2013 New York Yankees season thread Vol. (85-77) OFFSEASON

Playing devil's advocate for the moment, would going learn with Cano had been such a terrible idea. I see most keep mentioning "paat Yankees low term mistakes" but the only two legitimate long term deals se've been involved in during the post dynasty era were Jason Giambi's and Alex Rodriguez. While hindaight is 20/20, one big variable in their contracts looking so bad was their steroid usage and eventual breakdown as a result of it
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Was reading Free Agency survey of MLB Execs on ESPN.... When asked about Matt Garza, Yankees and Orioles were most popular picks for him to go to..

If that's the case, we must be talking to him.
Robbie giving us the dueces in that pic. :lol:

That was my first thought too :smh:

Was reading Free Agency survey of MLB Execs on ESPN.... When asked about Matt Garza, Yankees and Orioles were most popular picks for him to go to..

If that's the case, we must be talking to him.

Yankees have been talking to him. I don't like him. I think he's gonna get way more money than what he's worth.
Was reading Free Agency survey of MLB Execs on ESPN.... When asked about Matt Garza, Yankees and Orioles were most popular picks for him to go to..

If that's the case, we must be talking to him.

Yankees have been talking to him. I don't like him. I think he's gonna get way more money than what he's worth.

I don't know if we'll need him... But if Tanaka isn't a Yankee, we will basically be sitting around with 3 starters and again $300milion down the drain.

Garza as the #3 or #4 starter is a pretty good investment..

In the situation that we sign Garza and could get Tanaka, we then have more pitchers than we need.. And that's a good problem to have.
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Essential and I were talking about it on Twitter...10 years was simply too much no matter the player. If Cano was 23-26 it would have been another story but at 31 that's just a foolish mistake.


We sign Beltran. I wasn't a huge fan because I'm tired of getting older but he clearly can hit and he is gonna be productive.

Ellsbury, Beltran, Soriano/Gardner.

Someone is getting traded...

We need a pitcher and a 2B...I think Tanaka is looking less likely so I'd like to go after a Garza if we can. So far I think we have made enough big splashes to give us hope. I just think the holes we have from Cano is gonna be hard to fill. Ells, McCann, Beltran make up the numbers and then some but it's a gaping hole at 2nd.
Essential and I were talking about it on Twitter...10 years was simply too much no matter the player. If Cano was 23-26 it would have been another story but at 31 that's just a foolish mistake.


We sign Beltran. I wasn't a huge fan because I'm tired of getting older but he clearly can hit and he is gonna be productive.

Ellsbury, Beltran, Soriano/Gardner.

Someone is getting traded...

We need a pitcher and a 2B...I think Tanaka is looking less likely so I'd like to go after a Garza if we can. So far I think we have made enough big splashes to give us hope. I just think the holes we have from Cano is gonna be hard to fill. Ells, McCann, Beltran make up the numbers and then some but it's a gaping hole at 2nd.

Out of those four OF. I don't see any of them getting traded.. Because Sori will move to DH.. And it now allows us to platoon the DH like we need to.... Sori, Beltran, Jeter, McCann will all get time DHing.

I think if you get Infante or Phillips (who is less likely to be traded) you recovery a good amount of the numbers.. Maybe 2/3's... You'll never fully replace Cano. But you can make a good effort.. It's why I want nothing to do with Scutaro. Will hit the ball and get on base, but won't produce anything.

As for pitching, I think we need to round up what we can in terms of prospects with Ichiro to get a mid-rotation starter (if they don't want to enter into the Free Agency market)

I fully believe we need 6 capable starters this year (Pineda being 6th) to be secure.
Not trying to mitigate Robbie as player, but we've won multiple WS with Chuck Knoblauch at 2B.

I'm more concerned about our SP and bullpen.

So Cano didnt want to play for Girardi because he was batted 2nd? Even though statistically he benefited from the protection?
It's not exactly the sensational stuff of a tell-all book, but it's possible that a combination of perceived slights persuaded Cano that the Yankees didn't quite want him enough, even if the money were to be equal.


So stupid. You offer a guy $25mill/yr. for someone you don't want? :rofl:
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Thoughts on Soriano returning to 2B? :nerd:

Don't think it'll happen or would even be a good idea, but just something to consider as a slight possibility. Beltran in LF/DH and trade Gardner for pitching. Kelly Johnson at 3B/LF.
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Do you remember what it was like him playing there? Now add on 10 years. :lol:

:lol: Nah I know, which is why I noted it wouldn't be the best of ideas. More of a thought approach on how to justify trading a guy like Gardner for pitching.

Sori in LF > for sure over him at 2B.
Popular rumor is to trade Gardy because of surplus in the OF.

But supposedly the Yanks brass is strongly considering keeping him for strong defense teamed with Ells in the OF. Speed on the base paths also a tempting proposition.
Gardner would bring back something in a trade but why risk it? Not predicting Ellsbury will get hurt but based on history, the chances of him playing 162 are low. They could easily try and trade Ichiro and Wells if they agree to pay part of their salary. They may have to pay about half of Ichiro's salary but it would still save them $3 mil. And Wells is done as a everyday player but he's only owed $2.4 mil and I'm sure some team would be willing to trade for him and pay $1 mil for a bench player.
@Buster_ESPN 13s
It's more likely the Yankees trade for infield help than sign a free agent, given the prices of the moment.

If they trade Gardner.. That is ******g ridiculous....


Unless they get a Superstar caliber player at 2B or 3B any trade was likely a bad one that created one hole to fill another.
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Yankees are busy this week. lolol
I like Beltran coming on board.

they should keep Gardner tho. keep some speed on the basepaths. speed and power in thelineup helped Boston win it.

ichiro can go, but who will take him? lol
I'm only open to trading Gardner in the right deal

And there's zero chance Soriano plays 2nd ever again
Don't like Cano leaving but I can't blame both sides for it. Seattle is going to be lucky if they get 5 solid years with Cano. I bet half of that contract is going to end up being a disaster for them. Yankees need to work on the pitching next, I hope they post that guy Tatanka and he is the real deal, if not we gotta work out some trades.
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