2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Pop gonna get Beas for the minimum and have him getting double digits off the bench in the playoffs.
beasley is who he is at this point in his career. still amazing that he is 25 years young. who knows, maybe pop can get through to him, but he will certainly have to earn his minutes. it's available, as spurs stay resting their older guys.
 Chauncey would beg him not shoot threes but Josh wouldn’t listen and I think that’s partially how Chauncey knew it was finally time to retire besides him being done three years ago.
Wait beasley is only 25? What thee hell?

And you guys put too much faith in popovich. He couldnt handle captain jack again so i doubt he will tolerate beasley
I didnt hear that, good looks on the info. That would be too real.

Is it because Grandland is blocked? If so here:

No, they don't have anything blocked for me, but I don't want my assistant to hear me laughing my *** off in my office

Thanks for the consideration though
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Wait beasley is only 25? What thee hell?

And you guys put too much faith in popovich. He couldnt handle captain jack again so i doubt he will tolerate beasley

cap't jack was great, one of my favorite players...but he got old quick.

beasley is a pretty good offensive player, im surprised he didnt get off the bench for miami despite his poor D.
That might have more to say about the ineptitude of the Bulls offense and roster than Beasley's scoring.

True, but I also think Beasley's defense is so bad that he wouldn't have played enough for Thibs to lead the Bulls in scoring. If he couldn't get any PT in Miami because of his defensive deficiencies; he sure wouldn't play for the Bulls.
Wait beasley is only 25? What thee hell?

And you guys put too much faith in popovich. He couldnt handle captain jack again so i doubt he will tolerate beasley

Captain Jack was washed. Why would he want to "handle" him when at this point he wasn't even top 8 in the rotation?
2011-2014 Former Pacers Player

Everyone there was worried about Roy. He’s great for your defense when he’s engaged but the dude is just flaky. He would just sit at his locker during halftimes and after the game just smiling, being like, everything’s great, everything’s great. Meanwhile, he was working on zero everythings. There were all types of rumors out there but none of that was true. As far as I know, anyway. I don’t know, they never really talked to me much after Roy called me selfish. I know he was talking about me. He’d always say, “I need the ball. I need the ball.” Meanwhile he got like two points on eight shots, no rebounds, and his post moves look like they need a hand crank to start them up. Toward the end, Larry was making us tweet out these pictures of us pretending we all liked each other. I was never in those. I’m from Brooklyn, I ain’t never fished in my life.

No wonder Lance left the Pacers :lol:
True, but I also think Beasley's defense is so bad that he wouldn't have played enough for Thibs to lead the Bulls in scoring. If he couldn't get any PT in Miami because of his defensive deficiencies; he sure wouldn't play for the Bulls.

yeah that's definitely true. thibs wouldn't player jimmer or snell despite having the worst offense ive ever seen.

did jimmer end up signing somewhere?

beasley can hit the mid range , and athletic enough to take it to the rack. im not sure thats the skill set miami needed with Lebron, Wade, Bosh
There is a misconception that Beasley is a good offensive player.

Yeah. I gave up on Beasley a while ago. People think because he occasionally has big offensive nights - that he's secretly this Melo-lite on offense and he just can't play defense. Nah. He can't get to the rim consistently. When he does get there, he can't finish or draw fouls at a decent rate. He turns it over. Is pretty weak mentally and gets very down on himself if he's yanked by the coach or if he makes a mistake. He takes far too many pull up jumpers with a defender in his face - and doesn't make them at a high enough clip to justify the shot. Fortunately for Beas, he's actually a really gifted shooter - it's why he'll keep getting chances. And he's not a great athlete but he does have good size. So he does have potential.

That's not even mentioning defense.

I like the guy a lot though. I hope he puts it together. He can do it if he gets his confidence up, moves the ball more and learns to pick his spots better. He has talent. Not superstar talent. But at least - 5th starter or scoring punch off the bench type talent.
why would anyone respect smush parkers opinion, the man is wearing a straw hat fedora and sporting cornrows in 2014. plus he has a t-shirt over a dress shirt.
@pums I still don't see what Plumlee's full potential or progression has to do with me saying "he will probably win an NBA Championship one day."

He has a skill set right now that Title Contenders will always go after.

Therefore it is likely he will land in a spot giving him ample opportunity to win a Chip.

If he regresses or gets injured he won't be sought after as much, that's common sense.
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