2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

god i can't look at that taylor swift pic in her baggy shooting sleeves and not laugh every single time
I like the jerseys. They need some work but they're safe. Have a vintage look to them. So much better than the last few adidas has ruined.
I feel like NYC has turned into a sellout place, mainly because of Bloomberg and it seems like De Blasio is continuing the tradition. It kinda pisses me off.

I ain't saying we need to go back to the days of 42nd being a place dripping with sex but damn...it feels so inauthentic. Bike lanes and city bikes everywhere...like parking wasn't at a premium already, lets put up some bikes sponsored by a big bank in any extra space that could be used for something else.

Taylor Swift as global ambassador...**** man. Corny ****.
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^ completely agree

nyc hs become too "nice and welcoming"

it lost is edge a while ago, but continues to basically evolve into one big suburban-like entity in an urban setting
Exactly. I'm not screaming for the crime rate to go back up or anything of the sort. But integrated cultures was a big part of the reason this place was what it is. But now its like..."oh, you got a trust fund? COME ON IN!!!" We didn't need city bikes and bike lanes everywhere because PEOPLE TAKE THE TRAIN. It's mainly outta towners and transplants who do that.

And I'm not against people coming here and trying to start a new. Never that. I'm against people who want that small town sensibility and soccer mom feel and just turning this place into a pre-school project. What about the people who live here and been busting their behinds for their families? Why ignore them. Transforming this place to suit their needs and ignore the bulk of the population.

It pisses me off bruh foreal.
Exactly. I'm not screaming for the crime rate to go back up or anything of the sort. But integrated cultures was a big part of the reason this place was what it is. But now its like..."oh, you got a trust fund? COME ON IN!!!" We didn't need city bikes and bike lanes everywhere because PEOPLE TAKE THE TRAIN. It's mainly outta towners and transplants who do that.

And I'm not against people coming here and trying to start a new. Never that. I'm against people who want that small town sensibility and soccer mom feel and just turning this place into a pre-school project. What about the people who live here and been busting their behinds for their families? Why ignore them. Transforming this place to suit their needs and ignore the bulk of the population.

It pisses me off bruh foreal.

Couldn't have said it any better myself.

Blame @Hank Scorpio rich people like him ruined NYC.

I second this.
If we're really gonna start this tanking thing we have to start wearing the orange jerseys.
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knicks are playing tonight? nah i'll watch the johnnies instead. we're playing one of my former bosses rather watch that spectacle.
I'm completely numb to this team right now. Apathetic, I should say.

I can't tell you the last time I was home during a Knicks game this season, but I have the opportunity tonight being on vacation, and I'd rather watch The Office reruns.

Wake me up when Bargs is off the books.
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