at center which is definitely a need and it's seems like the word out of Memphis is Gasol will more than likely stay put and I'm not too big of a fan of Monroe tbh. However they can keep washed up DWill and Joe Johnson.
I don't want Lopez on this team. He's always hurt, **** no. **** no. We'd hurt our team and also help BK by getting rid of him. Sounds like a typical Knick move.
Predictions for AD's statline?

I'm gonna go 28-14-3 with 4 blocks & 2 steals
Don't even want to thank of what AD's stateliness could be.

Might need to exit this thread during games if its going to be the same old pro-tanking nonsense
Aldrich is gonna tell his grandkids about that time he scored on Anthony Davis.
Adam Morrison, if we're going this route then I take back my apology for suggesting we get Leandro Barbosa(who isn't doing too terrible).
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