2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

(top sports) schools make tons of money what are you talking about?

$740 million? Where are you pulling that info from?

You're saying aTm went from $120 million in 2011-2012 to $740 million?


Only 23 universities posted a profit last year. Twenty Three!

Just let them get paid the way they've been getting paid, under the table and without Uncle Sam's grubby paws all over players cash. If you are a high profile player, you are getting paid already. It just isn't official. NCAA needs to back the **** off, they can't stop it, don't know how to stop it and look like a bunch of incompetent ******s when trying to do anything about it.
He's talking about fundraising from donors Iron Man (that's what the $740MM number is anyways).

$740MM is pretty misleading. That was for the university as a whole. $350MM of it went to the Texas A&M Foundation with about $275MM going to the 12th Man Foundation (the athletics fundraising arm). That number is also so big because of the donors that jumped on board with seven and eight figure donations in support of the updated stadium.
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Only 23 universities posted a profit last year. Twenty Three!

See, that's part of the argument I suppose. 23 post profit, but how many blow thru tons of cash?

As Foster said, he was out there ballin, comes home to empty fridge. Goes to practice next day and coach rolls up in his Lexus.

How many coaches, AD's, etc make a boatload of coin? So when those schools don't "post profits" but spend all over the place, isn't there some slack that can be pulled back in line?

Aye man, I work for a joint that barely hooks up raises or bonuses, but I know of a few upper level folk that jump on the company plane to get to Vegas for lunch.

Serious. 9 damn years, get tossed a couple extra nickels, but man up top hops on the leer for a salad.

So all those schools that "don't post profit" but they sure do generate revenue, don't they? Somebody's gettin it.
He's talking about fundraising from donors Iron Man (that's what the $740MM number is anyways).

$740MM is pretty misleading. That was for the university as a whole. $350MM of it went to the Texas A&M Foundation with about $275MM going to the 12th Man Foundation (the athletics fundraising arm). That number is also so big because of the donors that jumped on board with seven and eight figure donations in support of the updated stadium.

It's completely misleading, :lol:. Some private universities raise billions, has nothing to do, or very little to do, with athletics. In 2011, Stanford raised $709 million dollars, nobody cried for Andrew Luck, :lol:

That $740 million figure though, :wow:, that's impressive... that's Stanford/Harvard territory.
Women's sports and other non revenue generating sports are the reason athletic departments don't profit. They run those at a deficit. They're essentially welfare sports. If they could cut women's sports they would but who wants to have problems with the government.
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He's talking about fundraising from donors Iron Man (that's what the $740MM number is anyways).

$740MM is pretty misleading. That was for the university as a whole. $350MM of it went to the Texas A&M Foundation with about $275MM going to the 12th Man Foundation (the athletics fundraising arm). That number is also so big because of the donors that jumped on board with seven and eight figure donations in support of the updated stadium.

right, but why is a school like texas a&m all of a sudden getting all this money? it's not because of their agricultural program

their qb's success had everything to do with it. he should reap the benefits of the financial success of the school, which he's directly responsible for

and some of you seriously believe the school isn't profiting from their qb's success in a large way? just cause some schools dont admit to a profit doesn't mean they're not making crazy amounts of money from top to bottom. everyone, but the "student athlete"

all these damn schools are making money or else they'd turn into university of arizona online quickfast
right, but why is a school like texas a&m all of a sudden getting all this money? it's not because of their agricultural program

their qb's success had everything to do with it. he should reap the benefits of the financial success of the school, which he's directly responsible for

and some of you seriously believe the school isn't profiting from their qb's success in a large way? just cause some schools dont admit to a profit doesn't mean they're not making crazy amounts of money from top to bottom. everyone, but the "student athlete"

all these damn schools are making money or else they'd turn into university of arizona online quickfast

It's Texas, so yeah you can attribute it to the success of the football team which Manziel has a part of. However, your argument is invalid since you're making a blanket statement. It isn't about "admitting" as you say, those figures are reported, notice how there are tons of private schools missing from the list? That is because they don't have to volunteer that information.

Here are the top 20 fundraising schools, majority of them don't even have respectable sports programs, :lol:


Donations/Endowments come in different forms and for many reasons, saying that athletics is the sole reason or the driving force is absurd. Is it a factor, of course, but it's one of many.
I mean about half of that $740 was earmarked specifically for the education side of things. Like Iron Man said, athletics isn't the sole reason. It's a big reason, but it's certainly not the only reason.

Oil & Gas boom + one of the top petroleum engineering programs in the nation = loads and loads and loads of cash for graduates who are typically known for being extremely loyal to their school. The school has grown a lot even since I graduated just 2 years ago.
argument invalid? no, your reading comprehension is invalid

i certainly didn't claim that athletics are the sole reason for donations across all schools

i used one example - texas a&m - and related it to top sports schools in the country (not a school like yale)
a school like that doesn't make a sharp jump (nearly double the amount from the previous year) in donations if it weren't for the football team and qb's success
argument invalid? no, your reading comprehension is invalid

i certainly didn't claim that athletics are the sole reason for donations across all schools

i used one example - texas a&m - and related it to top sports schools in the country (not a school like yale)

Your argument is that high profile players should get paid. Your example was Texas A&M and Johnny Manziel. One of your points was that donations for the school tripled because of Johnny Manziel.

right, but why is a school like texas a&m all of a sudden getting all this money? it's not because of their agricultural program

their qb's success had everything to do with it. he should reap the benefits of the financial success of the school, which he's directly responsible for

What am I not comprehending?

If anything it's a terrible example to try to validate your point. Opening the pandora's box of paying a high profile athlete is a very convoluted issue. Who decides what players are "high profile"? Who decides the pay scale? Are we talking endorsements or a set salary? Since they are getting paid for their services, is the scholarship still a part of their package or are they ineligible for scholarships?

a school like that doesn't make a sharp jump (nearly double the amount from the previous year) in donations if it weren't for the football team and qb's success

Refer to tmay's post, can some of it be attributed to the success of the football program? Yes, it's undeniable. It also helps that their is an Oil & Gas boom near the University, and that the University is growing/expanding.

They really need to change the review policy on calling plays dead OB.

That boy had free reign to the paint. 

Meanwhile, dudes are going OB twice over on the same play and nothing is called...
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On-campus/Tropical Park idea is never going to happen. I'm just being realistic, Sun Life is our home for the foreseeable future.
coral gables is to urbanized for that kinda traffic , tropical park i think could be a option , right off the highway and its 10-15 minutes away

from the school
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They really need to change the review policy on calling plays dead OB.

That boy had free reign to the paint. :smh:  

Meanwhile, dudes are going OB twice over on the same play and nothing is called...

Not really much they could have done since the ref blew the whistle. If anything they should do the automatic review after every TD which would have possibly made the ref not blow the whistle since he knew it would be reviewed
That's my point on the premature whistles.

It could be like a clear path foul in basketball.

Allow the whistle to be reviewed.

You then concede the points, because nobody was getting in the way of that 6 points.

But like you said, swallowing the whistle and going to review post play solves a lot.

Is it just me or have the refs/officials been extra lousy this season, thus far?

And I usually never blame games on the refs...
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In that play even tho the whistle blew the play continued because nobody heard it. Even the refs raised there hands and signaled touchdown. In a play like that if your not 100% sure he stepped out don't blow the whistle then review it after. Ref was so confident he stepped out and was wrong.
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