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Spoke to my Nike Connect, CONFIRMED: these are happening this year. QS thats all I know for now.

I'll try coping a few pairs but I'm deeply worried about quality issues...Right now I'm wearing a pair of 2012 Bred IVs,3rd or 4th time wearing them and the inner side of the left shoe midsole started chipping,both the black part AND the white part...
Damn you Nike,damn you...

I remember back in 2002 wearing a pair of 99 Bred IVs and after 2-3 years of wearing them without mercy,they were still rockin' hard without the slightest trace of midsole chipping.Is it THAT difficult to "build" them like you used to Nike?

Sorry for the ranting,but I'm pretty mad right now...
^Yeah I heard of paint chipping even on the WC '88s as well. That's the only reason why I don't like copping a lot of IIIs and IVs because of that dreaded paint chipping. I know its gonna happen eventually but it shouldn't happen within the first 10 wears unless you are really running those things in the ground
I'll try coping a few pairs but I'm deeply worried about quality issues...Right now I'm wearing a pair of 2012 Bred IVs,3rd or 4th time wearing them and the inner side of the left shoe midsole started chipping,both the black part AND the white part... :smh: Damn you Nike,damn you... >:

I remember back in 2002 wearing a pair of 99 Bred IVs and after 2-3 years of wearing them without mercy,they were still rockin' hard without the slightest trace of midsole chipping.Is it THAT difficult to "build" them like you used to Nike? :smh:

Sorry for the ranting,but I'm pretty mad right now...

Same thing happened to mine :smh:

Those are my 2nd favorite colorway of my favorite model :smh:

I wish Nike would get their **** together lol
lol...chill with the off topic photos fam.there is a thread for ivs and this is not it.
 I bet your future photos of your chipped 3s will be definitely chilled and on-topic.

(Or you can post them in the IV section and call it a draw.)
i wonder what can jb do to fix that issue because its clearly a problem?

They don't wanna do anything. Your pairs will crack and then you'll buy the new retro 2 years later because they are cracked lol. If they didn't crack and they looked fine people wouldn't wanna double up or buy new the same shoe every 3 years. Same thing with icy soles.

We can get to mars, you think JB can't make a non-crackable midsole? lol
 I bet your future photos of your chipped 3s will be definitely chilled and on-topic.

(Or you can post them in the IV section and call it a draw.)

actually ive worn my 88 Cement IIIs a good amount of times and they dont have one single paint chip. If anything, the midsole foam just slightly creases from use but no chipping at all.
actually ive worn my 88 Cement IIIs a good amount of times and they dont have one single paint chip. If anything, the midsole foam just slightly creases from use but no chipping at all.
Glad for you! I wish that's the case with the new ones too because the 3s are my 2nd all time favorite...
Glad these R releasing. Probably All-Star weekend!
Especially if his B -Day falls on the same weekend.
Been wnting to do a restore production on my 01' pair
But dnt wanna mess them up any more than they R.
Ill touch them up and put them to rest. "Wow" I just noticed
That my 01' pair have different production dates. The left
Shoe says 3-9-01, & the right shoe says 3-12-01. Never
Really paid attention to production dates bck then. One thing
I thought wz always weird is that both shoes have different upper leather.
Ones a tumble pebble upper leather, and the other is a smooth buttery leather.
Glad these R releasing. Probably All-Star weekend!
Especially if his B -Day falls on the same weekend.
Been wnting to do a restore production on my 01' pair
But dnt wanna mess them up any more than they R.
Ill touch them up and put them to rest. "Wow" I just noticed
That my 01' pair have different production dates. The left
Shoe says 3-9-01, & the right shoe says 3-12-01. Never
Really paid attention to production dates bck then. One thing
I thought wz always weird is that both shoes have different upper leather.
Ones a tumble pebble upper leather, and the other is a smooth buttery leather.
My pairs of 88s from this year had different production dates. I think in factories they produce the left and right shoe separately in different time periods. 
And to those doubting these will release in november, how come factories have already produced large numbers of these

No way in hell they are making them now to release in February, November makes way more sense specially since thats shopping season, i just hope they are a GR this time around

And if not im copping multiples to trade
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